January 01, 2020 - How are CHIPRA quality demonstration States improving perinatal care? Evaluation Highlight No. 12
The CHIPRA Quality
Demonstration Grant Program
In February 2010, the Centers for Medicare &
Medicaid Services (CMS) awarded 10 grants,
funding 18 States, to improve the quality of
health care for children enrolled …
September 08, 2015 - How are CHIPRA quality demonstration States supporting the use of care coordinators? Evaluation Highlight No. 9
The CHIPRA Quality
Demonstration Grant Program
In February 2010, the Centers for Medicare &
Medicaid Services (CMS) awarded 10 grants,
funding 18 States, to improve the quality of
health care for chil…
February 01, 2015 - Health Care Simulation to Advance Safety: AHRQ Issue Brief
Simulation has long been recognized for the integral role it plays in high-
risk industries. Our aerospace, transportation, and power-generation
industries have become steadily safer over the years with the aid of
simulation. As the Ebola virus di…
February 01, 2014 - Skip to main content
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January 01, 2014 - Depression Care for Adolescents and Adults: 2014 Testing Report
Depression Care for Adolescents and Adults
2014 Testing Report
Executive Summary
This report summarizes findings from quantitative testing conducted in 2014 to evaluate the feasibility and
variation in performance at the health plan level for …
January 01, 2014 - Depression Care for Adolescents and Adults 2014 Testing Report
Depression Care for Adolescents and Adults
2014 Testing Report
Executive Summary
This report summarizes findings from quantitative testing conducted in 2014 to evaluate the feasibility and
variation in performance at the health plan level for t…
January 01, 2014 - Depression Care for Adolescents and Adults: 2014 Testing Report
Depression Care for Adolescents and Adults
2014 Testing Report
Executive Summary
This report summarizes findings from quantitative testing conducted in 2014 to evaluate the feasibility and
variation in performance at the health plan level for …
May 08, 2008 - Hospital Language Services: Quality Improvement and Performance Measures
Hospital Language Services: Quality
Improvement and Performance Measures
Marsha Regenstein, PhD, MCP; Jennifer Huang, MS; Catherine West, MS, RN;
Holly Mead, PhD; Jennifer Trott, MPH; Melissa Stegun, MA
For a growing segment…
April 28, 2023 - in Cardiac Rehab
• Review Virtual CR plan, expectations, give contact information of case manager, answer … • Let patients know that we are available to answer questions after class via phone.
April 01, 2006 - Furthermore, few State leaders may be equipped to answer all of the questions.
March 01, 2017 - AHRQ Safety Program for Long-Term Care: HAIs/CAUTI
Long-Term Care Safety Modules
Module 3: Staff Empowerment
Material Use Guide
Learning Objectives:
· Cite staff empowerment concepts
· Discuss how staff empowerment contributes to a culture of resident safety, leading to improved outcomes and quality of life
· Illus…
January 17, 2017 - Measure 1, Section 2, Attachment 2
SNAC Submission Form Measure 1: Accurate ADHD Diagnosis
Section 2: Detailed Measure Specifications
Attachment 2: EHR Recommended Data Locations
This table describes where to look for and find the elements of ADHD measures in the chart
Locations in the record where this info…
February 19, 2014 - include condescending language or voice
intonation, impatience with questions, reluctance or refusal to
answer … Example Answer:
D “I (resident) am sensing that you (attending) are upset with
me for ordering … Answer the questions related to Mutual Support as
you consider your own teamwork issue.
April 01, 2018 - The data were also cleaned for straight-lined answers, which is when respondents give the same
answer … −
Calculation of Percent Positive Scores
Most of the survey items ask respondents to answer … office who answered “Strongly disagree” or “Disagree,” or
“Never” or “Rarely,” because a negative answer
January 01, 2008 - invite your staff liaison, [insert name] to attend that committee meeting to join the discussion and answer
August 01, 2022 - Very often the answer to a question will lead you to another question.
September 01, 2015 - Primary Care Practice Facilitation Curriculum Module 8: Approaches to Quality Improvement
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Advancing Excellence in Health Care www.ahrq.gov
Primary Care
Practice Facilitation
Module 8: Approaches to Quality Improvement
Primary …
May 01, 2017 - Scoring CPCQ
Scoring the Change Process Capability
Questionnaire Strategies Items:
Current Plan
National Evaluation Team
May 1, 2017
The RFA from AHRQ for EvidenceNOW:
described the required measures of practice…
October 01, 2022 - There is no consensus on the answer to the fundamental question, "How can hospitals assess VTE risk,
July 01, 2021 - Texas: “Hard edits” on prescribing antipsychotics require clinicians to answer a set of questions before