July 01, 2007 - Only small employers with fewer than 50 employees across all their locations were included in this analysis
July 01, 2007 - Only large employers with 50 or more employees across all their locations were included in this analysis
January 01, 2005 - to generalize to this population as well
as to conduct research in which the family is the unit of analysis
September 20, 2023 - Opioids
that are excluded from our analysis include respiratory agents, antitussives, and
drugs commonly … For this analysis, the following classification by
race and ethnicity was used: Hispanic, non-Hispanic
October 01, 2018 - sample physician visit events in which
a medical doctor was seen (1.9 percent) were excluded from the analysis
September 01, 2023 - Opioids that are excluded from our analysis include respiratory agents, antitussives, and drugs commonly … For this analysis, the following classification by race and ethnicity was used: Hispanic, non-Hispanic
January 01, 2020 - Fuller, W.A. (1975), Regression Analysis for Sample Survey, … L. (2009), Sampling: Design and Analysis , … F. eds. (1989),
Analysis of Complex Surveys
January 01, 2005 - to generalize to this population as well as to conduct research in which the family is the unit of analysis
January 01, 2005 - to generalize to this population as well as to conduct research in which the family is the unit of analysis
July 01, 2006 - Only large employers with 50 or more employees across all their locations were included in this analysis
January 01, 2005 - to generalize to this population as well as to conduct research in which the family is the unit of analysis
April 01, 2018 - Population covered
Persons included in this analysis were in the survey for the entire two-year
January 01, 2001 - All of the information in this analysis comes from tables that are available on the
MEPS-IC Internet
April 01, 2018 - Population covered
Persons included in this analysis were in the survey for the entire two-year
February 01, 2003 - No one is to use the data in this data set in any way except for
statistical reporting and analysis … from the MEPS IC
are used in the computation of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by the Bureau of
Economic Analysis … However, the user should
be aware that at this time no weight is being provided to facilitate two-year
analysis … AHRQ has developed
factors to apply to the 1987 NMES expenditure data to facilitate longitudinal
analysis … where the denominator is persons, care should be
taken to properly define and estimate the unit of analysis
November 01, 2012 - For this analysis, employment is divided into four equally sized groups
or quartiles.
July 01, 2004 - Only small employers with fewer than 50 employees across all their
locations were included in this analysis
April 20, 2021 - Analysis
of pre-pandemic data on influenza vaccination prevalence can offer useful
insights into which … Our analysis examined only the civilian noninstitutionalized population, thereby
excluding adults in … Covid-19 vaccination rates follow the money in
states with the biggest wealth gaps, analysis shows.
November 01, 2009 - AHRQ Working Papers provide preliminary analysis of substantive, technical, and methodological
issues … For this analysis we use person-level out of pocket expenditures. … By
replicating our analysis with data from 2010, we plan to investigate the extent to which the
January 01, 2012 - MEPSnet, which allows analysis of MEPS data using online statistical tools. … Analysis of Health Surveys. John Wiley and
Sons Inc. New York.
Shao, J. (1996).