August 01, 2007 - Persons included in this analysis were present for the entire two year reference period, 2004-2005. … For this analysis, the following classification by race and ethnicity was used: Hispanic (of any race
August 01, 2007 - Persons included in this analysis were present for the entire two year reference period, 2004-2005. … For this analysis, the following classification by race and ethnicity was used: Hispanic (of any race
December 01, 2014 - Definitions
Population covered
Persons included in this analysis were present for the entire two-year … For this analysis, the following classification by race and ethnicity was used: Hispanic
(of any race
October 01, 2004 - AHRQ Working Papers provide preliminary analysis of substantive, technical, and methodological
issues … • Since the analysis is based on repeated simple random samples, results may
understate the necessary
August 01, 2007 - Persons included in this analysis were present for the entire two year reference period, 2004-2005. … For this analysis, the following classification by race and ethnicity was used: Hispanic (of any race
December 01, 2010 - Persons included in this analysis were present for the entire two year reference period, 2007-2008. … For this analysis, the following classification by race and ethnicity was used: Hispanic (of any race
September 01, 2011 - increases in the use of several specific classes of controller asthma medications during the period of our analysis … The use of non-steroidal anti-allergy agents (NSA) declined during the period of our analysis from 15.1
December 01, 2014 - Definitions
Population covered
Persons included in this analysis were present for the entire two-year … For this analysis, the following classification by race and ethnicity was used: Hispanic (of any race
August 01, 2007 - Persons included in this analysis were present for the entire two year reference period, 2004-2005. … For this analysis, the following classification by race and ethnicity was
used: Hispanic (of any race
September 01, 2011 - increases in the use of several specific classes of controller asthma medications during the period of our analysis … The use of non-steroidal anti-allergy agents (NSA) declined during the period of our analysis from 15.1
November 01, 2019 - Opioids that are
excluded from our analysis include respiratory agents, antitussives, and drugs commonly … For this analysis, the following classification by race and ethnicity was used: Hispanic, non-
Hispanic … Medicare coverage during the year comprised less than
2 percent of the sample and were excluded from the analysis
January 01, 2000 - All of the information in this analysis comes from tables that are available on the MEPS-IC Internet
Files are subject to a data use
agreement that stipulates data can only be used for statistical
agreement that stipulates data can only be
used for statistical analysis
Files are subject to a data use
agreement that stipulates data can only be used for statistical
August 01, 2008 - Persons included in this analysis were present for the entire two year reference period, 2005-2006. … For this analysis, the following classification by race and ethnicity was used: Hispanic (of any race
December 01, 2008 - Persons included in this analysis were present for the entire two year reference period, 2005-2006. … For this analysis, the following classification by race and ethnicity was
used: Hispanic (of any race
November 01, 2013 - Definitions
Population covered
Persons included in this analysis were present for the entire two-year … For this analysis, the following classification by race and ethnicity was used: Hispanic
(of any race
January 01, 2013 - Definitions
Population covered
Persons included in this analysis were present for the entire two-year … For this analysis, the following classification by race and ethnicity was used: Hispanic (of any race
January 01, 2018 - the VA health care system in a particular year.
2 Of the 8.1 percent of veterans excluded from the analysis … Armed Forces and having some medical expenditures during the year (TOTEXPyy>0) were included in the analysis