August 26, 2011 - Study
Medication errors and adverse drug events in an intensive care unit: direct observation approach for detection.
Citation Text:
Kopp BJ, Erstad BL, Allen ME, et al. Medication errors and adverse drug events in an intensive care unit: direct observation approach for detection. Crit…
April 21, 2011 - Study
Missed lesions at abdominal oncologic CT: lessons learned from quality assurance.
Citation Text:
Siewert B, Sosna J, McNamara A, et al. Missed lesions at abdominal oncologic CT: lessons learned from quality assurance. Radiographics. 2008;28(3):623-38. doi:10.1148/rg.283075188.
December 29, 2014 - Study
Non-clinical errors using voice recognition dictation software for radiology reports: a retrospective audit.
Citation Text:
Chang CA, Strahan R, Jolley D. Non-clinical errors using voice recognition dictation software for radiology reports: a retrospective audit. J Digit Imaging. …
March 06, 2005 - Commentary
Time out—charting a path for improving performance measurement.
Citation Text:
MacLean CH, Kerr EA, Qaseem A. Time Out - Charting a Path for Improving Performance Measurement. N Engl J Med. 2018;378(19):1757-1761. doi:10.1056/NEJMp1802595.
December 14, 2016 - Commentary
Improving patient safety in radiology: concepts for a comprehensive patient safety program.
Citation Text:
Donnelly LF, Dickerson JM, Goodfriend MA, et al. Improving patient safety in radiology: concepts for a comprehensive patient safety program. Semin Ultrasound CT MR. 2010…
June 28, 2010 - Study
Cost implications of actual and potential adverse events prevented by interventions of a critical care pharmacist.
Citation Text:
Kopp BJ, Mrsan M, Erstad BL, et al. Cost implications of and potential adverse events prevented by interventions of a critical care pharmacist. Am J H…
August 25, 2011 - Review
Impact of pharmacist involvement in the transitional care of high-risk patients through medication reconciliation, medication education, and postdischarge call-backs (IPITCH Study).
Citation Text:
Phatak A, Prusi R, Ward B, et al. Impact of pharmacist involvement in the transition…
December 04, 2016 - Commentary
Redesign of health care systems to reduce diagnostic errors: leveraging human experience and artificial intelligence.
Citation Text:
Abid MH. Redesign of health care systems to reduce diagnostic errors: leveraging human experience and artificial intelligence. J Clin Outcomes M…
May 01, 2010 - Spotlight Case [MONTH] 2003
Spotlight Case
Fatal Error in Neonate: Does ‘Just Culture’ Provide an Answer
March 11, 2020 - Study
The source of purchased medications and its impact on medication mistakes and hospitalizations.
Citation Text:
Coates MC, Granche J, Sefcik JS, et al. The source of purchased medications and its impact on medication mistakes and hospitalizations. Res Gerontol Nurs. 2022;15(2):69-75…
April 24, 2018 - The attending physician stopped by to answer questions and to confirm that the procedure was running … While this may be a simplistic answer, it highlights an oft forgot source of verification – the patient
September 01, 2015 - But "because they can" is the answer. … The answer is education, and we have been teaching people how to
use social media through workshops … VA: The short answer is probably no.
October 01, 2013 - radiologist be able to make a well-considered decision regarding which imaging modality is the best choice to answer … In some cases, these repetitive protocols are necessary and have enabled CT to answer a more diverse … I think the answer is no, we have much to do to improve that. … But a private practice radiologist at the end—during a very exciting question and answer and comment
December 01, 2005 - My answer, sadly, was no. … As always in issues this complex, the right answer is likely to be a thoughtful blend of the two approaches
March 30, 2020 - BS: That’s hard to answer because there were a lot of little things. … We thought that was going to be the answer, but later figured out it
was not the best approach.
July 01, 2019 - algorithm, and this magical algorithm—you might call it deep learning—is going to figure out what the
answer … RW: I like that answer, because sometimes you can just be pointing to all of the potential harms from
July 01, 2017 - Study
The Joint Commission's ongoing professional practice evaluation process: costly, ineffective, and potentially harmful to safety culture.
Citation Text:
Donnelly LF, Podberesky DJ, Towbin AJ, et al. The Joint Commission's ongoing professional practice evaluation process: costly, ine…
November 20, 2013 - Study
Effect of therapeutic interchange on medication reconciliation during hospitalization and upon discharge in a geriatric population.
Citation Text:
Wang JS, Fogerty RL, Horwitz LI. Effect of therapeutic interchange on medication reconciliation during hospitalization and upon dischar…
July 21, 2017 - Commentary
A collaborative learning network approach to improvement: the CUSP learning network.
Citation Text:
Weaver SJ, Lofthus J, Sawyer M, et al. A Collaborative Learning Network Approach to Improvement: The CUSP Learning Network. Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf. 2015;41(4):147-159.
May 23, 2018 - Study
Performance of a trigger tool for identifying adverse events in oncology.
Citation Text:
Lipitz-Snyderman A, Classen D, Pfister D, et al. Performance of a Trigger Tool for Identifying Adverse Events in Oncology. J Oncol Pract. 2017;13(3). doi:10.1200/jop.2016.016634.
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