July 01, 2007 - Only large employers with 50 or more employees across all their locations were included
in this analysis
July 01, 2007 - Only small employers with fewer than 50 employees across all their locations were included in this analysis
July 01, 2005 - Only small employers with fewer than 50 employees across all their locations were included in this analysis
July 01, 2004 - Only large employers with 50 or more employees across all their locations were included in this analysis
July 01, 2004 - Only small employers with fewer than 50 employees across all their locations were included in this analysis
July 01, 2006 - Only small employers with fewer than 50 employees across all their locations were included in this analysis
July 01, 2005 - Only large employers with 50 or more employees across all their locations were included in this analysis
January 01, 2014 - Only employers offering health insurance to employees
who retire before age 65 were included in this analysis
March 01, 2009 - Consequently, the family
definition used in this analysis aligns more closely with a " … One-person families are also included in this
analysis. … Families in which all persons are aged 65 or above are not included in this analysis. … Elderly families in which all persons are aged 65 or above are not included in this analysis. … employer-sponsored group coverage, employer contributions towards premiums are not included in this analysis
March 01, 2009 - the MEPS-IC are used in the computation of
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by the Bureau of Economic Analysis … Consequently, the family definition used in this analysis aligns more closely with a “health
insurance … One-person families are also
included in this analysis. … Families in which all persons are aged 65 or above
are not included in this analysis. … Elderly families
in which all persons are aged 65 or above are not included in this analysis.
March 01, 2009 - Consequently, the family
definition used in this analysis aligns more closely with a " … One-person families are also included in this
analysis. … Families in which all persons are aged 65 or above are not included in this analysis. … Elderly families in which all persons are aged 65 or above are not included in this analysis. … employer-sponsored group coverage, employer contributions towards premiums are not included in this analysis
December 04, 2020 - Food and Drug Administration in 2020
that is not included in our analysis, because it is a drug that … For this analysis, the following classification by race and
ethnicity was used: Hispanic, non-Hispanic … year comprised a small percentage of all elderly persons (0.27 percent) and
were excluded from the analysis
March 01, 2022 - Opioids that are excluded from our analysis include
respiratory agents, antitussives and … For this analysis, the
following classification by race and ethnicity was used: Hispanic,
March 01, 2022 - Opioids that are
excluded from our analysis include respiratory agents, antitussives and drugs
commonly … For this analysis, the following classification by
race and ethnicity was used: Hispanic, non-Hispanic
January 01, 2019 - .............................................................................................. 22
Analysis … Estimation .......................................................................... 24
Development of Analysis … Weights and Variance Estimation
Development of Analysis Weights
Weights are developed for use in … Sample Yields and Response Rates in MEPS
Responding Sample Size
Design Effects
Response Rates
Analysis … Weights and Variance Estimation
Development of Analysis Weights
Variance Estimation
August 01, 2017 - For this analysis, the following classification by race/ethnicity was used: Hispanic (any race), black … Individuals who did not fit into one of these categories were excluded from the analysis.
July 01, 2006 - Only large employers with 50 or more employees across all their locations were included in this analysis
July 01, 2007 - Only small employers with fewer than 50 employees across all their locations were included in this analysis
July 01, 2007 - Only large employers with 50 or more employees across all their locations were included in this analysis
July 01, 2006 - Only large employers with 50 or more employees across all their locations were included in this analysis