February 01, 2015 - conducted by the MEPS staff from the following
public use files: HC-143 and HC-151 for the 2012 to 2013 analysis … Population covered
Persons included in this analysis were present for the entire two-year reference period … Individuals are included in the analysis if they were ages 18–63 in the first year and ages
18–64 in … For this analysis, the following classification by race and ethnicity was used: Hispanic (of any race
January 01, 2007 - small proportion of persons have extremely large expenses); as a consequence, the emphasis of this analysis … Persons under 65 who live in families including members over and under 65 are included in this analysis … Health insurance premiums are not included in this analysis.
August 03, 2011 - AHRQ Working Papers provide preliminary analysis of substantive, technical, and methodological
issues … The resultant
estimation weights used for this NHIS-MEPS-National Death Index cohort analysis was … For this analysis,
strongly agreed and agreed responses were combined into an “agreed” category. … This analysis demonstrates the capacity to conduct enhanced longitudinal analysis
with the MEPS data … Restricting the analysis to
individuals aged 18 and older that survived through 2002, the population
July 01, 2013 - multivariate models, the MEPS sample design complexities must be taken into account using
special analysis … To facilitate analysis of subpopulations and/or low prevalence events, it may be desirable
to pool … independence, it is valid to pool
multiple years of MEPS-HC data and keep all observations in the analysis … The analysis presented in this report shows that the most commonly used TSE method
overestimates the … Analysis of Health Surveys. John Wiley and Sons Inc. New
The tables provide expert analysis
of the data CMS collects each year about its programs and the nation's
The tables provide expert analysis
of the data CMS collects each year about its programs and the nation's
January 01, 2003 - This analysis of data from the 2001 MEPS-IC examines the offer, eligibility, and enrollment rates and … This analysis compares the offer, eligibility, and enrollment rates and contributions of private-sector
January 01, 2003 - This analysis of data from the 2001 MEPS-IC examines the offer, eligibility, and enrollment rates and … This analysis compares the offer, eligibility, and enrollment rates and contributions of private-sector
February 01, 2010 - AHRQ Working Papers provide preliminary analysis of substantive, technical, and methodological
issues … An underlying assumption of this analysis is that the
MarketScan data, which contains private insurance … Methods
We perform a descriptive analysis to evaluate whether or not the rules for identifying and … For this analysis we selected a 10% sample of the
outpatient pharmacy claims. … Visualizing the data
The analysis for this project was purely descriptive in nature.
January 01, 2003 - as offering health insurance in 2001 (over 58%, or 3.6 million establishments) are discussed in this analysis … All of the information in this analysis comes from tables that are available on the MEPS-IC Web site
January 01, 2001 -
This analysis of data from the 2001 MEPS-IC examines the offer, eligibility, and enrollment …
This analysis compares the offer, eligibility, and enrollment rates and contributions of private-sector
March 01, 2006 - Chronic conditions
Chronic conditions included in the analysis for adults are diabetes, asthma, and … adjusted to 2003 dollars using the Gross Domestic Product medical care price deflator (Bureau of Economic Analysis
March 01, 2006 - Chronic conditions
Chronic conditions included in the analysis for adults are diabetes, asthma, and … adjusted to 2003 dollars using the Gross Domestic Product
medical care price deflator (Bureau of Economic Analysis
March 01, 2006 - Chronic conditions
Chronic conditions included in the analysis for adults are diabetes, asthma, and … adjusted to 2003 dollars using the Gross Domestic Product medical care price deflator (Bureau of Economic Analysis
January 01, 2003 - as offering health insurance in 2001 (over 58%, or 3.6 million establishments) are discussed in this analysis … All of the information in this analysis comes from tables that are available on the MEPS-IC Web site
November 01, 2012 - By
tracking the population with use, the analysis can be used to assess the impact over time of
changes … We also include the dual eligibles in our analysis because they remain a subgroup of
significant policy … Including the dual eligibles
in our analysis is also reasonable from a financing point of view as … In spite of the strengths of MEPS for
this type of analysis, our results should be interpreted in the … Yet, our analysis also reveals that continued and rapid
up-take of new drugs and the expansions of
January 01, 2013 - Definitions
Population covered
Persons included in this analysis were present for the entire two-year … opulation coveredPersons included in this analysis were present for the entire two year reference period … For this analysis, the following classification by race and ethnicity was
used: Hispanic (of any race
August 01, 2017 - identified in the first
two categories.
Population covered
Persons included in this analysis … Age
Individuals are included in the analysis if they were ages 18–64 for the entire two-
year period … For this analysis, the following classification by race and ethnicity was used
Hispanic, non-Hispanic … Adults who reported other races and/or multiple races were not included
in the analysis due to insufficient
March 01, 2007 - Since 2000, the Bureau of Economic Analysis has used national
estimates of employer contributions to … The objectives of the imputations are to create data sets for analysis
that preserve sample sizes and … objectives of imputing missing expenditure data in MEPS are to
maximize sample sizes available for analysis … Analysis of Health Surveys. Wiley Series in Probability and
Statistics. 1999.
July 18, 2018 - your data by removing all personal identifying
information before it is made available for study and analysis