December 01, 2015 - Available:
6. … Fetal alcohol syndrome and alcohol-
related neurodevelopmental disorders. … /fact-sheets/alcohol-use.htm
http://www.about-alcohol-abuse.com … //www.cdc.gov/alcohol/fact-sheets/alcohol-use.htm
http://www.cdc.gov/alcohol/fact-sheets/alcohol-use.htm … Primary
care intervention to reduce alcohol misuse ranking
its health impact and cost effectiveness
November 03, 2020 - More research needed on
tobacco as risk for misuse. … or opioid use disorder, and
management of misuse or opioid use disorder. … alcohol) as predictors of opioid misuse and opioid
use disorder. … Unfortunately, the authors use the term “alcohol
misuse” and “abuse of substances” throughout
the document … or OUD, and
management of misuse or OUD.”
December 01, 2014 - Off-label baclofen for treatment of alcohol use disorder No high-impact potential at this time
3. … Currently
tracked topics span many aspects of substance abuse and pertain to alcohol, cocaine, and … Opioid misuse has been
recognized as a significant public health issue. In 2014, the U.S. … However, experts noted potential concerns among clinicians, who may be
concerned about possible device misuse … They
also noted Evzio does not address the root causes of opioid overdoses: opioid misuse and
June 01, 2015 - Fetal alcohol syndrome and
alcohol-related neurodevelopmental disorders. … Available:
use.htm. … /fact-sheets/alcohol-use.htm
http://www.about-alcohol-abuse.com … //www.cdc.gov/alcohol/fact-sheets/alcohol-use.htm
http://www.cdc.gov/alcohol/fact-sheets/alcohol-use.htm … Primary care intervention to reduce alcohol
misuse ranking its health impact and cost
January 02, 2020 - Instruments, genetic/metabolic tests for predicting risk of misuse, opioid use disorder, and overdose … Reference standard for misuse, opioid use disorder, or overdose; or other benchmarks
g. … Drug Alcohol Depend. 2019 Jan 1;194:166-72. doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2018.09.022. … or/8-10
exp Opioid-Related Disorders/
(opioid adj2 (abuse or addict* or misuse or diversion)).ti, … or/16-25
Patient Compliance/
Health Services Misuse/
Substance Abuse Detection/
Drug Monitoring
August 08, 2019 - for surgery and other acute pain
conditions often go unused, a potential source for diversion and misuse … Instruments, genetic/metabolic tests for predicting risk of misuse, opioid use
disorder, and overdose … Reference standard for misuse, opioid use disorder, or overdose; or other
g. … Drug Alcohol Depend. 2019
Jan 1;194:166-72. doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2018.09.022. … Health Services Misuse/
29. Substance Abuse Detection/
September 29, 2014 - The evidence for the increased incidence of misuse, abuse, morbidity,
and mortality of individuals for … For example, I would consider reordering the mention and discussion of
the outcomes: misuse (least severe … We
focused on studies evaluated for
predicting risk of abuse/misuse in
patients prior to initiating … Chen et al., “Benzodiazepine Use and Misuse among Patients in a Methadone
Program,” BMC Psychiatry 11 … excluded because it
combined emergency room (ER)
visits for opioid-related overdose with
ER visits for alcohol
September 30, 2015 - 53.9 vs. 50.7
Female sex: 80% vs. 53.3%
White race: 33.3% vs. 86.6%
Depression: 40% vs. 66.6%
Opioid misuse … B
Opioid misuse behaviors (using more than prescribed, using more often then prescribed, early refills … patients with history of psychosis
Substance use: Excluded patients with history of illicit drug or alcohol
September 30, 2015 - 53.9 vs. 50.7
Female sex: 80% vs. 53.3%
White race: 33.3% vs. 86.6%
Depression: 40% vs. 66.6%
Opioid misuse … B
Opioid misuse behaviors (using more than prescribed, using more often then prescribed, early refills … patients with history of psychosis
Substance use: Excluded patients with history of illicit drug or alcohol
December 06, 2016 - Pharmaocogenetics of Opioids and
Alcohol Addiction, Omics for Personalized Medicine,
335-363. … Centers has provided treatment to more
than 18,000 people suffering from addiction to opioids
or alcohol … What is happening in
each of these settings when misuse is detected? … Primary care patients with
drug use report chronic pain and self-medicate with
alcohol and other drugs … Drug
and alcohol dependence. 2014 Jul 1;140:118-22.)
Thank you for your comment.
September 30, 2015 - 53.9 vs. 50.7
Female sex: 80% vs. 53.3%
White race: 33.3% vs. 86.6%
Depression: 40% vs. 66.6%
Opioid misuse … B
Opioid misuse behaviors (using more than prescribed, using more often then prescribed, early refills … patients with history of psychosis
Substance use: Excluded patients with history of illicit drug or alcohol
August 01, 2020 - treatment disruptions (such as homelessness
or incarceration), those at risk for medication diversion and misuse … Drug
and alcohol dependence. 2015;147:122-9. … Prevention and treatment of opioid misuse
and addiction: a review. … opiate* or opium or oxycodone
or substance) adj3 (abuse* or addict* or depend* or disorder* or
misuse … morphine or opioid or opiate* or opium or oxycodone)
adj3 (abuse* or addict* or depend* or disorder* or misuse
January 01, 2020 - Off-label baclofen for treatment of alcohol use disorder No high-impact potential at this time
Discussion … We are
tracking topics that span a variety of aspects of substance abuse, with an emphasis on alcohol … However, during the current reporting period, no topics targeting alcohol or cocaine dependency or … both clinicians and patients but
noted potential concerns from clinicians regarding possible device misuse … could
prevent and that Evzio does not address the two primary causes of opioid overdoses: opioid misuse
September 30, 2015 - 53.9 vs. 50.7
Female sex: 80% vs. 53.3%
White race: 33.3% vs. 86.6%
Depression: 40% vs. 66.6%
Opioid misuse … B
Opioid misuse behaviors (using more than prescribed, using more often then prescribed, early refills … patients with history of psychosis
Substance use: Excluded patients with history of illicit drug or alcohol … 2%
Hispanic: 3% vs. 4% vs. 6%
Not reported: 5% vs. 2% vs. 2%
Opioid use disorder: 9% vs. 9% vs. 7%
January 16, 2024 - //www.apa.org/about/apa/equity-diversity-inclusion/language-guidelines
tobacco/nicotine use, alcohol … misuse, opioid abuse, and risk for sexually transmitted infections; nutrition
and exercise counselling … , HIV infection, hypertension, intimate
partner violence, osteoporosis, diabetes, unhealth drug or alcohol … cocaine or methamphetamine or psilocybin) adj3 (addict or addiction or abuse
or abusing or abusive or misuse … years
who have overweight or obesity
Unhealthy Drug Use Adults age 18 years or older
Unhealthy Alcohol
March 03, 2016 - substance abuse compared to younger women, they may be more vulnerable to the effects of drugs, including alcohol … Moreover, in lesbian and bisexual women, older age does not appear to be associated with to a decrease in alcohol … PTSD, bipolar, schizophrenia), addiction and substance abuse (heroin, cocaine, prescription drugs, alcohol … Treatment of substance misuse in older women: using a brief intervention model.
August 24, 2020 - multiple chronic conditions'/exp OR 'rare disease'/exp OR 'chronic disease'/exp OR 'substance use'/de OR 'alcohol … OR disabled:ti,ab OR multimorbid*:ti,ab OR ((multi NEXT/1 morbid*):ti,ab) OR alcoholic*:ti,ab OR (((alcohol … OR substance* OR drug OR drugs OR opiate* OR opioid* OR narcotic*) NEAR/3 (abuse OR misuse OR addict
August 13, 2012 - We decided to exclude alcohol misuse and other substance use
disorders for several reasons, the main … Importantly,
this also excluded substance misuse disorders. … Importantly,
this also excluded substance misuse disorders. … Importantly,
this also excluded substance misuse disorders. … Importantly,
this also excluded substance misuse disorders.
March 01, 2016 - substance abuse compared
to younger women, they may be more vulnerable to the effects of drugs, including alcohol … Moreover, in lesbian and bisexual women, older age does not appear to be associated with to a
decrease in alcohol … PTSD,
bipolar, schizophrenia), addiction and substance abuse (heroin, cocaine, prescription
drugs, alcohol … Treatment of substance misuse in older women: using a
brief intervention model.
July 08, 2014 - It is also
possible that some issues such as alcohol or substance
misuse lead to depression. … Added a notation that alcohol and substance abuse are associated
with depression.” … as poor nutrition, poor
prenatal medical care and risk of suicide, and is associated with
smoking, alcohol … or other substance misuse, each of which
compromises the health of both the woman and her fetus.2, … Added a notation that alcohol and substance abuse are associated
with depression.”