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  1. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    February 01, 2013 - If we're not able to answer all your questions or for you to share all your observations at that time … We need to help both attending clinicians and trainees understand that we are not there just to answer … What's the answer?
    April 23, 2014 - 15, 2023 The AHRQ Report on Diagnostic Errors in the Emergency Department: the wrong answer
    March 20, 2017 - : An answer with many questions.
  4. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    July 01, 2003 - The answer to each of those questions is, “Nothing.” … The answer identifies the actual
  5. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    June 01, 2005 - The first phase is engagement and a genuine search for the answer to the question: How is this making … Finally, the leader and team need to evaluate what's done, to answer the question, "How do I know I
    February 01, 2016 - stimulation. 0 = Alert; keenly responsive. 1 = Not alert; but arousable by minor stimulation to obey, answer … The answer must be correct - there is no partial credit for being close. … It is important that only the initial answer be graded and that the examiner not "help" the patient with
  7. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    August 01, 2016 - On the surface, the answer is disturbingly clear: dental care, like medical care, is inherently risky … a glimpse into the risks of dental care, such stories cannot reveal the full picture, nor help us answer
    July 10, 2024 - Why is it so important to figure out the answer to this question? … PR: Well, the simple answer is you can't improve what you don't measure.
  9. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    October 01, 2007 - Our answer is yes. … I think the answer is that we have to believe that health care institutions are going to produce https
    March 01, 2007 - And I'll never forget his answer. … His answer was, "Sorrel, it is happening everywhere, every day, every hospital, all over the country,
  11. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    November 01, 2010 - Why is it so important to figure out the answer to this question? … PR: Well, the simple answer is you can't improve what you don't measure.
  12. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    March 01, 2012 - itself was a big shift from litigation gamesmanship to a more fundamental question that I knew we could answer … We didn't need a court to answer, "Was our care reasonable, and did it meet our standards under the … So I guess the short answer is that yes, they all have shades of gray, but it is in the nature of academic … It really isn't as hard as you might think to answer whether this is the care that we expect of ourselves
    October 01, 2016 - to billions of rows of data spread across thousands of tables, I realized that I could theoretically answer … I had expected that extracting data to answer these questions would be similar to the process of examining … data scientists are best positioned to determine which questions warrant significant investment to answer … We've been able to piggyback on that to answer questions that can inform system-level policy and practice
    August 30, 2023 - Newspaper/Magazine Article BBC News 'wrong guy' is revealed. Citation Text: BBC News 'wrong guy' is revealed. BBC News. Copy Citation Save Save to your library Print Download PDF Share Facebook Twitter Linkedin Copy URL …
    August 01, 2009 - command, and control, Toyota had learned that no amount of planning would ever get you to a perfect answer … The answer I had to give was, "I really don't know. … The key is not importing the answer: it's in importing the robust process by which the great answers … SS : The easy answer is that the nurse doesn't understand what to do. … The real answer is that leadership doesn't know what it should want nurses to do.
    August 01, 2009 - command, and control, Toyota had learned that no amount of planning would ever get you to a perfect answer … The answer I had to give was, "I really don't know. … The key is not importing the answer: it's in importing the robust process by which the great answers … SS : The easy answer is that the nurse doesn't understand what to do. … The real answer is that leadership doesn't know what it should want nurses to do.
    January 20, 2021 - Newspaper/Magazine Article In a culture of disrespect, patients lose out. Citation Text: In a culture of disrespect, patients lose out. Ofri D. New York Times. July 18, 2013.  Copy Citation Save Save to your library Print Download PDF Sh…
    January 20, 2021 - Newspaper/Magazine Article Getting the diagnosis wrong. Citation Text: Getting the diagnosis wrong. Ofri D. New York Times. October 8, 2015. Copy Citation Save Save to your library Print Download PDF Share Facebook Twitter Linkedi…
    February 19, 2020 - Newspaper/Magazine Article At Walgreens, complaints of medication errors go missing. Citation Text: At Walgreens, complaints of medication errors go missing. Gabler E. New York Times. February 23, 2020. Copy Citation Save Save to your library Print …
    April 08, 2020 - Multi-use Website MedWatch: The FDA Safety Information and Adverse Event Reporting Program. Citation Text: MedWatch: The FDA Safety Information and Adverse Event Reporting Program. US Food and Drug Administration Copy Citation Save Save to your library Print…

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