January 01, 2024 - The findings showed that Approach 4 achieved the best match of birth counts relative to CDC birth record … identify diagnostic errors and classify process failures, but respect your context; 3) Develop a standard approach … The primary outcome observed was incidence and surgical approach for both ventral and inguinal hernia … Open repair was the most common surgical approach (ventral: 86%, open: 77%).
March 01, 2016 - First, we describe strategies
that might help practices adopt a patient-centered approach to planning … Many practices may face challenges in implementing a patient-centered team-based
approach, as these … In additional to an organizational commitment to patient-centeredness, a patient-centered
approach … When a practice decides to adopt a team-based approach to
care, practice leadership, clinicians, and … Adopting a patient-centered approach to planning and delivering team-based care
January 01, 2013 - OKPRN proudly contrasts its facilitation approach with the “parachute in”
model of one-time consultation … Such
an approach might be possible if Congress funded the Primary Care Extension Service provision of … OKPRN’S Practice Facilitation Approach
OKPRN sees one of its primary goals as helping practices to provide … Building a Foundation for Facilitation: A Relationship-Centered Approach
OKPRN staff believe that the … for Facilitation: A Relationship-Centered Approach
Stages of the PEA intervention
September 01, 2019 - This approach highlights variation in the scores and communicates that good diabetes care involves multiple … This approach works better if users can look at the individual measures as well as the summary score,
June 01, 2021 - the Diagnosis and Treatment of Sepsis
Best Practices in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Bacteremia
April 01, 2022 - Through this work, researchers describe a stepwise approach to implementing a QI-based parent advisory … Creating a comprehensive, unit-based approach to detecting and preventing harm in the neonatal intensive
September 01, 2019 - Quality Report
Effective promotion of a comparative quality report requires a multi-faceted approach
April 01, 2022 - Quality Improvement in Action (PowerPoint, 7.3 MB; Facilitator's Notes , Word, 1.3 MB)
Using a Tiered Approach
November 01, 2021 - SHARE:
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July 01, 2013 - Marcus's Answer: FsQCA [Fuzzy-Set Qualitative Comparative Analysis] was set up to support an approach … Question: How should investigators approach writing grants that propose to use QCA, given most reviewers … Question: What are the relative advantages and disadvantages of using this approach vs. a cluster RCT
May 01, 2023 - This approach is useful in identifying hot spots in hospitalization rates and examining how the rates
March 01, 2020 - Section 4: Ways To Approach the Quality Improvement Process
Section 5: Determining Where To Focus … Do the physicians agree on the best approach to these issues? … Implementing clinical guidelines: a quality management approach to reminder systems.
February 01, 2024 - SHARE:
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June 01, 2011 - One approach to decreasing fragmentation, improving coordination, and placing greater emphasis on the … coordinated across all the elements of the health system, superb access to care, and a systems-based approach … Second, and perhaps more important, FFS as a general payment approach tends to reward an increased volume … One approach to help make sure that practices routinely and efficiently perform these tasks for all of … Another approach that draws on advantages of the hospitalist model, while still enhancing hospital-PCC
February 01, 2011 - A systems-based approach to quality and safety that
the health care system by reorganizing the way primary
February 01, 2011 - A systems-based approach to quality and safety that
the health care system by reorganizing the way primary
February 01, 2011 - A systems-based approach to quality and safety that includes gathering and responding to patient experience
June 01, 2010 - The
PCMH model is an approach that strengthens the main features of high quality, comprehensive
primary … This holistic approach is also a central element of
integrated approaches to mental health treatment … Systems-Based Approach to Quality Improvement
Similar to the PCMH, strategies used to deliver mental … A staged approach to implementation
of the PCMH overall, and to integration of mental health services … A common factors
approach to improving the mental health capacity of
pediatric primary care.
March 01, 2024 - Hickman is known for her balanced approach to achieving financial and operational success while also
June 01, 2020 - Learning health systems likewise were described by participants as an approach to increasing the relevance … research interview participant explained:
I do believe the whole learning health system research approach … Study participants representing both HSR and PCR suggested a similar general approach to the prioritization