
Total Results: 78 records

Showing results for "alcohol misuse".

    October 22, 2012 - What is alcohol misuse? … and Counseling for Alcohol Misuse Alcohol misuse is a major public health problem in the United States … Screening and Behavioral Counseling Interventions to Reduce Alcohol Misuse Levels of Alcohol Misusemisuse (such as alcohol abuse or dependence). … alcohol misuse Unhealthy drinking, including risky or hazardous use, harmful use, alcohol abuse, and
    April 06, 2004 - The USPSTF concluded that the benefits of behavioral counseling interventions to reduce alcohol misusemisuse by adolescents. … It is sensitive for detecting alcohol misuse and abuse or dependence and can be used alone or embedded … misuse. … The benefits of behavioral intervention for preventing or reducing alcohol misuse in adolescents are
    May 15, 2013 - to reduce alcohol misuse B Adolescents (under 18 years of age) The USPSTF concludes that … intake levels—can help improve some health outcomes in alcohol misuse 29 , 30 . … Screening, Behavioral Counseling, and Referral in Primary Care to Reduce Alcohol Misuse. … Universal school-based prevention programs for alcohol misuse in young people. … Universal family-based prevention programs for alcohol misuse in young people.
    May 07, 2013 - Screening and Behavioral Counseling Interventions in Primary Care to Reduce Alcohol Misuse: Clinical … Summary SCREENING AND BEHAVIORAL COUNSELING INTERVENTIONS IN PRIMARY CARE TO REDUCE ALCOHOL MISUSE … Grade: I statement Screening Tests Numerous screening instruments can detect alcohol misuse … The USPSTF prefers the following tools for alcohol misuse screening in the primary care setting: 1 … The evidence on alcohol misuse screening and brief behavioral counseling interventions in the primary
    September 24, 2012 - misuse. … It does not apply to people with signs or symptoms of alcohol misuse or who already are seeking evaluation … interventions to reduce alcohol misuse … Approximately one-third of the U.S. population is affected by alcohol misuse, with most people engaged … Alcohol misuse causes more than 85,000 deaths each year, making it the third-leading cause of preventable
    August 01, 2013 - Screening and Behavioral Counseling Interventions in Primary Care to Reduce Alcohol Misuse: U.S. … interventions to reduce alcohol misuse. … interventions to reduce alcohol misuse. … of screening and behavioral counseling for alcohol misuse in this population. … Universal school-based prevention programs for alcohol misuse in young people.
    April 06, 2004 - Misuse: Screening and Counseling April 06, 2004 Recommendations made by the USPSTF are independent … misuse, including risky and harmful drinking, alcohol abuse, and dependence, is associated with numerous … abuse or dependence. 2 Persons who misuse alcohol have elevated risks for a host of health problems … dependence. 27 Prevalence of these forms of alcohol misuse generally is higher in males and younger … Alcohol Alcohol . 1988;23:115-21. [PMID: 3390235] 99.
    May 14, 2013 - Misuse U.S. … misuse among adolescents and adults. … “When people misuse alcohol, there can be serious consequences for themselves, their families, and their … Alcohol misuse is the cause of tens of thousands of deaths per year in the United States—deaths that … Alcohol misuse is common, with approximately 30 percent of the U.S. population engaged in risky use
    May 23, 2019 - Screening and Behavioral Counseling Interventions in Primary Care To Reduce Alcohol Misuse: Recommendation … CLINICAL CONSIDERATIONS Alcohol misuse includes “risky/hazardous” and “harm- ful” drinking that places … The TWEAK, a 5-item scale, and the T-ACE are designed to screen pregnant women for alcohol misuse. … Effective interventions to reduce alcohol misuse in- clude an initial counseling session of about 15 … Primary care screening and behavioral counseling in- terventions for alcohol misuse can be described
    September 25, 2012 - The definitions of the spectrum of alcohol misuse (that is, unhealthy alcohol use 1  continue to evolve … We have described several categories of alcohol misuse (such as risky or hazardous use and alcohol dependence … Screening for alcohol misuse will inevitably identify some alcohol-dependent individuals; thus, providers … Accessed at on 8 June 2012. … misuse.
    September 25, 2012 - archived Evidence Summary Alcohol Misuse: Screening and Behavioral Counseling Interventions … The definitions of the spectrum of alcohol misuse (that is, unhealthy alcohol use 1  continue to evolve … Screening for alcohol misuse will inevitably identify some alcohol-dependent individuals; thus, providers … Accessed at on 8 June 2012. … misuse.
    September 24, 2012 - on Draft Recommendation: Screening and Behavioral Counseling Interventions in Primary Care to Reduce AlcoholMisuse Share to Facebook Share to X Share to WhatsApp … recommendation statement on screening and behavioral counseling interventions in primary care to reduce alcoholmisuse.
    May 14, 2013 - Recommendation Statement for Screening and Behavioral Counseling Interventions in Primary Care to Reduce AlcoholMisuse Share to Facebook Share to X Share to WhatsApp … recommendation statement on screening and behavioral counseling interventions in primary care to reduce alcoholmisuse. … recommendation and the evidence on which it is based, please go to /uspstf/recommendation/unhealthy-alcohol-use-in-adolescents-and-adults-screening-and-behavioral-counseling-interventions
    November 01, 2012 - Alcohol misuse, which includes the full spectrum fromrisky or hazardous drinking to alcohol dependence … The definitions of the spectrum of alcohol misuse (that is, unhealthy alcohol use [1]) continue to evolve … We have described several categories of alcohol misuse (such as risky or hazardous use and alcohol dependence … Screening for alcohol misuse will inevitably identify some alcohol-dependent individuals; thus, providers … Accessed at on 8 June 2012. 3.
    January 15, 2008 - misuse by adults and pregnant women can be found here . … (Please note that tobacco use and alcohol misuse are considered in separate screening recommendations … Validation of the World Health Organization Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test … Drug Alcohol Review 2005;24:217-26. Brown RL, Rounds LA.  … Drug Alcohol Depend 2005;77(1):49-59. Kulig JW and the Committee on Substance Abuse. 
    January 15, 2008 - (Please note that tobacco use and alcohol misuse are considered in separate screening recommendations … Validation of the World Health Organization Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test … Drug Alcohol Review 2005;24:217-226. … Conjoint screening questionnaires for alcohol and other drug abuse: criterion validity in a primary … Drug Alcohol Depend 2005;77(1):49-59. (14) Kulig JW and the Committee on Substance Abuse.
    September 06, 2013 - reliable standardized questionnaires are available to screen adolescents and adults for drug use or misuse … from the USPSTF The USPSTF recommendation for screening and counseling interventions to reduce alcoholmisuse by adults and pregnant women can be found at
    November 19, 2013 - Grade: I statement Risk Assessment The primary risk factors for oral cancer are tobacco and alcohol … made recommendations on counseling to prevent tobacco use and screening for and counseling to reduce alcoholmisuse.
    May 15, 2013 - influence behaviors such as preventing drug use initiation and reducing the frequency and/or quantity of misuse … Are children and adolescents identified as misusing drugs or at risk for drug misuse through primary … primary aim, with or without addressing other substances or behaviors (e.g., addressing drug use and alcoholmisuse, tobacco use); that is, change in drug use is not a stated aim, but is the reported outcome … , stroke, seizures) Drug-related injury or accidents Other risky behaviors (e.g., alcohol
    October 16, 2018 - maltreatment; screening for depression in adolescents, adults, and pregnant w omen; screening for alcoholmisuse; and screening for drug misuse.

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