
Total Results: 12 records

Showing results for "ambulate outside room".

    November 01, 2014 - Any discussion or development of the last two aspects (process flow and data elements) was outside … Process flow diagrams and data elements development were outside the scope of this effort. … Prima when he enters the room to evaluate Mr. Joplin. … Joplin back to an exam room. (5) • Dr. … Joplin in waiting room and takes him back to exam room. (6) Page 22 – Medical assistant
    November 01, 2014 - Prima’s medical assistant, Donna McGowan, to get him back to a room as he appears moderately ill and … Prima when he enters the room to evaluate Mr. Joplin. … She completes a standardized depression instrument in privacy on the exam room computer. … Prima recommends immediate evaluation in the local emergency room (ER). He contacts Dr. … Pulse oximetry reveals a SaO2 of 88 percent on room air. Chest x-ray shows no infiltrate.
    November 19, 2008 - These have been difficult to duplicate outside the confines of a single center or research center, because … What could be going on outside the technology? … There's a call for regulation to compare, make sure their quality is appropriate outside of the clinical … Oftentimes admissions are, certainly readmissions and emergency room and hospitalization certainly can … Again, congestive heart failure being a progressive disease, left unmanaged leads to more emergency room
    November 19, 2008 - These have been difficult to duplicate outside the confines of a single center or research center, because … What could be going on outside the technology? … There's a call for regulation to compare, make sure their quality is appropriate outside of the clinical … Oftentimes admissions are, certainly readmissions and emergency room and hospitalization certainly can … Again, congestive heart failure being a progressive disease, left unmanaged leads to more emergency room
    January 01, 2015 - healthcare applications that enable patients to communicate and interact with their healthcare providers outside … Patient portal doldrums: does an exam room promotional video during an office visit
    June 01, 2009 - But, as soon as the clinician enters the room, SA is dynamically updated based on sensory inputs such … These frameworks come from research on (1) decision support systems (DSS) outside of health care, (2) … However, research outside of health care shows that people will not put forth the extra effort to fight … Are patients pleased with computer use in the examination room? J Fam Pract 1995;41(3):241-4. 37. … Distributed cognition in the heart room: How situation awareness arises from coordinated communications
    June 01, 2009 - But, as soon as the clinician enters the room, SA is dynamically updated based on sensory inputs such … These frameworks come from research on (1) decision support systems (DSS) outside of health care, (2 … However, research outside of health care shows that people will not put forth the extra effort to fight … , Karsh and Scanlon note: “Putting a handful of subjects in a nice, clean, simulated patient care room … J Biomed Inform Distributed cognition in the heart room: How 2005;38(6):469-85.
    June 01, 2009 - But, as soon as the clinician enters the room, SA is dynamically updated based on sensory inputs such … These frameworks come from research on (1) decision support systems (DSS) outside of health care, (2 … However, research outside of health care shows that people will not put forth the extra effort to fight … , Karsh and Scanlon note: “Putting a handful of subjects in a nice, clean, simulated patient care room … J Biomed Inform Distributed cognition in the heart room: How 2005;38(6):469-85.
    January 01, 2011 - controls.(20) In another study, Raschetti et al. found that 4.3% of visits to one hospital emergency room … Thus there is much room to improve our understanding of the frequency and nature of ADEs in pediatric … Incidence and nature of adverse events during pediatric sedation/anesthesia for procedures outside … the operating room: report from the Pediatric Sedation Research Consortium.
    November 16, 2010 - care teams to better understand extraordinary services provided within the primary care clinics and outside … understanding of services and divisions that we found were essential to the WellMed model but exist outside … Emergency room use and primary care case management: Evidence from four Medicaid demonstration programs … care teams to better understand extraordinary services provided within the primary care clinics and outside … Emergency room use and primary care case management: Evidence from four Medicaid demonstration programs
    September 01, 2010 - made technology available to their staff in a variety of ways, including hand-held devices, kiosks outside … Among children enrolled in the OMH pathway, emergency room visits decreased.
    January 01, 2021 - visualizations can support shared decision making, helping patients/caregivers and clinicians spot values outside … with this model can be challenging for both the child and the parent, related to limited support outside … design technology that would address this gap in care by maintaining treatment for youth with ADHD outside … At-home blood pressure monitoring is a common solution to better capture a patient’s blood pressure outside … With a televisit, you are in your bedroom or your living room trying to have that same conversation

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