
Total Results: 955 records

Showing results for "answer".

    July 03, 2013 - Government Resource Electronic data collection using MedWatchPlus portal and rational questionnaire. Citation Text: Electronic data collection using MedWatchPlus portal and rational questionnaire. Shuren J. Federal Register. October 23, 2008;73:63153-63157. Copy Citation …
    September 05, 2007 - Newspaper/Magazine Article Experts offer smart tips for smart pumps. Citation Text: Experts offer smart tips for smart pumps. Gebhart F. Drug Topics. July 23, 2007. Copy Citation Save Save to your library Print Download PDF Share Facebook …
    June 13, 2011 - Newspaper/Magazine Article Mother claims hospital error kept her from newborn daughter. Citation Text: Mother claims hospital error kept her from newborn daughter. Barbella M. Drug Topics. October 8, 2007. Copy Citation Save Save to your library Print …
    August 05, 2008 - Newspaper/Magazine Article ER doctors misdiagnose patients with unusual symptoms. Citation Text: ER doctors misdiagnose patients with unusual symptoms. Abelson R. New York Times. December 15, 2022. Copy Citation Save Save to your library Print Download…
    July 31, 2012 - Multi-use Website Human Factors and Medical Devices. Citation Text: Human Factors and Medical Devices. Center for Devices and Radiological Health, US Food and Drug Administration. Copy Citation Save Save to your library Print Download PDF Share …
    July 01, 2011 - queries that providers or institutions want to make, we're defining the data that need to be collected to answer … WM : The simple answer is that none of those activities actually address the need that PSOs fill. … Have you come with an answer to that conundrum? … questions for which we want answers, and then we're stipulating how the data that get collected to answer
  7. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    January 08, 2020 - Once adequately volume- supported, the patient was able to answer all questions well and recalled starting
    July 06, 2022 - Study Classification of failures in the perception of conversational agents (CAs) and their implications on patient safety. Citation Text: Aftab H, Shah SHH, Habli I. Classification of failures in the perception of conversational agents (CAs) and their implications on patient safety. Stu…
    March 01, 2023 - Study Training safer surgeons: how do patients view the role of simulation in orthopaedic training? Citation Text: Akhtar K, Sugand K, Wijendra A, et al. Training safer surgeons: How do patients view the role of simulation in orthopaedic training? Patient Saf Surg. 2015;9:11. doi:10.1186…
    June 19, 2019 - Newspaper/Magazine Article Some cancer experts see 'overdiagnosis,' question emphasis on early detection. Citation Text: Linos E, Schroeder SA, Chren M-M. Potential Overdiagnosis of Basal Cell Carcinoma in Older Patients With Limited Life Expectancy. JAMA. 2014;312(10). doi:10.1001/jama.…
    January 13, 2021 - Regulation Safety Considerations for Container Labels and Carton Labeling Design to Minimize Medication Errors: Guidance for Industry. Citation Text: Safety Considerations for Container Labels and Carton Labeling Design to Minimize Medication Errors: Guidance for Industry. Rockville,…
    August 04, 2021 - Commentary Unexpected intraoperative patient death: the imperatives of family- and surgeon-centered care. Citation Text: Taylor D, Hassan MA, Luterman A, et al. Unexpected intraoperative patient death: the imperatives of family- and surgeon-centered care. Arch Surg. 2008;143(1):87-92. do…
    December 23, 2020 - Press Release/Announcement Best Practices in Developing Proprietary Names for Human Nonprescription Drug Products. Citation Text: Best Practices in Developing Proprietary Names for Human Nonprescription Drug Products. Rockville, MD: US Department of Health and Human Services, Food and Dr…
    July 29, 2020 - Commentary When less is better, but physicians are afraid not to intervene. Citation Text: Esserman L. When Less Is Better, but Physicians Are Afraid Not to Intervene. JAMA Intern Med. 2016;176(7):888-9. doi:10.1001/jamainternmed.2016.2257. Copy Citation Format: DOI Google …
    November 11, 2020 - Commentary Disclosing medical errors: prioritising the needs of patients and families. Citation Text: Gallagher TH, Hemmelgarn C, Benjamin EM. Disclosing medical errors: prioritising the needs of patients and families. BMJ Qual Saf. 2023;32(10):557-561. doi:10.1136/bmjqs-2022-015880. C…
    January 13, 2021 - Book/Report Emerging Classic Drug Shortages: Root Causes and Potential Solutions. Citation Text: Drug Shortages: Root Causes and Potential Solutions. Drug Shortage Task Force. Silver Spring, MD: US Food and Drug Administration; 2020. Copy Citation …
    January 13, 2021 - Webinar Medication Safety During the COVID-19 Pandemic: What Have We Learned in the United States. Citation Text: Medication Safety During the COVID-19 Pandemic: What Have We Learned in the United States. Institute for Safe Medication Practices and US Food and Drug Administration Divisio…
    March 20, 2024 - Review The effects of bar-coding technology on medication errors: a systematic literature review. Citation Text: Hutton K, Ding Q, Wellman G. The Effects of Bar-coding Technology on Medication Errors: A Systematic Literature Review. J Patient Saf. 2021;17(3):e192-e206. doi:10.1097/PTS.00…
    July 01, 2011 - queries that providers or institutions want to make, we're defining the data that need to be collected to answer … WM : The simple answer is that none of those activities actually address the need that PSOs fill. … Have you come with an answer to that conundrum? … questions for which we want answers, and then we're stipulating how the data that get collected to answer
  20. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    February 01, 2006 - JB: The answer depends largely on where on the pathological continuum of narcissism you are. … JB: There's a two-pronged answer.

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