February 18, 2014 - behavioral counseling and/or pharmacotherapy, with or without referral
Examples include:
February 18, 2014 - counseling and/or pharmacotherapy, with or without referral
Examples include:
October 06, 2003 - to use sunscreen is given about twice as frequently as advice about wearing protective clothing or avoiding … increased in the high-SPF group. 79
There is also concern that in public health messages, prominent advice … more commonly than sun avoidance or protective clothing among children and adults who recall getting advice … in intervention towns, participated in an intervention to facilitate the delivery of sun protection advice … meeting and materials to help practices in establishing an office system to promote sun protection advice
June 01, 2003 - to use
sunscreen is given about twice as frequently as
advice about wearing protective clothing or avoiding … increased in
the high-SPF group.79
There is also concern that in public health
messages, prominent advice … more commonly than
sun avoidance or protective clothing among children
and adults who recall getting advice … in intervention towns, participated in an
intervention to facilitate the delivery of sun
protection advice … meeting and
materials to help practices in
establishing an office system
to promote sun protection
November 13, 2018 - Brief physician advice for alcohol problems in older adults: a randomized community-based trial. … The effect of general practitioners’ advice to heavy drinking men. … Benefit-cost analysis of brief physician advice with problem drinkers in primary care settings. … Brief physician advice for problem drinkers: long-term efficacy and benefit-cost analysis. … Brief physician advice for high-risk drinking among young adults.
October 06, 2003 - percent of pediatricians said that they usually or always counsel patients about skin protection, but advice … to use sunscreen is more common than advice about wearing protective clothing or avoiding the midday
February 20, 2020 - activity, sedentary behavior, or a combination, including but not limited to: assessment with feedback, advice
February 20, 2020 - activity, sedentary behavior, or a combination, including but not limited to: assessment with feedback, advice
February 20, 2020 - activity, sedentary behavior, or a combination, including but not limited to: assessment with feedback, advice
July 01, 2003 - Breastfeeding, lactation, human milk, counseling, behavioral interventions, health education, medical advice … terms and keywords breastfeeding , counseling , health education , teaching materials , medical advice … , and advice or advise . … interventions as support when they provided telephone or in-person (clinic, hospital, or home) social support, advice
July 01, 2013 - African
Americans and older adults, talk to their primary care clinician or eye care specialist for advice
May 01, 2014 - primary care interventions can
include positive feedback for nonusers as primary preven-
tion; brief advice … Interventions provided information
and advice about substance use along with a decision-
making exercise … that displayed the patient’s risk
level and 6 to 10 talking points designed to prompt a 2- to
3-minute advice … This advice was tailored to
help the patient to “not start” or “stop” using substances
on the basis of … Computer-facilitated substance use screening and brief advice for teens in
primary care: an international
June 04, 2020 - activity, sedentary behavior, or a combination, including but not limited to: assessment with feedback, advice
June 04, 2020 - activity, sedentary behavior, or a combination, including but not limited to: assessment with feedback, advice
February 28, 2019 - KQs 6, 7: Any treatment for GDM, including, but not limited, to dietary advice, blood glucose monitoring
February 28, 2019 - KQs 6, 7: Any treatment for GDM, including, but not limited, to dietary advice, blood glucose monitoring
June 04, 2020 - activity, sedentary behavior, or a combination, including but not limited to: assessment with feedback, advice
July 26, 2022 - Across all interventions, most included tailored advice and materials and encouraged goal setting and … Preliminary trial of the effect of general practice based nutritional advice. … Effectiveness of physical activity advice and prescription by physicians in routine primary care: a cluster … Physical activity and cardiovascular risk factors: effect of advice from an exercise specialist in Australian … Ongoing physical activity advice by humans versus computers: the Community Health Advice by Telephone
November 01, 2012 - The effect of general practitioners’ advice to heavy
drinking men. Br J Addict. 1992;87:891-900. … Brief physi-
cian advice for problem alcohol drinkers. … Brief
physician advice for alcohol problems in older adults: a randomized community-
based trial. … Brief physician advice for problem drinkers: long-term efficacy and benefit-
cost analysis. … Brief physician advice for high-
risk drinking among young adults. Ann Fam Med. 2004;2:474-80.
October 06, 2003 - percent of pediatricians said that they usually or always counsel patients about skin protection, but advice … to use sunscreen is more common than advice about wearing protective clothing or avoiding the midday