June 01, 2021 - HC-206A)
2018 Full-Year Consolidated Data File (HC-209)
The files used for this analysis … For this analysis,
antipsychotics include antimanics for both 2013 and 2018.
January 01, 2007 - Since 2000, the Bureau of
Economic Analysis has used national estimates of employer contributions … As part of this process,
another variable was added to the analysis: the total single employee contribution … One of the results of this analysis was the development of a 15th stratum for the
proposed new set of … After much analysis, a final allocation method was accepted that was a weighted average
of 50 percent … Table 2 gives results for the final optimal allocation for the three analysis variables
along with results
January 01, 2002 - Missing data for mammography ranged from 2-3%, and were excluded from the analysis.
March 01, 2003 - Since 2000, the Bureau of Economic
Analysis has used national estimates of employer
contributions to … Government
agencies such as the Bureau of Economic Analysis need
good data to produce such estimates … However, analysis of certain
weighted and unweighted numbers provided evidence
that the results for 1996 … Analysis of the total
reported number of retirees for the largest 500 firms in
the sample shows that
January 01, 2009 - This approach has the
advantages of tying the analysis directly to MEPS utilization and expenditure … data, which are key
components of the survey, and reducing the risk that the estimates or analysis will … This
approach ties the analysis directly to MEPS utilization and expenditure data which are key
July 01, 1999 - because of the number of variables involved, two of
each type of variable were chosen for analysis … After a brief analysis, this number
was set at 600. … This analysis was
performed to further improve State estimates to meet the State quality goals … 7
Size 4
Size 5
Size 6
After a preliminary analysis
January 01, 2003 - Missing data for mammography ranged from 2-3%, and were excluded from the analysis.
January 01, 2000 - Since 2000, the Bureau of Economic Analysis has used national estimates of employer contributions to
January 01, 2003 - Missing data for mammography ranged from 2-3%, and were excluded from the analysis.
January 01, 1996 - each individual service do associate dollar amounts
with services for purposes of budgeting or cost
January 01, 1996 - provided do associate dollar
amounts with services in their records for purposes of
budgeting or cost analysis
March 01, 2006 - Persons under 65 who live in families with members over and under 65 were included in this analysis. … For the analysis by family type, a few individual children were excluded who were defined as living in
March 01, 2006 - Persons under 65 who live in families with members over and under 65 were included in this analysis. … For the analysis by family type, a few individual children were excluded who were defined as living in
October 01, 2004 - • Since the analysis is based on repeated simple random samples, results may
understate the … Healthcare Research and Quality Working Paper No. 04002
Disclaimer: AHRQ Working Papers provide preliminary analysis
March 01, 2006 - Persons under 65 who live in families with members over and under 65 were included in this analysis. … For the analysis by family type, a few individual children were
excluded who were defined as living
January 01, 2006 - each individual service do associate dollar amounts
with services for purposes of budgeting or cost
analysis … each individual service do associate
dollar amounts with services for purposes of
budgeting or cost analysis
January 01, 2009 - This approach has the advantages of tying the
analysis directly to MEPS utilization and expenditure … data, which are key
components of the survey, and reducing the risk that the estimates or analysis … This approach
ties the analysis directly to MEPS utilization and expenditure data which are
key components
October 01, 1999 - Therefore, careful analysis of health status among racial
and ethnic groups is essential to understanding … Further analysis
of health status by racial/ethnic group for those age 65
and over is limited by small … Although multivariate analysis would be needed to
attempt to distinguish these complex relationships, … Subsequent releases of MEPS data will allow for
additional analysis of health status by racial and ethnic … groups, including analysis of some specific and highly
prevalent conditions.
August 01, 2006 - General Information
2.0 Data File Information
2.1 Using MEPS Data for Trend and Longitudinal Analysis … No one is to use the data in this data set in any way except for statistical reporting and analysis … the MEPS IC are used in the computation of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by the Bureau of Economic Analysis … Return To Table Of Contents
2.1 Using MEPS Data for Trend and Longitudinal Analysis
MEPS began … If examining trends in MEPS expenditures or performing longitudinal analysis on MEPS expenditures,
March 01, 2006 -
Persons under 65 who live in families with members over and under 65 were included in this analysis … For the analysis by family type, a few individual children were excluded who were defined as living in