December 31, 1997 - who died during the year, and people who resided in an institution, were in the military, or lived outside … incurred during periods of full-time active-duty military service, institutionalization, or residency outside … types of service shown in Figures 1 and 2 are:
¥ Hospital inpatient servicesÑThis category includes room … basic facility charge, payments for separately billed physician inpatient services, and some emergency room
January 01, 2010 - Box 8547
Silver Spring, MD 20907
410-381-3150 (callers outside the United States
888 … Inpatient Hospital Expenses
The inpatient expense estimates shown in Table 4
include room and board … expenses Percent of total
inpatient expenses
due to injuryb
Expense per person
with expense
a Room … who died during
the year, and people who resided in an institution, were
in the military, or lived outside … incurred during
periods of full-time active-duty military service,
institutionalization, or residency outside
May 10, 2018 - reconciliation for estimating the amount that the institutionalized population spends on
health care outside … community—so that for this reconciliation
we subtract from the NHEA only the amount of spending that is outside … as the MEPS respondents being able to recall major events, such as hospitalizations
or emergency room … One caveat pertaining to this estimate is that
some dental care is provided outside of dental establishments
January 01, 2010 - charge, payments for separately billed
physician inpatient services, and emergency room … 4,937
High income
a Room … year, and people who resided in
an institution, were in the military, or lived outside … periods of full-time active-duty military service, institutionalization,
or residency outside … Hospital inpatient
services - This
category includes room
January 01, 2021 - The inlay is prepared outside of the patient’s mouth. … emergency room. … The emergency room may be located at a hospital. … #LIVING WITHIN/OUTSIDE U.S. … The emergency room may be located at a hospital.
January 01, 2022 - The inlay is prepared outside of the patient’s mouth. … emergency room. … The emergency room may be located at a hospital. … #LIVING WITHIN/OUTSIDE U.S. … The emergency room may be located at a hospital.
December 01, 2000 - However, people living outside MSAs were less
likely than those living in MSAs to have … People living outside
of MSAs were slightly more likely to have home health expenses … and people who resided in an institution, were in the military,
or lived outside … periods of full-time active-duty military service, institutionalization,
or residency outside … Place of Residence
Individuals are identified as residing either
inside or outside
April 01, 2004 - Emergency room servicesa? … • Emergency room services (Table 6). … Each MEPS sample person was classified as residing either
inside or outside a metropolitan statistical … who died during the year; and people who resided in an institution,
were in the military, or lived outside … incurred during periods of full-time active-duty
military service, institutionalization, or residency outside
December 31, 2020 - The process uses a magnetic field outside the body to generate
images. … One type is tied to an
HMO, so that the POS option allows members/patients to use providers who are outside … ’s Office: A private doctor’s office refers to a physician or group of
physicians who see patients outside … several days after the drawing of the specimen and would contain the l o g o / letterhead
of the outside … Satellite locations may provide outpatient services
and/or emergency room services.
December 31, 2020 - of
providers and receive no reimbursements for using
providers outside … In some hospitals, the emergency
room doctors are independent contractors and will … The process uses
a magnetic field outside the body to generate images. … so that the POS option allows members/patients to use
providers who are outside … the drawing of the specimen and would contain the
logo/letterhead of the outside
December 01, 2000 - Box 8547
Silver Spring, MD 20907
410-381-3150 (callers outside the United States
888 … Inpatient Hospital Services
The inpatient expenditure estimates shown in Table
3 include room and board … However, people living
outside MSAs were less likely than those living in
MSAs to have their expenses … People living outside of MSAs were slightly more
likely to have home health expenses than those living … who died during the year, and people who
resided in an institution, were in the military, or lived
December 01, 2000 - Box 8547
Silver Spring, MD 20907
410-381-3150 (callers outside the United States
888 … Inpatient Hospital Services
The inpatient expenditure estimates shown in Table
3 include room and board … However, people living
outside MSAs were less likely than those living in
MSAs to have their expenses … People living outside of MSAs were slightly more
likely to have home health expenses than those living … who died during the year, and people who
resided in an institution, were in the military, or lived