
Total Results: 956 records

Showing results for "approach".

    November 01, 2023 - ability to answer the questions and obtained stakeholder input on the draft survey and implementation approach
    April 01, 2022 - administrative/learning core, an engineering core, and multidisciplinary teams to stimulate a systematic approach … One of the lab’s successes was at Boston Children’s Hospital, which created a new approach to patient
    July 01, 2023 - assertive statements: DESC (Describe, Express, Suggest, Consequences) Script DESC is a constructive approach
    July 01, 2023 - TeamSTEPPS website includes much more information about them (Slide 14), we recommend you use the same approach
    June 01, 2017 - Cancer Mortality: Developing a New Cancer Care Variable Using Mixed Methods and the Quasi-Statistical Approach … Cancer Mortality: Developing a New Cancer Care Variable Using Mixed Methods and the Quasi-Statistical Approach … Elucidate tension between productivity and quality: Explore differences in the way providers approach
    January 01, 2021 - The technical approach combined formative qualitative research with quality improvement techniques … A third theme is that the approach to primary care-based PCMH interventions may vary depending on the … potential key components for the conceptual framework, or perhaps more broadly, the primary care-led approach … many existing primary care-based care coordination models can be used to inform the primary care-led approach … A one-size-fits-all approach would be ill suited for the diversity of primary care practices and their
    February 01, 2019 - Agreeing on an approach to implementation paves the way for shared expectations of how different members … Once a practice chooses a QI approach and tools and sets improvement goals, it can identify and test … Adopt a consistent QI approach and use QI tools to make changes Attempts to implement new evidence can … be inefficient and ineffective unless practices use a systematic approach to achieve identified goals … Regardless of which QI approach a practice chooses, the QI team can use it to set goals and develop
    January 01, 2012 - Therefore, patients with complex needs would particularly benefit from the systems-based approach to … In Figure 2 we explain our approach to identifying and selecting the five programs. … Figure 2 explains the approach used to identify the five programs the study examined. … As with the PACE model, relying on this approach to address the range of needs for most complex-needs … Amount of Payment to PCPs Many questions remain regarding the best approach to reforming payment in
    April 01, 2024 - SHARE: More topics in this section News Newsroom Press Releases AHRQ Social Media AHRQ Stats Impact Case Studies Blog Newsletter Events Research Funding Opportunities from AHRQ Health …
  10. Introduction (pdf file)
    September 01, 2015 - Introduction Primary Care Practice Facilitation Curriculum Introduction Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Advancing Excellence in Health Care Primary Care Practice Facilitation Curriculum Introduction Prepared for: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality U.S. Department…
    March 01, 2013 - The PCMH is a primary care approach that aims to improve quality, cost, and patient and provider experience … In a PCMH context, the TKA offers a structured, rigorous approach to yield more comprehensive and contextually … A key advantage of CTA is that its structured approach to elicitation and its focus on macrocognition … Perception-action coupling in endoscopic surgery: a cognitive task analysis approach. … Perception-action coupling in endoscopic surgery: a cognitive task analysis approach.
    October 01, 2020 - The toolkit uses an evidence-based approach to identify solutions, proactive process that can mitigate
    February 01, 2021 - The draft report also describes an approach that has shown success in encouraging providers to use effective
    November 15, 2022 - This approach would require modifying current systems used to identify patient safety events (e.g., … When used as a problem-solving approach, critical consciousness may activate clinicians to advocate … diagnostic errors and growing atten- tion to longstanding issues of inequity in healthcare, a multi- pronged approach
    October 01, 2008 - All-Payer Claims AHRQ activities focus on developing an effective, feasible approach for using all-payer
    October 01, 2008 - All-Payer Claims AHRQ activities focus on developing an effective, feasible approach for using all-payer
    August 24, 2017 - or expert can lend tremendous expertise to the Implementation Team by helping to apply a systematic approach … Improvement efforts tend to be most successful when teams follow a systematic QI approach to analysis … The Plan, Do, Study, Act (PDSA) approach, as well as other systematic approaches, are described on page … quality improvement method/framework/tool used is not important; what matters is using a systematic approach … SAY: This is an example of a process map from a hospital that used a Lean Six Sigma transformation approach
    September 01, 2017 - or expert can lend tremendous expertise to the Implementation Team by helping to apply a systematic approach … Improvement efforts tend to be most successful when teams follow a systematic QI approach to analysis … The Plan, Do, Study, Act (PDSA) approach, as well as other systematic approaches, are described on page … quality improvement method/framework/tool used is not important; what matters is using a systematic approach … Say: This is an example of a process map from a hospital that used a Lean Six Sigma transformation approach
    May 01, 2019 - Evaluation: a systematic approach. 7th ed. Sage Publications: Thousand Oaks, California; 2003.
    June 01, 2021 - Quality and Disparities Report Chartbooks Online Query Tool Practice Improvement The SHARE Approach

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