March 03, 2008 - Remove excess equipment/supplies/furniture from room.
2. … Clean all spills in patient room or hallway immediately. … Assess the need to move patient to room with best visual access
to nursing station.
3. … Institute flagging system: red arm band, red star on primary
board, red dot on patient floor card outside … patient room.
January 01, 2022 - She
began experiencing balance problems and leg spasms such that she
required use of a walker to ambulate … year after her initial evaluation for back pain, the patient’s family
brought her to the emergency room … because she was unable to
ambulate even to the bathroom due to pain … al.14 divided diagnostic errors into three categories:
– No-fault errors, which result from factors outside
January 01, 2024 - research teams have addressed the challenges associated with communication
between physicians and nurses outside … We followed that
physician and his/her team from room to room, frequently across multiple units on … continuous video because of the amount of “dead” space generated by following physician teams from
room … to room, frequently across multiple units on multiple floors.
May 05, 2015 - If the patient has more IV pumps than there are people in the room, they're probably ICU caliber. … you don't want to add something else that they have to worry about holding on to if they're trying to ambulate … We also have to remember that outside of the ICU setting and sometimes in the ICU setting, that strict … Next, a hip fracture who's going to the operating room, eventually. … They are in a patient bed, in a typical looking patient care room.
February 28, 2018 - research teams have addressed the challenges associated with communication
between physicians and nurses outside … We followed that
physician and his/her team from room to room, frequently across multiple units on … continuous video because of the amount of “dead” space generated by following physician teams from
room … to room, frequently across multiple units on multiple floors.
February 28, 2018 - research teams have addressed the challenges associated with communication
between physicians and nurses outside … We followed that
physician and his/her team from room to room, frequently across multiple units on … continuous video because of the amount of “dead” space generated by following physician teams from
room … to room, frequently across multiple units on multiple floors.
December 01, 2017 - Although factors outside the direct control of the health care system influence inpatient service utilization … Plastic Surgery
Education/Case Management
Chest and TB
Surgical Outpatient Use Of Inp Trtmnt Room … Emergency room
Eye care
Behavioral health
Home visits
March 12, 2008 - RN: Patient in wheelchair to cart in exam room; staff notify physician that patient with chest
pain … Assure that personnel are waiting at door to escort EMS to patient’s room. … patients with chest pain or allergic
reactions to larger procedure rooms
• Leave code cart in hallway outside … exam room
• Crowd control: ancillary staff (pharmacist, lab,
extra CMAs, nurses) stay outside of … room until
invited in
Staff uncomfortable with ECG rhythms
• Review dangerous rhythms for clinic
January 01, 2024 - research teams have addressed the challenges associated with communication
between physicians and nurses outside … We followed that
physician and his/her team from room to room, frequently across multiple units on … continuous video because of the amount of “dead” space generated by following physician teams from
room … to room, frequently across multiple units on multiple floors.
October 28, 2020 - Are they falling because they're not well hydrated and it's 98 degrees outside and the ambient temperature … They want to get out of their rooms, and they want to ambulate. … concept of social distancing is pretty foreign to staff and many don’t know how to safely have a life outside … Many of our buildings are one-story so they are able to do window visits from outside. … We had a chat room and a lot of good ideas were shared there.
October 28, 2020 - Are they falling because they're not well hydrated and it's 98 degrees outside and the ambient temperature … They want to get out of their rooms, and they want to ambulate. … concept of social distancing is pretty foreign to staff and many don’t know how to safely have a life outside … Many of our buildings are one-story so they are able to do window visits from outside. … We had a chat room and a lot of good ideas were shared there.
May 01, 2016 - Medical patient able to ambulate outside room and not meeting criteria for moderate or high risk.
May 01, 2016 - Medical patient able to ambulate outside room and not meeting criteria for moderate or high risk.
May 01, 2016 - Medical patient able to ambulate outside room and not meeting criteria for moderate or high risk.
December 31, 1997 - who died during the year, and people who resided in an institution, were in the military, or lived outside … incurred during periods of full-time active-duty military service, institutionalization, or residency outside … types of service shown in Figures 1 and 2 are:
¥ Hospital inpatient servicesÑThis category includes room … basic facility charge, payments for separately billed physician inpatient services, and some emergency room
October 01, 2007 - "I don't know how to get there except to go outside
and through the front door," a colleague answered … So the senior resident and intern ran down numerous
flights of stairs, outside the front of the hospital … psnet.ahrq.gov/web-mm/code-blue-where
At this point, a staff nurse on the psychiatry floor came into the room … "(4)
EMTALA specifically obligates the hospital when the emergency presents outside of the main hospital … emergency department would not only encompass
what is generally thought of as a hospital's emergency room
March 03, 2008 - Remove excess equipment/supplies/furniture from room.
2. … Clean all spills in patient room or hallway immediately. … Assess the need to move patient to room with best visual access
to nursing station.
3. … Institute flagging system: red arm band, red star on primary
board, red dot on patient floor card outside … patient room.
February 23, 2022 - She began experiencing balance problems and leg spasms such that she
required use of a walker to ambulate … year after her initial evaluation for back pain, the patient’s family brought her to the emergency
room … because she was unable to ambulate even to the bathroom due to pain. … al.14 divided diagnostic errors into three categories:
No-fault errors, which result from factors outside
February 01, 2016 - Many centers have adapted definitions such as "ambulates independently outside of room twice daily" or
October 01, 2022 - Many centers have adapted definitions such as "ambulates independently outside of room twice daily" or