December 04, 2019 - Purpose of the Review and Approach
This review has three main objectives, all with the shared purpose … One direct approach is to identify the patients with the highest costs during a historical time period … Using this approach, the scope, focus, and refinement of the review evolve as the review proceeds; the … Several additional assumptions underlying the success of this approach is that the HNHC patients can … Table 4 below illustrates the approach.
Table 4.
September 01, 2012 - Machine Learning Approach
The overall machine learning approach applied to this project approach uses … The first approach (―Augmented MeSH Approach‖) had achieved good performance in
testing on drug comparative … The second approach, which we call ―Text Mining Approach,‖ solely uses words from the
articles' titles … the Text Mining Approach. … The surgical approach targets the posterolateral wall through a novel
posterior approach.
July 01, 2012 - Although the GRADE approach can be used to make judgments
about the strength of an evidence base and … GRADE advocates an ordinal approach with a
ranking from high, moderate, or low, to very low. … This is adapted from the GRADE approach and the
EPC General Methods Guide. … It is reasonable to use either a flexible qualitative approach or an ordinal approach
to grading each … ordinal approach ranging from high to insufficient strength of evidence.
September 01, 2012 - We also created a ―hybrid‖
approach that used the maximum prediction probability of relevance from … Our approach is parsimonious in that we used only these 121 variables, instead
of the full text approach … However, this approach still provided potential benefits once we selected a
suitable threshold. … A modified approach using both text- and MeSH-derived features could be helpful. … Finally, we identified a small false negative rate associated with our approach.
October 02, 2018 - community reinforcement approach. … Contingency management / motivational incentives: a treatment approach that provides the
adolescent … Family behavioral therapy: a family-focused therapy approach that applies principles of
operant and … Family education: a family-focused treatment approach that focuses on providing education
about the … Family systems therapy: a family-focused therapy approach that attempts to restructure
January 26, 2013 - 9)
Anti-microbial agents have typically been used to manage AOM, but a “wait and see” approach … “Wait and see” approach:
a. Does ear pain decrease?
b. Is the fever gone?
2. … Uncomplicated AOM, the existing
research suggests the “wait and see” approach (9). … “Wait and see” approach (9).
Parent/ Guardian Instructions:
1. Keep ears clean and dry
May 01, 2012 - to reach judgment
(GRADE Working Group, EPC’s own qualitative approach, EPC’s
own quantitative approach … , hybrid approach)
· Same approach to combining domain scores when evidence is a
combination of observational … The methods approach for
qualitative assessment differed across reviewers. … based on guidance in Owens et al.;
the EPC‘s own approach; the EPCs own qualitative approach guided … We advised reviewers to try this
approach first.
December 01, 2012 - Areas of uncertainty include selecting
the optimal approach to treatment planning (imaging vs. … Five studies compared an open versus
laparoscopic approach for the same procedure (one good
quality … Success of the ensuing
surgeries was also similar, regardless of exploratory
approach. … One fair-quality and two poor-quality studies compared
the use of a laparoscopic approach with open … Similarly, strength of evidence was low
for the effect of the approach on atrophy.
March 03, 2014 - Systematic Reviews of Complex Multicomponent Health Care Interventions
White Paper March 3, 2014 Web Version [NLM Site] Download Main Document PDF 520 KB
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August 04, 2022 - that use telehealth for integration
The baseline requirement is that the practice design of the
approach … Study
• Experimental and observational studies that describe and
evaluate integration approach … The baseline requirement is that the
practice design of the approach is one that facilitates … Our approach to describing the quality of the included studies will be
driven by the volume of studies … We will review and
highlight studies by using a hierarchy-of-evidence approach, where the best evidence
November 07, 2019 - Purpose of the Review and Approach
This review has three main objectives, all with the shared purpose … One direct approach is to identify the patients with the highest costs during a historical
time period … Using this approach, the scope, focus, and refinement of
the review evolve as the review proceeds; the … Several additional assumptions underlying the success of this approach is that
the HNHC patients can … Table 4
below illustrates the approach.
December 07, 2009 - developing a clinical guideline, working with a policy with large uncertainty about the appropriate approach … States are faced with developing policies with large uncertainty about the appropriate approach and effectiveness … Answers to these questions would help determine a more effective and efficient approach to the care of
June 01, 2012 - The first is to recognize the importance of a multiple-approach method of searching. … Benefits:
This approach is preferred if specific medical tests are unknown. … This approach is used more often by reviewers. … This approach is often advisable if specific tests are unknown. … However, this approach is still likely to miss relevant articles.
February 01, 2012 - This approach is explored in more detail below under the section on a hybrid
approach. … However, there are several limitations to this approach as well. … This approach is similar to that used by the HSRProj database. … However, this approach is costly. … An advantage of both this approach and
the full Clinicaltrials.gov approach are that the listing and
January 01, 2022 - Some have discussed TIC as a multilevel system-
based approach intended to validate and recognize trauma … and its effects in policies,
procedures, and practices.1,9,10 Others may approach TIC as a philosophy … services and treatments that a trauma-exposed individual may receive;11 still
others may view TIC as an approach … trauma-specific treatments (even if trauma
treatments may sometimes be embedded within a given TIC approach … SAMHSA’s concept of trauma and guidance for a trauma-informed
approach. HHS Publication No.
July 21, 2014 - Emerging Approaches to Diagnosis and Treatment of Non-Muscle-Invasive Bladder Cancer
February 05, 2014
Topic Initiated
July 21, 2014
Research Protocol
Emerging Approaches to Diagnosis and Treatment of Non-Muscle-Invasive Bladder Cancer
September 22, 2011 - Bayesian Approaches to Indirect Comparisons
September 22, 2011
Topic Initiated
September 22, 2011
Bayesian Approaches to Indirect Comparisons
January 10, 2013
Research Report
A Bayesian Missing Data Frame…
December 03, 2013 - confusion regarding what single monitoring method or combination of methods provides the best optimal approach … are confused about optimal integration, and do not recognize the patient-care related value of this approach … the gaps in knowledge regarding; the impact of cleaning monitoring on HAI rates, the best monitoring approach … recommendations can direct future research needs to ensure the data published provides an evidence-based approach
June 29, 2016 - injections were performed under fluoroscopic guidance; the choice of an interlaminar or a transforaminal approach … The small benefit observed at 3 weeks was due solely to the interlaminar epidural approach and not to … the transforaminal epidural approach to injection. … be used to directly compare interlaminar and transforaminal injections, as the choice of injection approach
March 29, 2012 - involves a
combination of background knowledge and empirical selection using the high-dimensional approach … The
empirical approach could be used to select from a set of a priori variables on the basis of the … In this case,
every variable selection approach will result in
bias. … o
Describe the approach to be
used to select covariates for
statistical models. … A
structural approach to selection bias. Epidemiol.