January 01, 2012 - Patients nearing the end of life are often medically unstable and require timely access to medical advice … as well as communication impairments, necessitating alternative means for access to assessment and advice … or email communication access, even though patients with complex illness often need assessment and advice … health care system, there is not sufficient motivation for specialists to provide timely telephone advice
January 01, 2011 - angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor
for left ventricular systolic dysfunction, smoking
cessation advice … Healthcare
Research and
Report Becoming a High
August 01, 2017 - discussion from July’s NAC meeting, AHRQ developed a charter for a new subcommittee that will provide advice
June 01, 2011 - electronically and sorting those requiring specialty office visits from those that simply require a specialist’s advice … also allow primary care clinicians to ask specialists questions and the specialists to give management advice … various roles of the specialist as follows: (1) cognitive consultation, in which the specialist provides advice
May 15, 2020 - Adults with obesity who ever received advice from a health professional about eating fewer high-
fat … Quality and Disparities Report | 37
• Overall Rate: In 2016, 47.6% of adults with obesity received advice … • Trends:
The percentage of Asian adults with obesity who ever received advice from a health
December 01, 2017 - (Lower percentages are better)
Slide 73
Harborview's Story
What lessons or advice would you offer
November 01, 2021 - 16 5.3%
Device 14 4.7%
Pressure injury 10 3.3%
Blood 10 3.3%
Proper PPE 9 3.0%
Against medical advice
April 05, 2013 - Supporting Patient and Family Engagement: Best Practices for Hospital Leaders provides specific advice
July 01, 2004 - Prescription errors tied to lack of advice:
pharmacists skirting law, Mass. study finds.
June 01, 2011 - electronically and sorting those requiring specialty office visits from those
that simply require a specialist’s advice … various roles of the specialist as follows: (1) cognitive consultation, in which the specialist provides
advice … also allow primary care clinicians to ask specialists questions and the specialists to give management advice
June 01, 2011 - electronically and sorting those requiring specialty office visits from those
that simply require a specialist’s advice … various roles of the specialist as follows: (1) cognitive consultation, in which the specialist provides
advice … also allow primary care clinicians to ask specialists questions and the specialists to give management advice
September 01, 2012 - doctor’s office, clinic, health center, or other place that you usually
go to if you are sick or need advice … doctor’s office, clinic, health center, or other place that you usually
go if you are sick or need advice
JSI convened a technical expert panel (TEP; Table 1) to provide advice on how
September 01, 2015 - engage your supervisor and program director to discuss the issue and seek their assistance and
advice … The PF should ask the advice of superiors and colleagues after
detailing background and current circumstances
October 01, 2014 - /
Consult the European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel Web site ( http://www.epuap.org ) for useful advice
June 24, 2022 - Innov (UK) Experts NICE will seek advice from clinicians, patient groups, academics and data custodians … generation process so that it can be integrated with other sources of evidence
Innov (UK) Experts Seek advice
February 22, 2014 - There
also needs to be a bond of mutual respect so the advice,
teaching, and counseling of the coach
March 01, 2013 - fall and to remediate possible contributing factors
· Patient education
· Staff education
· Footwear advice
July 01, 2021 - To inform policy development in health, disability, human services, data, and science, and provide advice
January 01, 2012 - Patients nearing the end of life are often medically unstable and require timely access to
medical advice … as well as communication impairments,
necessitating alternative means for access to assessment and advice … or email communication access, even though patients with
complex illness often need assessment and advice … health care system, there is not sufficient motivation for
specialists to provide timely telephone advice