July 01, 2019 - Commentary
An invisible disability: communication, patient safety and dual sensory impairment in older persons.
Citation Text:
Dunsmore ME, Watharow A, Schneider J. An invisible disability: communication, patient safety and dual sensory impairment in older persons. J Adv Nurs. 2024;Epub …
April 05, 2023 - Study
Correlation between hospital rating agencies' data: an analysis and recommendation.
Citation Text:
Sondheim SE, Mattie A, Vigil J, et al. Correlation between hospital rating agencies’ data: An analysis and recommendation. J Healthc Risk Manag. 2020;40(3):18-24. doi:10.1002/jhrm.214…
February 02, 2022 - Study
Mandatory presuit mediation: 5-year results of a medical malpractice resolution program.
Citation Text:
Jenkins RC, Smillov AE, Goodwin MA. Mandatory presuit mediation: 5-year results of a medical malpractice resolution program. J Healthc Risk Manag. 2014;33(4):15-22. doi:10.1002/j…
January 11, 2023 - Study
Patient falls while under supervision: trends from incident reporting.
Citation Text:
Roberts M. Patient falls while under supervision: trends from incident reporting. Br J Nurs. 2023;32(11):508-513. doi:10.12968/bjon.2023.32.11.508.
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January 25, 2023 - Study
Fast does not imply flawed: analyzing emergency physician productivity and medical errors.
Citation Text:
Hoot NR, Barbosa TJ, Chan HK, et al. Fast does not imply flawed: analyzing emergency physician productivity and medical errors. J Am Coll Emerg Physicians Open. 2022;3(6):e1284…
October 19, 2022 - Study
Impact of a computerized physician order-entry system.
Citation Text:
Stone WM, Smith BE, Shaft JD, et al. Impact of a computerized physician order-entry system. J Am Coll Surg. 2009;208(5):960-7; discussion 967-9. doi:10.1016/j.jamcollsurg.2009.01.042.
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October 19, 2022 - Study
Factors affecting medical residents' decisions to work after call.
Citation Text:
Carr MM, Foreman AM, Friedel JE, et al. Factors affecting medical residents' decisions to work after call. J Patient Saf. 2024;20(1):16-21. doi:10.1097/pts.0000000000001175.
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March 04, 2020 - Study
Risk of adverse drug events by patient destination after hospital discharge.
Citation Text:
Triller DM, Clause SL, Hamilton RA. Risk of adverse drug events by patient destination after hospital discharge. Am J Health Syst Pharm. 2005;62(18):1883-9.
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September 23, 2020 - Study
We are going to name names and call you out! Improving the team in the academic operating room environment.
Citation Text:
Bodor R, Nguyen BJ, Broder K. We Are Going to Name Names and Call You Out! Improving the Team in the Academic Operating Room Environment. Ann Plast Surg. 2017;…
October 06, 2021 - Study
Emergency medical services system changes reduce pediatric epinephrine dosing errors in the prehospital setting.
Citation Text:
Kaji AH, Gausche-Hill M, Conrad H, et al. Emergency medical services system changes reduce pediatric epinephrine dosing errors in the prehospital settin…
March 25, 2020 - Commentary
Misdiagnosis in the emergency department: time for a system solution.
Citation Text:
Edlow JA, Pronovost PJ. Misdiagnosis in the emergency department: time for a system solution. JAMA. 2023;329(8):631-632. doi:10.1001/jama.2023.0577.
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November 02, 2022 - Commentary
Achieving diagnostic excellence: roadmaps to develop and use patient-reported measures with an equity lens.
Citation Text:
McDonald KM, Gleason KT, Jajodia A, et al. Achieving diagnostic excellence: roadmaps to develop and use patient-reported measures with an equity lens. Int…
August 07, 2024 - Study
Development of a trigger tool to identify adverse events and harm in emergency medical services.
Citation Text:
Howard IL, Bowen JM, Shaikh LAHA, et al. Development of a trigger tool to identify adverse events and harm in Emergency Medical Services. Emerg Med J. 2017;34(6):391-397.…
February 14, 2024 - Study
Descriptive analysis on disproportionate medication errors and associated patient characteristics in the Food and Drug Administration's adverse event reporting system.
Citation Text:
Pera V, van Vaerenbergh F, Kors JA, et al. Descriptive analysis on disproportionate medication erro…
March 20, 2024 - Study
Impact of team performance on the surgical safety checklist on patient outcomes: an operating room black box analysis.
Citation Text:
Al Abbas AI, Meier J, Daniel W, et al. Impact of team performance on the surgical safety checklist on patient outcomes: an operating room black box …
June 28, 2023 - Commentary
Educator toolkits on second victim syndrome, mindfulness and meditation, and positive psychology: the 2017 Resident Wellness Consensus Summit.
Citation Text:
Chung AS, Smart J, Zdradzinski M, et al. Educator Toolkits on Second Victim Syndrome, Mindfulness and Meditation, and P…
May 13, 2020 - March 29, 2023
Bleeding and in pain, a pregnant woman in Louisiana couldn’t get answers
February 06, 2014 - Study
Disrupting diagnostic reasoning: do interruptions, instructions, and experience affect the diagnostic accuracy and response time of residents and emergency physicians?
Citation Text:
Monteiro SD, Sherbino JD, Ilgen JS, et al. Disrupting diagnostic reasoning: do interruptions, instr…
August 07, 2019 - Study
Patient perspectives on how physicians communicate diagnostic uncertainty: an experimental vignette study.
Citation Text:
Bhise V, Meyer AND, Menon S, et al. Patient perspectives on how physicians communicate diagnostic uncertainty: An experimental…
March 01, 2012 - In Conversation With… Richard C. Boothman, JD
March 1, 2012
In Conversation With… Richard C. Boothman, JD. PSNet [internet]. 2012.
Editor's note: Rick Boothman, an attorney, is the chief risk officer for the University of Michigan Health