July 06, 2011 - The author proposes a straightforward approach and practical advice on apologizing to patients, drawing
November 30, 2007 - This manual offers practical advice to providers, hospitals, medical practices, and insurers on how to
September 07, 2019 - Becoming a High Reliability Organization: Operational Advice for Hospital Leaders. … high-reliability-highly-unreliable-world-preparing-code-blue-through-daily-operations
June 16, 2021 - A past AHRQ WebM&M commentary discussed potential pitfalls in providing medical advice by telephone
October 18, 2023 - personnel frequently failed to ask recommended questions and also failed to provide appropriate self-care advice
October 01, 2012 - Prevention Information and Advice for Athletes. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; 2010. … Available at http://www.cdc.gov/mrsa/groups/advice-for-athletes.html
Infection Prevention (2) … Prevention Information and Advice for Athletes. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; 2010. … Available at http://www.cdc.gov/mrsa/groups/advice-for-athletes.html
Infection Recognition
November 01, 2006 - Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI) within 120 minutes of hospital arrival
• Smoking cessation advice … inhibitor or ARB for left ventricular systolic dysfunction
• Discharge instructions
• Smoking cessation advice … vaccination
• Blood culture performed prior to first antibiotic received in hospital
• Smoking cessation advice
September 15, 2021 - March 20, 2019
Relationship of staff information sharing and advice networks to patient
October 21, 2020 - identified three themes related to patient and caregivers factors contributing to events – (1) clinical advice
May 04, 2022 - Many patients who went on to die by suicide left against medical advice but did not meet criteria to
November 20, 2024 - mistrust between patients and clinicians and increased the likelihood that a patient would seek legal advice
September 07, 2019 - clinician is not immediately available—for example, after
hours—patients may have to rely on telephone advice … second, empowering patients and caregivers to act as a safety "double-check" by
providing access to advice
January 30, 2019 - Related Resources From the Same Author(s)
Relationship of staff information sharing and advice
September 07, 2019 - clinician is not immediately available—for example, after hours—patients may have to rely on telephone advice … second, empowering patients and caregivers to act as a safety "double-check" by providing access to advice
October 27, 2021 - Provision of safe footwear (rather than solely advice on safe footwear). … Early access to advice, mobility aids, and (where appropriate) exercise from physiotherapists.
March 28, 2011 - decision-making, with specific attention to how authority gradients affected when residents asked for advice
September 09, 2008 - found that having a dedicated ED pharmacist, who checked for drug interactions and gave medication advice
May 29, 2015 - evidence that some proportion of patients (ranging from 10% to 62% across studies) do receive different advice
December 24, 2008 - November 30, 2016
Becoming a High Reliability Organization: Operational Advice for Hospital
October 01, 2014 - July 31, 2019
Relationship of staff information sharing and advice networks to patient