January 01, 2020 - Ground Included: adult patients, non-traumatic cardiac arrests that occurred within the two time periods outside … admitted directly from the scene
Excluded: patients who died at the scene or were dead on emergency room … non-traumatic cardiac arrest patients aged 18 years or older requiring immediate airway management outside … helicopter emergency medical services (HEMS) primary missions (response to the scene of accident or illness outside … Physicians
Mixed Air Included: died, were admitted to the surgical intensive care unit (SICU) or operating room
August 23, 2012 - has to do with repetitive exposures to the
very low exposures that caregivers and others in the same room … Economic
studies are outside the scope of this review. … Cost-effectiveness analysis is outside the
scope of this review. … Question 4, pp. 17-18: Re lines 11-13 on page 18: What findings are
available from situations in which room … Results page 18 -- lines 12-14 & page 22 - lines 20-22 -- what is the current
standard for use of room
August 01, 2012 - In this
study, significant increases in hospitalization of
emergency room visits were seen in unadjusted … Evaluation Board
Topiramate (topamax),
gabapentin (neurontin)
AUC, Cmax In a number of cases 90% CIs outside … the 80–125% criterion were found
upon interchanging generics; however, a similar pattern of 90% CIs outside … In this
study, significant increases in hospitalization of
emergency room visits were seen in unadjusted
August 01, 2012 - In this
study, significant increases in hospitalization of
emergency room visits were seen in unadjusted … Evaluation Board
Topiramate (topamax),
gabapentin (neurontin)
AUC, Cmax In a number of cases 90% CIs outside … the 80–125% criterion were found
upon interchanging generics; however, a similar pattern of 90% CIs outside … In this
study, significant increases in hospitalization of
emergency room visits were seen in unadjusted
July 01, 2018 - Ground Included: adult patients, non-traumatic cardiac arrests that occurred within the two time periods outside … non-traumatic cardiac arrest patients aged 18 years or older requiring immediate airway management outside … Physicians
Mixed Air Included: died, were admitted
to the surgical intensive care unit (SICU) or operating room
March 01, 2012 - Remember that many of these trials are done
outside the United States where they may or
may not be … #2
“In this study, significant increases in hospitalization of
emergency room … have made the following change:
In this study, significant increases in
hospitalization of emergency room … of
specification that the products were “A” rated generics and the
multitude of studies conducted outside
November 01, 2019 - The ALLEGRO hospital-based geriatric living lab.8 This article
describes an experimental hospital room … This article was published in 2012, outside of the range of our targeted
literature search. … Single room versus open-bay design in neonatal
intensive care units for improvement in infant outcomes … an increase in daytime operating,
improved patient transit from emergency department to operating room … Question 1-Other interventions
• Recovery room and non-cardiac surgery in adults.
December 21, 2020 - /A
US, Canada, UK, Western Europe, Australia, New Zealand
Studies conducted outside … initial diagnosis[tiab] OR initial contact[tiab] OR warning[tiab] OR urgent care[tiab]) OR emergency room
November 01, 2020 - this report uses the term
“supraglottic airway” to classify advanced airway devices that are placed outside … or delays increase the probability of poor outcomes;
• Difficulties in triage and decision making outside … In the
past prehospital providers could acquire initial and refresher training in the operating room … Airway management outside the
operating room: hazardous and
incompletely studied. … Management
of anesthetic emergencies and
complications outside the operating
November 01, 2020 - this report uses the term
“supraglottic airway” to classify advanced airway devices that are placed outside … or delays increase the probability of poor outcomes;
• Difficulties in triage and decision making outside … In the
past prehospital providers could acquire initial and refresher training in the operating room … Airway management outside the
operating room: hazardous and
incompletely studied. … Management
of anesthetic emergencies and
complications outside the operating
June 01, 2013 - ES-7
It should be noted that the Stakeholder Panel brought forth research needs that were outside … care/ED, ward)
• Outpatient for
• Non-outbreak
ED = emergency room … Most cases of community-onset invasive
disease occur outside of the hospital setting but involve patients … It should be noted that the Stakeholder Panel highlighted research needs that were outside the
scope … o A backlog can result in negative
outcomes outside the ER e.g.,
delays in care, ambulance transfers
January 01, 2024 - Patient-
centered Medical Home, Make Room for
Your New Neighbor: The Person-centered
Wellness Home … Studies Conducted Outside of the United States
1. … form of rehabilitation (e.g., walking,
individually tailored exercise programs) and were
conducted outside … Clinical Needs: Unable to carry out at
least 1 instrumental activity of daily
living: getting around ,outside … Clinical Needs: Unable to carry out at
least 1 instrumental activity of daily
living: getting around, outside
January 01, 2020 - million yearly osteoporotic fractures result in more than 500,000
hospitalizations, 800,000 emergency room … about total sales of whole-body vibration platforms;
therefore, we could not determine utilization outside … All studies using side-alternating platforms have been completed
outside of the United States.21,31,52,71 … 65-years old; Able to
go from sitting to standing
without assistance; Walk up
and down 3 steps; Ambulate
July 08, 2014 - multiple levels or forms of access barriers, such as transportation to facilities and whether the exam room … clarity in discriminating between interventions within the scope of cultural competence versus those outside
March 01, 2012 - This is outside of the
scope of the CER.
Jeff Maitland Methods KQ 3: Approve with comments. … relation to “bleeding outcomes” we are
concerned about blood transfusion, return to the
operating room … relation to “bleeding outcomes” we are
concerned about blood transfusion, return to the
operating room … relation to “bleeding outcomes” we are
concerned about blood transfusion, return to the
operating room … Heparin Induced Thrombocytopenia is outside of the scope of
this project.
July 09, 2014 - multiple levels or forms of
access barriers, such as transportation to facilities and whether the exam room … clarity in discriminating
between interventions within the scope of cultural competence versus those outside
August 01, 2014 - that end, quasi-experimental designs may offer the best approaches to account for factors that
may be outside … . given the absence of rigorous clinical practice guidelines that
incorporate procalcitonin; while outside … Management of patients (all ages) with suspected LRTI
the emergency room setting in the U.S. … Is PCT a valid indicator of bacterial infection in patients who
present to the emergency room with suspected … 1 1
Note: ER, emergency room; ICU, intensive
July 28, 2009 - Gateway database (created in MySQL), and the file is parsed into fields that are selectively available to outside … the past month did you have to have someone help you, dial 911 for an ambulance, visit the emergency room … In some cases, these practices had contracted with competent outside resources and in other cases IT … Ongoing funding of personnel to support the system may require the development of an organization outside
June 01, 2022 - for sale, incorporation into software,
incorporation into for-profit training courses) or for use outside … Validity and Reliability of the Computer-
Administered Routine Opioid Outcome
Monitoring (ROOM) Tool
June 01, 2022 - for sale, incorporation into software,
incorporation into for-profit training courses) or for use outside … Validity and Reliability of the Computer-
Administered Routine Opioid Outcome
Monitoring (ROOM) Tool