
Total Results: 88 records

Showing results for "advice".

    February 19, 2021 - or bladder Non-Hispanic, White 76.6 63.0 21.6% Adults who reported getting the help or advice … vaccine White, single race 27.4 Children over 80 lbs. for whom a health provider gave advice … 12 months White, single race 19.3 Children ages 2-17 for whom a health provider gave advice … Adult current smokers who had a doctor's office or clinic visit in the last 12 months who received advice … bicycle or motorcycle White, single race 35.8 Children for whom a health provider gave advice
    February 19, 2021 - vaccine Hispanic, all races 31.1 Children over 80 lbs. for whom a health provider gave advice … 12 months Hispanic, all races 9.0 Children ages 2-17 for whom a health provider gave advice … Adult current smokers who had a doctor's office or clinic visit in the last 12 months who received advice … bicycle or motorcycle Hispanic, all races 36.8 Children for whom a health provider gave advice … the car Hispanic, all races 55.0 Children 41-80 lbs. for whom a health provider gave advice
    February 17, 2021 - AN, single race 91.0 96.4 Achieved within: 5.6% Adults who reported getting the help or advice … copies/mL Non-Hispanic, AI/AN 64.0 76.1 15.9% Adults who reported getting the help or advice … treatments AI/AN, single race 35.3 Children ages 2-17 for whom a health provider gave advice … the calendar year AI/AN, single race Children ages 2-17 for whom a health provider gave advice … total family income AI/AN, single race 17.5 Children for whom a health provider gave advice
    choice between treatments Male 23.2 Children ages 2-17 for whom a health provider gave advice … in the calendar year Male 57.0 Children over 80 lbs. for whom a health provider gave advice … Adult current smokers who had a doctor's office or clinic visit in the last 12 months who received advice … more than 10% of total family income Male 16.3 Children for whom a health provider gave advice … having a source of care Male 15.4 Children 41-80 lbs. for whom a health provider gave advice
    in the last 12 months Female 18.0 Children ages 2-17 for whom a health provider gave advice … Adult current smokers who had a doctor's office or clinic visit in the last 12 months who received advice … than 10% of total family income Female 18.7 Children for whom a health provider gave advice … can be bad for a child Female 42.3 Children 0-40 lbs. for whom a health provider gave advice … having a source of care Female 16.3 Children 41-80 lbs. for whom a health provider gave advice
    February 19, 2021 - the year Non-Hispanic, White 12.0 Children ages 2-17 for whom a health provider gave advice … vaccine Non-Hispanic, White 26.5 Children over 80 lbs. for whom a health provider gave advice … 12 months Non-Hispanic, White 21.6 Children ages 2-17 for whom a health provider gave advice … Adult current smokers who had a doctor's office or clinic visit in the last 12 months who received advice … the car Non-Hispanic, White 65.0 Children 41-80 lbs. for whom a health provider gave advice
    Adult current smokers who had a doctor's office or clinic visit in the last 12 months who received advice … received a dilated eye examination in the calendar year -0.8 Adults with obesity who ever received advice … about when to take medicines in the last 2 months of care 0.5 Adults who reported getting the help or advice … medicine daily or almost daily (either oral or inhaler) 0.6 Adults with obesity who ever received advice … health providers always offered help in filling out forms 0.6 Adults who reported getting the help or advice
    emergency rooms, who has office hours at night or on weekends 0.3 Adults who reported getting the help or advice
    Adult current smokers who had a doctor's office or clinic visit in the last 12 months who received advice … a transplant within 3 years of date of renal failure 1.1 Adults who reported getting the help or advice … same day they contacted their home health care providers 1.1 Adults who reported getting the help or advice
    replacement therapy 75 and over 41.6 54.1 23.0% Adults who reported getting the help or advice … bowels or bladder 85 and over 79.8 63.0 26.7% Adults who reported getting the help or advice … Adult current smokers who had a doctor's office or clinic visit in the last 12 months who received advice … professional that they were overweight 65 and over 75.8 Adults with obesity who ever received advice … professional to exercise more 65 and over 68.8 Adults with obesity who ever received advice
    Measure Estimate Benchmark Distance to Benchmark Adults who reported getting the help or advice
    Adult current smokers who had a doctor's office or clinic visit in the last 12 months who received advice … That Are Worsening Measure Average Annual Percent Change Adults who reported getting the help or advice … among persons age 12 and over per 100,000 population 1.2 Adults who reported getting the help or advice
    or more doses of diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis vaccine 0.6 Adults who reported getting the help or advice … That Are Worsening Measure Average Annual Percent Change Adults who reported getting the help or advice
    Adult current smokers who had a doctor's office or clinic visit in the last 12 months who received advice … about when to take medicines in the last 2 months of care 0.5 Adults who reported getting the help or advice … health providers always offered help in filling out forms 0.6 Adults who reported getting the help or advice
    adults Ages 18-44 35.6 39.9 Achieved: 11% better Adults who reported getting the help or advice … care Ages 18-44 89.8 91.3 Achieved within: 1.7% Adults who reported getting the help or advice … Adult current smokers who had a doctor's office or clinic visit in the last 12 months who received advice
    repair Ages 45-64 27.3 27.1 Achieved within: 0.6% Adults who reported getting the help or advice … diagnosis Ages 50-59 90.0 95.6 Achieved within: 5.9% Adults who reported getting the help or advice … Adult current smokers who had a doctor's office or clinic visit in the last 12 months who received advice
    got help as soon as they need from hospice care team -0.1 Adults who reported getting the help or advice
    months of care NHPI, single race 26.0 29.5 12.0% Adults who reported getting the help or advice … over per 100,000 population NHPI 11.7 9.4 24.7% Adults who reported getting the help or advice
    women age 20 and over 65 and over 9.6 7.7 24.4% Adults who reported getting the help or advice … activities increased 85 and over 21.9 17.1 28.2% Adults who reported getting the help or advice … Adult current smokers who had a doctor's office or clinic visit in the last 12 months who received advice
    about when to take medicines in the last 2 months of care 0.5 Adults who reported getting the help or advice

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