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    November 19, 2014 - Published online: November 19, 2014 4 questions this evidence can answer … The criteria for inclusion and exclusion of studies are designed to identify studies that can answer … Searching for the Evidence: Literature Search Strategies for Identification of Relevant Studies to Answer … Applicability considers the extent to which results from a study or a body of evidence can be used to answer … summarize our findings into an assessment of the applicability of the body of evidence available to answer
    October 27, 2015 - Why don't we have a better data repository in order to answer the key questions?! … The answer to these would be helpful in determining the answer to some of the frequent clinical questions
    April 01, 2012 - only synthesize the evidence, but also to identify the gaps in evidence that limited the ability to answer … solicit and amply fund investigator-initiated research rather than prespecifying study designs to answer
    November 08, 2011 - Searching for the Evidence: Literature Search Strategies for Identification of Relevant Studies To Answer … The body of literature available to answer this question is small, of poor quality, with high heterogeneity … primary purpose of the primary literature, making it extremely challenging to identify studies that can answer … We will use the literature identified by our expert librarian search to answer the question in a contextual … the literature included was found from a broad, well-designed search, but will provide a more useful answer
    September 13, 2011 - Searching for the Evidence: Literature Search Strategies for Identification of Relevant Studies To Answer … The body of literature available to answer this question is small, of poor quality, with high heterogeneity … purpose of the primary literature, making it extremely challenging to identify studies that can answer … We will use the literature identified by our expert librarian search to answer the question in a contextual … literature included was found from a broad, well-designed search, but will provide a more useful answer
    September 10, 2012 - Reviewer 3 Methods Yes [answer to: are the definitions or diagnostic criteria for the outcome measures … Reviewer 3 Results Yes [answer to: are the key messages explicit and applicable?] … Reviewer 3 Results Yes [answer to: Are figures, tables and appendices adequate and descriptive?] … Reviewer 3 Summary and Discussion Yes [answer to: are the implications of the major findings clearly … Reviewer 3 Summary and Discussion Yes [answer to: are the limitation of the review/studies described
    January 11, 2017 - How are they going to answer this question? … and questions at this point from participants are asking what’s going to happen with this particular answer … Is that something you want to answer? Ms. Dierdre Gilmore: When would I have not used open space? … think open space works when whoever is asking the question is truly willing to be surprised by the answer … I hope that helps answer your question. Have we any further questions Jess? Ms.
    October 08, 2014 - Searching for the Evidence: Literature Search Strategies for Identifying Relevant Studies to Answer … as a question that can be answered “Yes,” “No,” or “Not Reported,” and each is phrased such that an answer … studies, each item can be answered “Yes,” “No,” or “Not reported” and each is phrased such that an answer
    March 19, 2013 - Potential Impact How will an answer to your research question be used or help inform decisions for … Comorbidity of anxiety and conduct problems in children: Imp Describe the timeframe in which an answer
    November 01, 2011 - If not, reviewers were instructed to answer “N.” … Thus reviewers could answer “Y,” implying that the randomization process had taken care of confounding … differences are present; if allocation was not concealed N: In all other cases For non-RCTs the answer
    November 24, 2014 - as well as the scope of the reviews and the key clinical questions which the authors are trying to answer … As a rule, EPCs do not make clinical recommendations, but rather present the evidence to answer the … resources a meaningful investigation would require) seem to be beyond the scope of the review to answer … Given the scope of this review, we have included only those studies which clearly answer the questions … We were also disappointed that a larger body of evidence was not available to answer the questions
    October 29, 2012 - No new evidence NA NA None One expert agreed with the conclusion; the other did not know the answer … type II, cystinosis, and infantile No new evidence NA NA None Both experts did not know the answer … One expert did not know the answer; the other agreed with the conclusions Up to date … No new evidence NA NA None One expert did not know the answer; the other expert agrees with the
  13. UBIQUS Document (pdf file)
    October 13, 2011 - We have reserved time at the end of the webinar for a question and answer period. … And they answer a few questions to help us to determine their ability to represent others, not just … Do you think that will answer the question? MS. … The answer is no. But, Carolyn, you’re first. MS. BRANSON: No, no. I mean I totally agree. … LAVALLEE: You gave a pretty comprehensive answer.
    January 13, 2014 - Data from the review of actual public reporting sites will be used to answer guiding questions 1 and … To answer Guiding Question 2, we will use information learned from our targeted literature review and … We will provide a qualitative assessment of the targeted literature search to answer Guiding Question
    August 01, 2013 - RCTs, however, cannot always be used to answer questions on the causal link between interventions or … [Abstractor: When followup was the same for all study participants, the answer is no. … The importance of well-defined interventions to answer causal questions. … The importance of well-defined interventions to answer causal questions. … [Abstractor: When follow- up was the same for all study participants, the answer is no.
    August 23, 2013 - A comment rather than anything else: the review was critical of the complete lack of evidence to answer … more accurate reflection of a valid search strategy is the extent to which all relevant articles to answer … with any substantive evidence to suggest flaws in the search strategy we used to obtain articles to answer
    May 26, 2015 - Review The criteria for inclusion and exclusion of studies are designed to identify studies that can answer … Searching for the Evidence: Literature Search Strategies for Identification of Relevant Studies to Answer … Grades reflect the strength of the body of evidence to answer the KQs on the comparative effectiveness
    January 01, 2020 - only synthesize the evidence, but also to identify the gaps in evidence that limited the ability to answer … research questions were identified as gaps in the literature, limiting the report authors’ ability to answer … Overall, the report had limited ability to answer the Key Questions or draw conclusions, given the lack … the report authors to weigh in on the potential research designs that would be most appropriate to answer … compares a self-management and diet intervention to a self-management and exercise intervention to answer
    September 18, 2012 - Protocol Amendment - Safety of Vaccines 030413 1 Source: Originally published online: October 22, 2012; Republished: March 25, 2013 Evidence-based Practice Center Systematic Review Protocol Safety of Vaccines Used for Routine Immunizatio…
    July 08, 2014 - understand these concerns and wish to make it clear that this body of evidence is not sufficient to answer … We feel that both RCTs and observational studies could be conducted in ways that directly answer the … that many of the existing observational studies could have used their existing data differently to answer … TEP Member #9 General Clarity and Usability: conclusions should point more for funding to answer

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