December 31, 2015 - Alcohol use screening
Patients who were screened for any alcohol use at the first visit. … alcohol effects, to full-blown fetal alcohol
syndrome. … Effects of prenatal alcohol exposure on social behavior in
humans and other species. … This screen measured
demographics, tobacco and alcohol (TWEAK problem alcohol use screening measure) … counseling
interventions to reduce alcohol misuse by adults, including pregnant women, in primary care
October 01, 2013 - Measure type: Process Date: 2006
Preventive service/
Alcohol Misuse Counseling; Healthy … Measure type: Process Date: 2006
Preventive service/
Alcohol Misuse Counseling; Healthy … Measure type: Process Date: 2006
Preventive service/
Alcohol Misuse Counseling; Healthy … Measure type: Process Date: 2008
Preventive service/
Alcohol Misuse Counseling; Healthy … Measure type: Process Date: 2008
Preventive service/
Alcohol Misuse Counseling; Healthy
January 01, 2024 - primary care practices and healthcare systems to improve opioid medication management and prevent opioid misuse … screening and assessment tool for opioid use in adults: results from a validation study of the Tobacco, Alcohol
October 01, 2013 - Measure type: Process Date: 2006
Preventive service/
Alcohol Misuse Counseling; Healthy … Measure type: Process Date: 2006
Preventive service/
Alcohol Misuse Counseling; Healthy … Measure type: Process Date: 2006
Preventive service/
Alcohol Misuse Counseling; Healthy … Measure type: Process Date: 2008
Preventive service/
Alcohol Misuse Counseling; Healthy … Measure type: Process Date: 2008
Preventive service/
Alcohol Misuse Counseling; Healthy
July 01, 2013 - • How does a clinician’s level of comfort discussing potentially stigmatized behaviors
(e.g., alcohol … • How does a patient’s level of comfort discussing potentially stigmatized behaviors (e.g.,
alcohol … misuse. … misuse screening and counseling;
• Breastfeeding counseling;
• Healthy diet counseling for adults … Each of the five measures pertains to
four preventive services: alcohol misuse counseling; healthy diet
October 01, 2013 - the target of clinical-community relationships such as weight loss, smoking cessation, or reducing alcohol … misuse
Patient Element
Potential Measure M
Patient health literacy
April 30, 2008 - best practice” must
balance the need for pain relief against the risks of adverse effects and opioid misuse … to increase guideline-concordant
prescribing, improve documentation of patient management, reduce misuse … Drug Alcohol Depend 2001; 64: 233-241.
13. Regier DA, Farmer ME, Rae DS, et al. … Comorbidity of
mental disorders with alcohol and other drug abuse.
January 01, 2010 - Drug Alcohol Depend
2007; 88:197-203.
8. Lightwood J. … Alcohol Clin Exp
Res 1994;18:867-72.
476. Sussman S. … Subst Use Misuse
477. Bobo JK, McIlvain HE, Lando HA, et al. … History
of alcohol or drug problems, current use of
alcohol or marijuana, and success in quitting … Alcohol Alcohol
605. Martin RA, Rohsenow DJ, MacKinnon SV, et
July 01, 2013 - How does a clinician's level of comfort discussing potentially stigmatized behaviors (e.g., alcohol use … How does a patient's level of comfort discussing potentially stigmatized behaviors (e.g., alcohol use … resources for preventive services related to tobacco use, unhealthy diet, physical inactivity, and alcohol … misuse.
February 23, 2012 - to reduce alcohol misuse by adults, including pregnant women, in
primary care settings. … that even low levels of prenatal alcohol exposure can negatively affect the
developing fetus. … Adverse effects of prenatal alcohol exposure can range from
subtle developmental problems, or fetal … alcohol effects, to full-blown fetal
alcohol syndrome. … This screen measured demographics, tobacco and alcohol (TWEAK
problem alcohol use screening measure)
June 01, 2018 - Slide 28
Emergency department visits with a principal diagnosis related to mental health, alcohol … Image: Charts show emergency department visits with a principal diagnosis related to mental health, alcohol … From 2007 to 2013, the rate of ED visits with a principal diagnosis related to mental health, alcohol … Network estimated that about 2.5 million ED visits resulted from medical emergencies involving drug misuse … Of all drug misuse or abuse ED visits, about 1.25 million ED visits, or 50%, involved illicit drugs,
February 23, 2012 - to reduce alcohol misuse by adults, including pregnant women, in
primary care settings. … that even low levels of prenatal alcohol exposure can negatively affect the
developing fetus. … Adverse effects of prenatal alcohol exposure can range from
subtle developmental problems, or fetal … alcohol effects, to full-blown fetal
alcohol syndrome. … This screen measured demographics, tobacco and alcohol (TWEAK
problem alcohol use screening measure)
February 23, 2012 - to reduce alcohol misuse by adults, including pregnant women, in
primary care settings. … that even low levels of prenatal alcohol exposure can negatively affect the
developing fetus. … Adverse effects of prenatal alcohol exposure can range from
subtle developmental problems, or fetal … alcohol effects, to full-blown fetal
alcohol syndrome. … This screen measured demographics, tobacco and alcohol (TWEAK
problem alcohol use screening measure)
February 23, 2012 - to reduce alcohol misuse by adults, including pregnant women, in
primary care settings. … that even low levels of prenatal alcohol exposure can negatively affect the
developing fetus. … Adverse effects of prenatal alcohol exposure can range from
subtle developmental problems, or fetal … alcohol effects, to full-blown fetal
alcohol syndrome. … This screen measured demographics, tobacco and alcohol (TWEAK
problem alcohol use screening measure)
February 23, 2012 - to reduce alcohol misuse by adults, including pregnant women, in
primary care settings. … that even low levels of prenatal alcohol exposure can negatively affect the
developing fetus. … Adverse effects of prenatal alcohol exposure can range from
subtle developmental problems, or fetal … alcohol effects, to full-blown fetal
alcohol syndrome. … This screen measured demographics, tobacco and alcohol (TWEAK
problem alcohol use screening measure)
April 01, 2023 - and medication misuse and mental health problems in older adults to
address these issues more effectively … prevention messages and education, and undertake
screening and referral for mental health problems and misuse … of alcohol and medications. … Toolkit: Linking Older Adults With Medication, Alcohol, and Mental Health
Guide for Developing … Toolkit: Linking Older Adults With Medication, Alcohol, and Mental Health Resources
June 16, 2016 - visits with a principal diagnosis related to mental
health, alcohol, or substance abuse, by age and … Emergency department visits with a principal diagnosis related to mental
health, alcohol, or substance … individuals ages 18-44 to have an ED visit with a principal diagnosis related to mental
health, alcohol … Network estimated that about 2.5 million ED visits
resulted from medical emergencies involving drug misuse … Of all drug misuse or
abuse ED visits, about 1.25 million ED visits, or 50%, involved illicit drugs
November 01, 2016 - prevention and treatment practices for the leading causes of mortality [Slide 15]
Peter Briss: Opioid misuse … Four key risk behaviors—tobacco use, inactivity, poor nutrition, and excessive alcohol use account for … Do you encourage cooperation between medical and police authorities in reducing opioid misuse? … Now having said that, when you're talking about opioid misuse, I'm not personally convinced that it's
January 01, 2003 - , 2 Most reports of medical errors thus far have focused on errors related
to inappropriate use or misuse … patient.4, 5
The principal substantive distinction between the adverse events caused by
overuse or misuse … In
hospital settings misuse of a therapy may lead to adverse events in minutes to
hours. … For example, salt
restriction, dietary approaches to stop hypertension (DASH), or alcohol restriction
January 01, 2007 - Drug
Alcohol Depend 1992;29(3):231-6.
Hackett G, Horan JJ. … J Stud Alcohol 1998;59(3):327-
Pederson LL, Scrimgeour WG, Lefcoe NM. … Subst Use Misuse 2006;41:45-60.
Simon JA, Carmody TP, Hudes ES, et al. … Subst Use Misuse 2006;41(1):45-60.
Simon JA, Carmody TP, Hudes ES, et al. … Alcohol Clin Exp Res
Hurt RD, Dale LC, Fredrickson PA, et al.