
Total Results: 908 records

Showing results for "approach".

    September 01, 2017 - Use this measurement approach consistently throughout the hospital. … Tailored approach to each patient, based on the patient’s risk factors.
    April 01, 2011 - Ensuring safe transitions from hospital to home requires a systematic approach that includes the patient … In this type of approach, specially trained staff meet with patients before (and sometimes after) discharge … This approach involves working with patients and families rather than only doing something to or for … Identify lessons learned from the single-unit pilot implementation, refine your approach, and then spread
    January 01, 2022 - This document summarizes the approach taken to create the 2022 hospital linkage file. … In this section, we first describe the hospital-to-hospital matching approach to link hospitals in the … We then describe the approach to link hospitals to systems. A. … Also, we take a fairly inclusive approach, only requiring that one data source indicate a hospital is … This approach assumes that all hospitals under a CCN are linked to the same system.xii D.
    January 05, 2022 - This approach is an example of shared leadership.
    March 19, 2014 - TeamSTEPPS Specialty Scenarios: Ancillary Services TeamSTEPPS 2.0 Specialty Scenarios - 13 Specialty Scenarios ANCILLARY SERVICES Specialty Scenarios - 14 TeamSTEPPS 2.0 Specialty Scenarios Ancillary Services Scenario 9 Appropriate for: All Specialties Setting: Hospital A patient presen…
    March 18, 2014 - TeamSTEPPS Speciality Scenarios - Combat Care TeamSTEPPS 2.0 Specialty Scenarios - 137 Specialty Scenarios COMBAT CARE Specialty Scenarios - 138 TeamSTEPPS 2.0 Specialty Scenarios Combat Care Scenario 117 Appropriate for: All Specialties Setting: Hospital A 22-year-old patient is brough…
    March 01, 2017 - purpose of this guide and the appended tools is to provide long-term care (LTC) facilities with an approach … One approach to manage change and train staff to institute improvement is through the use of the Plan-Do-Study-Act … tools, may be piloted to see what contributes to improving safety culture to sustain or modify your approach … From Defects tool in module 2 of the Long-Term Care Safety Toolkit Modules provides a team-based approach … The CAUTI Case Review Form found in Appendix K provides an approach to specifically identify reasons
    April 01, 2011 - Ensuring safe transitions from hospital to home requires a systematic approach that includes the patient … In this type of approach, specially trained staff meet with patients before (and sometimes after) discharge … This approach involves working with patients and families rather than only doing something to or for … Identify lessons learned from the single-unit pilot implementation, refine your approach, and then spread

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