May 01, 2010 - Pediatric cardiac surgery
A total of 40 patients received rFVIIa prophylaxis in
one poor quality RCT
June 10, 2014 - We need intensivists to be engaged in our ICUs and surgeons to help us with improving surgical prophylaxis
December 01, 2017 - We need intensivists to be engaged in our ICUs and surgeons to help us with improving surgical prophylaxis
June 10, 2014 - We need intensivists to be engaged in our ICUs and surgeons to help us with improving surgical prophylaxis
January 01, 2002 - At that time, the Task
Force found insufficient evidence to recommend for
or against routine aspirin prophylaxis … Concomitant use of other nonsteroidal
anti-inflammatory agents or anticoagulants
further increased risk … Aspirin for the Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Events
Adults without
known CVD Aspirin prophylaxis
April 01, 2012 - concomitant
prescription drugs from, on average,
5.9 different drug classes for primary and
secondary prophylaxis … : 40-55 years
Mixed gender
Unclear CHD risk
6-25 weeks treatment
INR Vitamin K (150 μg /day) + Anticoagulants … combination
with antiplatelet agents (acetylsalicylic acid,65,66
clopidogrel,67 or ticlopidine68), an anticoagulant … Overall evidence indicates that supplementation with
vitamin K may improve the stability of anticoagulant … or
withdrawal due to adverse events.41 This study recruited
70 participants with indications for anticoagulant
April 01, 2012 - concomitant
prescription drugs from, on average,
5.9 different drug classes for primary and
secondary prophylaxis … : 40-55 years
Mixed gender
Unclear CHD risk
6-25 weeks treatment
INR Vitamin K (150 μg /day) + Anticoagulants … combination
with antiplatelet agents (acetylsalicylic acid,65,66
clopidogrel,67 or ticlopidine68), an anticoagulant … Overall evidence indicates that supplementation with
vitamin K may improve the stability of anticoagulant … or
withdrawal due to adverse events.41 This study recruited
70 participants with indications for anticoagulant
January 01, 2023 - ; 95% CI,
0.66-0.99) and the use of COVID-19–specific therapeutics including deep vein thrombosis
June 01, 2010 - However, we more clearly identify where on the continuum of
prophylaxis-treatment-end-stage these studies … While some studies might hint towards an early
intervention (e.g., in prophylaxis use) in high-risk
June 01, 2010 - However, we more clearly identify where on the continuum of
prophylaxis-treatment-end-stage these studies … While some studies might hint towards an early
intervention (e.g., in prophylaxis use) in high-risk
January 01, 2013 - Cardiac function
Colorectal cancer
Diabetes mellitus education
Diabetes mellitus prevention
Fungal prophylaxis … [Comparison of micafungin and fosfluconazole as
prophylaxis for invasive fungal infection during neutropenia … Medium intensity oral anticoagulants
versus aspirin after cerebral ischaemia of arterial origin (ESPRIT
December 01, 2017 - We need intensivists to be engaged in our ICUs and surgeons to help us with improving surgical prophylaxis
January 01, 2015 - estimated 2.7 million to 6.1 million patients who currently have
AF have one or more contraindications to anticoagulants … About half of the patients with
contraindications to anticoagulants (550,000 to 1.2 million) are at … expected to be diagnosed each year, and
if 40% (64,000) of these new cases have contraindications to anticoagulants … Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends pre-exposure
prophylaxis (PrEP) for males
January 01, 2015 - estimated 2.7 million to 6.1 million patients who currently have
AF have one or more contraindications to anticoagulants … About half of the patients with
contraindications to anticoagulants (550,000 to 1.2 million) are at … expected to be diagnosed each year, and
if 40% (64,000) of these new cases have contraindications to anticoagulants … Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends pre-exposure
prophylaxis (PrEP) for males
April 11, 2016 - Swedish Aspirin Low-Dose Trial (SALT) of 75 mg aspirin as secondary prophylaxis after cerebrovascular
April 11, 2016 - Swedish Aspirin Low-Dose Trial (SALT) of 75 mg aspirin as secondary prophylaxis after cerebrovascular
September 01, 2010 - of strategies to optimize benefits and minimize harms, such as the
concurrent use of a SERM and an anticoagulant … Communicating side effect risks in a
tamoxifen prophylaxis decision aid: the
debiasing influence … Future trials could evaluate the
benefits and harms of using tamoxifen or raloxifene with an anticoagulant
October 25, 2010 - of strategies to optimize benefits and minimize harms, such as the
concurrent use of a SERM and an anticoagulant … Communicating side effect risks in a
tamoxifen prophylaxis decision aid: the
debiasing influence of … Future trials could evaluate the
benefits and harms of using tamoxifen or raloxifene with an anticoagulant
September 01, 2010 - of strategies to optimize benefits and minimize harms, such as the
concurrent use of a SERM and an anticoagulant … Communicating side effect risks in a
tamoxifen prophylaxis decision aid: the
debiasing influence … Future trials could evaluate the
benefits and harms of using tamoxifen or raloxifene with an anticoagulant
October 25, 2010 - of strategies to optimize benefits and minimize harms, such as the
concurrent use of a SERM and an anticoagulant … Communicating side effect risks in a
tamoxifen prophylaxis decision aid: the
debiasing influence of … Future trials could evaluate the
benefits and harms of using tamoxifen or raloxifene with an anticoagulant