April 19, 2012 - you see as the outcome of deliberation and how you will
know if you achieved those outcomes, to answer … research, for instance, and, you know, it’s how do you ask
the question may influence a great deal what answer … know, black, and Expert B says, white, then they may throw
up their hands and say there’s no right answer … At this point, we will move
into the question-and-answer portion of the webinar. … I know that isn’t necessarily
an answer that is all that welcome, when you’re trying to
figure this
July 01, 2019 - Quantitative Synthesis: Chapter 1. Decision To Combine Trials
Quantitative Synthesis
Chapter 1. Decision to combine trials
Prepared for:
The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)
Training Modules for Systematic Reviews Methods Guide
Presentation Notes
Prioritization and Selecti…
June 01, 2012 - For each of the initial questions, the investigator would answer “yes,” “no,” or “unclear.” … The answer to the summary question would then be based on the answers to the previous questions, and … For the answer to be “yes,” the entire sample would have to be reported by each study subject, and some … For the answer to be “no,” the entire sample would not receive verification via the reference standard … For an answer to be “unclear,” the study would have presented insufficient information to determine whether
June 01, 2012 - For each of the initial questions, the investigator would answer “yes,” “no,” or “unclear.” … The answer to the summary question would then be based on the answers to the previous questions, and … For the answer to be “yes,” the entire sample would have to be reported by each study subject, and some … For the answer to be “no,” the entire sample would not receive verification via the reference standard … For an answer to be “unclear,” the study would have presented insufficient information to determine whether
August 20, 2014 - How will an answer to your research question be used or help inform decisions for you or your group?
January 01, 2013 - This report was
designed to answer the following question: Do behavioral interventions for individuals
September 14, 2017 - Discerning the Perception and Impact of Patients Involved in Evidence-based Practice Center Key Informant Interviews
White Paper September 14, 2017 Download Main Document PDF 399.9 KB
This report is available in PDF only (399.9 kB) People using assistive technology may not be able to fully access info…
February 16, 2016 - evaluation team,
so that they can sort the future research agenda into those
items the Demo will likely answer … released
about IAH and to include text about
which questions additional data from
IAH is likely to answer … Would be clear about what the IAH demo will and will not
answer, rather than a vague assertion that … it won't answer
all questions. … and added more information
about the IAH demo results and what
we believe they will and will not answer
June 01, 2014 - o When
the … o When
November 27, 2017 - step to designing, funding,
implementing, and publishing rigorous, high-
quality studies to better answer … Peer Reviewer
The report seeks to answer asks clinically
relevant and important … and my
enthusiasm is only slightly muted by the fact
that there simply is not enough evidence to
answer … It clearly suggested types of studies
that should be conducted to answer the
questions past studies … If the authors aimed to
answer this question directly, some description
of their approach should be
November 29, 2023 - Searching for the Evidence: Literature Search Strategies for Identification
of Relevant Studies to Answer … allows for a more
expansive body of
literature to be
considered and may
provide greater
evidence to answer … it is not a
Strategies for
Identification of
Relevant Studies
to Answer … Searching for the Evidence: Literature Search Strategies for Identification of Relevant Studies to Answer
November 28, 2023 - Searching for the Evidence: Literature Search Strategies for
Identification of Relevant Studies to Answer … allows for
a more expansive body of
literature to be considered
and may provide greater
evidence to answer … composition of human
The outcome of “Body
composition (lean mass)
is not applicable to
answer … Searching for the
Literature Search
Strategies for
Identification of
Relevant Studies to
April 18, 2017 - The
Committee often used the same studies to answer different questions, although the
relevance of … The Key Questions
The review aims to answer eight key questions (KQs), formulated by federal sponsors … This evidence review will answer the KQs below using existing, high-quality
systematic reviews as a … We will conduct and report on subgroup analyses to answer the subquestions on
subpopulations of interest … The same outcomes used to answer the eight key questions will be used
to answer the 12 subquestions.
April 30, 2014 - Peer Reviewer #3 General While the key questions are explicitly stated, they did not have
evidence to answer … We agree that there is insufficient evidence to
answer the Key Questions posed by this review. … should be able to provide a detailed study
design that would be able to provide a more definitive answer … Peer Reviewer #7 General The review makes an effective case for RCTs to answer the
questions; however … are critical
to moving the field forward and identifying the need for a well-
designed trial to help answer
February 10, 2022 - dates
All KQ:
Focus will be on the best evidence available that
permits direct comparisons to answer … Given that their will likely be a paucity of RCTs available
to answer some key questions, prospective … Literature Search Strategies for Identification of Relevant Studies to Answer the
Key Questions … review systematic review (SR) references
for relevant studies as it is unlikely that SRs will fully answer … financial burden/distress with a focus on radiation oncology for palliation of bone
metastasis to answer
August 23, 2010 - To answer Guiding Question 4, we will make semi-quantitative projection of the various non-invasive modalities
May 01, 2016 - This summary will answer these questions:
� What is BED?
� How is BED treated?
November 01, 2009 - It is likely that focused systematic reviews will not be
able to provide a definitive answer on the effectiveness
September 18, 2012 - Evidence-based Practice Center Systematic Review Protocol
Source: www.effectivehealthcare.ahrq.gov
Published Online: October 22, 2012
Evidence-based Practice Center Systematic Review Protocol
Safety of Vaccines Used for Routine Immunization of Adults (Including Pregnant Women)
and Children
I. Bac…
March 05, 2015 - Together with AHRQ’s input, the authors posed a number of
interesting questions, but can’t answer any … ’m not sure this is possible at this stage, but my
recommendation is to just acknowledge you can’t answer … Specifically I raised concern about display
of PRICE score and what was provided to answer GQ3. … what methodological/framework problems need to be resolved in
order to design research that could answer