
Total Results: 1,291 records

Showing results for "answer".

    January 01, 2015 - Got appointment for checkup or routine care • Got appointment for checkup or routine care • Got answer … to medical question the same day • Got answer to medical question the same day • Got answer to … Users who need the results from “Got answer to medical question after office hours” and “Wait time for … items to 3 items (Got urgent care appointment; Got appointment for checkup or routine care; and Got answer … items: ‘‘Got urgent care appointment’’, ‘‘Got appointment for checkup or routine care’’, and ‘‘Got answer
    May 01, 2017 - In the last 6 months, how often did this provider answer all of your questions?
    January 01, 2011 - You can answer some questions about your particular situation and then it gives you back the types of … So the question in my mind, which these tip sheets are trying to answer, is what are they supposed to … Transcript release date 6/15/11 6 kind of practical question and answer
    September 01, 2015 - If you still need further explanation to answer the “So what?” … • If further questions exist, use the opportunity to answer them. … Can I check in with you next month to see if you’ve been successfully implementing the changes and answer
    August 27, 2018 - 4 Objectives To help answer that question, we’ll review the guideline recommended 5 A’s. … If the answer is yes, “do you smoke every day, some days, or not at all?”
    April 01, 2023 - about their medical problems or their reason for the visit that they would like their physician to answer
    May 01, 2018 - Question and Answer Session Please submit your … Model part 2 How we organize ourselves Surprising findings to date More Information Question and Answer
    April 15, 2020 - Permission for Telehealth Visits What is telehealth? Telehealth is a way to visit with healthcare providers, such as your doctor or nurse practitioner. You can talk to your provider from any place, including your home. You don’t go to a clinic or hospital. How do I use telehealth? · You talk to your provider by ph…
    January 01, 2024 - Data were also reviewed for response biases (e.g., responding with the same answer for all positively … When respondents supplied the same answer for every item in sections C, D, E, and F, responses for those … In addition, if respondents marked the same answer for all items within section C, D, E, or F, those … Database Report 45 Calculation of Percent Positive Scores Most of the survey items ask respondents to answer … Keep in mind that a negative answer to a negatively worded item indicates a positive response.
  10. Module-10-Slides (pdf file)
    February 24, 2022 - Using Hybrid Cardiac Rehabilitation to Expand System Capacity and Patient-Centeredness Module 10 Steven Keteyian, PhD Anne M Gavic-Ott, MPA, RCEP, MAACVPR PURPOSE TAKEheart Training and Technical Assistance Components Training sessions g…
    January 01, 2020 - The data were also reviewed for response biases (e.g., responding with the same answer for all positively … When respondents supplied the same answer for every item in section C, D, E, or F, the items in those … In addition, if respondents marked the same answer for any section C, D, E, or F, those items were set … received a survey Calculation of Percent Positive Scores Most of the survey items ask respondents to answer … medical office who answered “Strongly disagree” or “Disagree,” or “Never” or “Rarely,” because a negative answer
    October 01, 2008 - To answer this question, the T-TAQ should be administered immediately prior to and after TeamSTEPPS … Please answer every question and select only one response for each question.
    January 20, 2006 - Measurement enables you to answer questions such as: Did TeamSTEPPS work? … Items on such tests tend to be easy, and many individuals can answer the items correctly without participating
    December 01, 2022 - Respondents who answer “No” to the first question: “Do you use your hospital’s Electronic Health Record
    January 01, 2013 - TeamSTEPPS Implementation: Strategies for Success TeamSTEPPS Implementation: Strategies for Success August 14, 2013 TEAMSTEPPS 05.2 Mod 1 05.2 Page ‹#› TeamSTEPPS TeamSTEPPS Implementation 1 Acknowledgements Project Sponsors Jim Battles, PhD (AHRQ) Heidi King, MS (DoD) Project Team Health Research & Edu…
    March 01, 2016 - You have to let them come and answer them one by one so that people can see over those issues and start … If you have any questions in the future, I'd be happy to answer them. Thank you. … We've got some great questions and I am going to try to hopefully walk us through so that we can answer … We've got a question if you could both just answer very briefly what modes of administration you use … Debra Rosen I'll answer it quickly.
    January 01, 2015 - who completes the report was also present during the resuscitation Positive response – defined as an answer
    January 01, 2022 - The data were also reviewed for response biases (e.g., responding with the same answer for all positively … When respondents supplied the same answer for every item in section A, B, C, and F, responses for those … In addition, respondents who marked the same answer for all items within sections that had more than … Database Report 47 Calculation of Percent Positive Scores Most of the survey items ask respondents to answer … Keep in mind that a negative answer to a negatively worded item indicates a positive response.
    January 01, 2017 - And You can go ahead now and use your cursor to hit the radio button to select your answer. … And that would take no more than five to ten minutes to answer. … How would you answer that question? Mark Schlesinger That's a good question. … So, let me just try to get you to answer as quickly as possible. … find people and work with some of you to help test the protocol -- continue to test the protocol and answer
    April 24, 2018 - MHQP’s version of the introductory text: Please answer the following questions to provide detailed … There may be some advantage to not imposing limits on the amount of time that respondents have to answer … English Version In Your Own Words Please answer the following questions to provide detailed feedback … English Version In Your Own Words Please answer the following questions to provide detailed feedback

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