November 24, 2020 - Common dietary counseling advice includes reductions in saturated fats, sodium, and sweets/sugars and … The USPSTF reviewed studies that included a wide range of healthy dietary advice; however, only the DASH
April 13, 2015 - Randomized controlled trial of reinforced healthy-living advice in subjects with increased but not diabetic … Intensive dietary advice and exercise (n=246)
B. Intensive dietary advice (n=248)
C. … to 5 years; motivational interview from dietician and physiotherapist with quarterly newsletter and advice … to target >50% energy from carbohydrates (n=51)
B. 1 session of health promotion advice (n=51) … Intensive management, including lifestyle advice, aspirin, drug treatment of blood glucose, blood pressure
April 13, 2015 - Randomized controlled trial of reinforced healthy-living advice in subjects with increased but not diabetic … Intensive dietary advice and exercise (n=246)
B. Intensive dietary advice (n=248)
C. … to 5 years; motivational interview from dietician and physiotherapist with quarterly newsletter and advice … to target >50% energy from carbohydrates (n=51)
B. 1 session of health promotion advice (n=51) … Intensive management, including lifestyle advice, aspirin, drug treatment of blood glucose, blood pressure
April 06, 2004 - interventions to reduce alcohol misuse include an initial counseling session of about 15 minutes, feedback, advice
August 08, 2005 - control group received usual care and the intervention group received "stop smoking and keep walking" advice
May 01, 2014 - screening tool; a non-
tailored, brief, computer-based educational session; and 2
to 3 minutes of tailored advice … Computer-facilitated substance use screening and brief advice for teens in primary
care: an international
July 01, 2013 - The IDEAL (Investigation of Dietary Advice and Life-
style for Women With Borderline Gestational Diabetes … We limited
the search dates from 1995 onward on the basis of advice
from our technical expert panel. … (diet adj2 (therap$ or restrict$ or advice)).tw.
61. medical nutrition$ therapy.tw.
September 01, 2009 - surgery) might be
viewed less favorably than an intervention with a small
potential for harm (such as advice … Even though evidence is insufficient, the
clinician must still provide advice, patients must make
August 08, 2005 - control group received usual care and the intervention group received "stop smoking and keep walking" advice
January 01, 1996 - radiographic screening. 20 , 21 The third trial, which compared dual screening every 4 months with advice
May 23, 2019 - interventions to reduce alcohol misuse in-
clude an initial counseling session of about 15 minutes,
feedback, advice
December 11, 2012 - These interactions included brief advice to quit smoking or to remain abstinent 29 , 31 , 33 or a … Although 30- to 60-second advice messages or counseling using the 5A model may be feasible in primary … Enhanced motivational interviewing versus brief advice for adolescent smoking cessation: results from
December 11, 2012 - These interactions included brief advice to quit smoking or to remain abstinent 29 , 31 , 33 or a … Although 30- to 60-second advice messages or counseling using the 5A model may be feasible in primary … Enhanced motivational interviewing versus brief advice for adolescent smoking cessation: results from
July 18, 2023 - Agriculture and Health and Human Services published the “Dietary Guidelines for Americans,” which provide advice … Agriculture and Health and Human Services published the “Dietary Guidelines for Americans,” which provide advice
June 01, 2015 - Randomized controlled trial of
reinforced healthy-living advice in subjects with increased but not
diabetic … Intensive dietary advice and
exercise (n=246)
B. Intensive dietary advice (n=248)
C. … to 5
years; motivational interview
from dietician and
physiotherapist with quarterly
newsletter and advice … to target
>50% energy from
carbohydrates (n=51)
B. 1 session of health promotion
advice (n=51)
Patients … Intensive management,
including lifestyle advice,
aspirin, drug treatment of
blood glucose, blood pressure
July 01, 2003 - No studies have evaluated whether advice by the woman's primary obstetric provider or by the infant's
May 07, 2002 - significant effect on treatment rates, but four of the five trials that combined feedback with treatment advice
May 01, 2002 - significant effect on treatment rates, but 4 of
the 5 trials that combined feedback with treatment
February 01, 2013 - These interactions included brief advice to quit
smoking or to remain abstinent (29, 31, 33) or a single … Although 30- to 60-
second advice messages or counseling using the 5A model
may be feasible in primary … Enhanced motivational interviewing versus brief advice for adolescent smoking
cessation: results from
August 25, 2021 - Agriculture and Health and Human Services published the “Dietary Guidelines for Americans,” which
provide advice … Agriculture and Health and Human
Services published the “Dietary Guidelines for Americans,” which
provide advice