October 28, 2020 - Are they falling
because they're not well hydrated and it's 98 degrees outside and the ambient temperature … They want to get out of their rooms, and they want to ambulate. … concept
of social distancing is pretty foreign to staff and many don’t know how to safely have a life outside … Many of our buildings are one-story so
they are able to do window visits from outside. … We had a chat room and a lot of good ideas were shared
August 04, 2021 - Society of Critical Care Medicine Guidelines on Recognizing and Responding to Clinical Deterioration Outside … October 30, 2013
Improving patient safety in the ED waiting room.
July 20, 2010 - Incidence and nature of adverse events during pediatric sedation/anesthesia for procedures outside … the operating room: report from the Pediatric Sedation Research Consortium.
September 01, 2011 - A Room Without Orders. PSNet [internet]. … A Room Without Orders. PSNet [internet]. … had been replaced by a new nurse, who escorted the patient to his room. … admissions include an interoperable EHR that can be accessed by physicians scheduling admissions from outside … A Room Without Orders. PSNet [internet].
May 04, 2016 - The weekend effect of worse patient outcomes when admissions or procedures occurred outside of usual … View More
See More About The Topic
Emergency Departments
Operating Room
May 01, 2014 - The patient was then taken to the operating room, where he
awaited the arrival of the surgeon. … evaluate and, given complaints of acute neck pain, the patient was transferred to
the local emergency room … Because of this poor
communication, the nurse assumed that the block would be placed in the operating room … requirements, obtaining necessary education, and declining or asking for help with assignments that are
truly outside … Handoff checklists improve the reliability of patient handoffs in the operating room
and postanesthesia
May 29, 2024 - The patient was then taken to the operating room, where he awaited the arrival of the surgeon. … evaluate and, given complaints of acute neck pain, the patient was transferred to the local emergency room … Because of this poor communication, the nurse assumed that the block would be placed in the operating room … requirements, obtaining necessary education, and declining or asking for help with assignments that are truly outside … Handoff checklists improve the reliability of patient handoffs in the operating room and postanesthesia
April 29, 2020 - She was taken to the operating room and underwent an uneventful change of the
ECMO circuit. … it took the perfusionist almost 30 minutes to
see the patient after the patient left the operating room … The perfusionist immediately realized that the
oxygenator was filled with room air. … During ECMO, blood is drained from the patient's vascular system, circulated outside the body by a
mechanical … In this Case, the patient experienced an adverse event during transport on ECMO from the operating room
January 27, 2021 - She was taken to the operating room and underwent an uneventful change of the ECMO circuit. … it took the perfusionist almost 30 minutes to see the patient after the patient left the operating room … The perfusionist immediately realized that the oxygenator was filled with room air. … During ECMO, blood is drained from the patient's vascular system, circulated outside the body by a mechanical … In this Case, the patient experienced an adverse event during transport on ECMO from the operating room
March 30, 2020 - "I don't know how to get there except to go outside and through the front door," a colleague answered … So the senior resident and intern ran down numerous flights of stairs, outside the front of the hospital … At this point, a staff nurse on the psychiatry floor came into the room, recognized the patient, and … emergency department would not only encompass what is generally thought of as a hospital's emergency room … December 16, 2020
Patient safety in the cardiac operating room: human factors and teamwork
January 01, 2022 - She
began experiencing balance problems and leg spasms such that she
required use of a walker to ambulate … year after her initial evaluation for back pain, the patient’s family
brought her to the emergency room … because she was unable to
ambulate even to the bathroom due to pain … al.14 divided diagnostic errors into three categories:
– No-fault errors, which result from factors outside
October 28, 2020 - Are they falling because they're not well hydrated and it's 98 degrees outside and the ambient temperature … They want to get out of their rooms, and they want to ambulate. … concept of social distancing is pretty foreign to staff and many don’t know how to safely have a life outside … Many of our buildings are one-story so they are able to do window visits from outside. … We had a chat room and a lot of good ideas were shared there.
October 28, 2020 - Are they falling because they're not well hydrated and it's 98 degrees outside and the ambient temperature … They want to get out of their rooms, and they want to ambulate. … concept of social distancing is pretty foreign to staff and many don’t know how to safely have a life outside … Many of our buildings are one-story so they are able to do window visits from outside. … We had a chat room and a lot of good ideas were shared there.
October 01, 2007 - "I don't know how to get there except to go outside
and through the front door," a colleague answered … So the senior resident and intern ran down numerous
flights of stairs, outside the front of the hospital … psnet.ahrq.gov/web-mm/code-blue-where
At this point, a staff nurse on the psychiatry floor came into the room … "(4)
EMTALA specifically obligates the hospital when the emergency presents outside of the main hospital … emergency department would not only encompass
what is generally thought of as a hospital's emergency room
February 23, 2022 - She began experiencing balance problems and leg spasms such that she
required use of a walker to ambulate … year after her initial evaluation for back pain, the patient’s family brought her to the emergency
room … because she was unable to ambulate even to the bathroom due to pain. … al.14 divided diagnostic errors into three categories:
No-fault errors, which result from factors outside
October 31, 2023 - She began experiencing balance problems and leg spasms such that she required use of a walker to ambulate … year after her initial evaluation for back pain, the patient’s family brought her to the emergency room … because she was unable to ambulate even to the bathroom due to pain. … divided diagnostic errors into three categories :
No-fault errors, which result from factors outside
January 01, 2016 - A Room Without Orders
January 1, 2016
Vogelsmeier A, Despins L. A Room Without Orders. … https://psnet.ahrq.gov/web-mm/room-without-orders
Case Objectives
Review a common process for planned … At shift change, the patient's
room was ready but the nurse who had initially greeted him on arrival … had been replaced by a new nurse,
who escorted the patient to his room. … admissions include an interoperable EHR that can be
accessed by physicians scheduling admissions from outside
February 10, 2010 - alert, and may decrease the turnaround times between cases, especially if a separate area is available outside … For instance, with spinal anesthesia, the patient must be able to ambulate, and sufficient regression … no dizziness, consistent with preoperative level 2 Requires assistance 1 Unable to ambulate
August 28, 2024 - are operationalized more effectively when there is a full understanding
of workflows, so there is room … The second step is to tap into external
expertise, sometimes outside of health care. … you ask registration, perioperative techs, or bedside nurses, you'll hear about things that folks do outside … of
policy and outside of work as imagined to keep patients safe.
September 16, 2009 - 2017
Analysis of adverse events associated with adult moderate procedural sedation outside … the operating room. … WebM&M Cases
Medication Handling and Compounding Errors in the Operating Room … August 3, 2022
How gender shapes interprofessional teamwork in the operating room: a … The nature of reported safety events related to care coordination in the operating room