
Total Results: 1,108 records

Showing results for "approach".

    April 01, 2019 - But the extent to which health systems actually execute this approach is highly variable.” … Baylor Scott & White Health’s employees, who are covered under the ACO, are benefiting from this approach … Many are simple changes involving a new approach that a frontline clinician has identified to complete … But the extent to which health systems actually execute this approach is highly variable.”
    April 01, 2015 - Committee for Quality Assurance patient-centered medical home (PCMH) model, using a rapid-cycle testing approach … regular meetings and ongoing communication with providers and staff; used a more patient-centered approach
    June 01, 2014 - public reporting of health IT-enabled care coordination, and (3) social network analysis as a novel approach … In an example of an organization-level SNA approach to examining care coordination, Nageswaran and co-authors … This patient-centric approach differs from other applications of SNA that have examined networks defined … However, it is likely that one formerly common approach to care coordination measurement—manual chart
    October 01, 2014 - A promising approach would be to have two champions per shift. … This approach ensures that a champion is always available and assists with succession planning if one … Another approach that has been used successfully is to have several staff on the unit serve as pressure … While this approach may not have the public visibility of a Unit Champion, it brings the benefits of … You should consider which approach will be most successful in your organization.
    April 01, 2015 - Therefore, a more systematic approach was subsequently adopted for QI and changing workflow practices … However, an incremental approach that cultivated in-house leaders who then developed technical expertise
    May 01, 2017 - Slide 2 SAY: This first module offers an outline and brief history of the CUSP approach to improving … The proper management approach is to console providers who have committed a human error and to ensure … The best approach to dealing with at-risk behavior is to remove any incentives for engaging in it and
    October 01, 2014 - Programs can also follow a "population-based" approach by including their entire FFS and PCCM population … have targeted members with specific diseases, States are moving toward programs with a more holistic approach … This approach addresses members' multiple physical, mental, and social needs, including comorbidities … approach to their care management programs. … Similar to targeting members at high risk or with high utilization patterns, the population-based approach
  8. Slide 1 (ppt file)
    February 17, 2011 - appreciate how large-scale change unfolds Because we don’t know how to do so (or at least we don’t approach … centers of influence) Rules base Financing paradigms Geography * * Method Technical approach
    September 01, 2022 - While few clinicians currently conceptualize tests through a lens of benefits and harms, the approach … In addition, repeated practice with clear, actionable feedback is a classic and effective learning approach … Once internalized, this approach is largely intuitive and uses information provided at the point of … The threshold approach to clinical decision making. … A novel approach to the determination of clinical decision thresholds.
    May 10, 2018 - The rationale for risk-based approach is based on the fact the absolute benefits of treatment are proportional … Gray to see how this approach can be used. Mr. … Using our approach, he is someone who you would engage in shared decision making with. … Secondly, you should use a risk-based approach to treatment decision making.
    April 01, 2022 - urinary tract infection (CAUTI) in the hospital setting, and introduces a new, tiered interventional approach
    October 01, 2014 - Gold This project is working toward an innovative and effective approach for allowing public citizens … performance of citizens' focus groups and recommendations for steps required to develop and implement this approach
    June 01, 2018 - Approach. … Initial Approach. … Approach . … Approach . … Approach. Unweighted linear regression.
    July 01, 2018 - UMLN II hospitals were divided in the approach they used, with some hospitals primarily using a top-down … approach to strategy selection and others using a more bottom-up approach.
    July 22, 2015 - North Carolina IMPaCT funding was used to deepen North Carolina’s existing multipronged approach to … All of the grantees we interviewed noted that a “demand-driven” rather than “supply-driven” approach … Idaho Idaho took a statewide approach to the redesign of primary care support. … However, North Carolina used a formal approach including an application process and partnership with … Population management approach.
    March 01, 2015 - This approach is similar to the shared decisionmaking approach that you may be using with your patients
    April 04, 2016 - How does this approach fit with your practice’s overall approach to how your practice operates and … 16) In general, how have you used a team approach when making changes in your practice?
    July 01, 2013 - Marcus's Answer: FsQCA [Fuzzy-Set Qualitative Comparative Analysis] was set up to support an approach … Question:  How should investigators approach writing grants that propose to use QCA, given most reviewers … Question:  What are the relative advantages and disadvantages of using this approach vs. a cluster RCT
    January 01, 2014 - Plan your approach. 3. Estimate the time and expenses associated with implementation. 4. … down approach to strategy selection and others using a more bottom-up approach. … Plan the approach. 3. Estimate the time and expenses associated with implementation. 4. … Approach 39 Project Team Members Name Department Role on Team A. … The Improvement Guide: A Practical Approach to Improving Organizational Performance Gerald J.
    September 01, 2018 - Database Measure Inventory AHRQ is undertaking activities to develop an effective and feasible approach … Health Systems, 2016, Technical Documentation summarizes the approach taken to create the list of U.S

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