
Total Results: 616 records

Showing results for "advice".

    December 01, 2012 - Medicaid and uninsured hospital stays accounted for over half of discharges against medical advice, but … Although discharges against medical advice accounted for only 1 percent of all stays, they increased … Together, Medicaid and uninsured stays accounted for over half of discharges against medical advice ( … Private insurance was the fourth most common payer for discharges against medical advice (16 percent … Distribution of discharges against medical advice and all other hospital stays by payer, 2010.
  2. Ff 2009 Section1 (pdf file)
    January 01, 2009 -  The number of patients who left the hospital against medical advice, although small, rose by 46 …  Twenty-one percent of all discharges against medical advice were uninsured, while only 6 percent …  Similarly, Medicaid covered 31 percent of discharges against medical advice, but only 20 percent …  Private insurance was the primary payer for only 17 percent of discharges against medical advice …  Medicare-covered discharges accounted for 27 percent of stays discharged against medical advice
    November 01, 2013 - The total number of stays discharged against medical advice increased 41 percent between 1997 and 2011 … The share of discharges against medical advice by adults aged 45-64 years increased from 27 percent in … The share of discharges against medical advice for adults aged 45-64 years increased from 27 percent … Distribution of hospital stays discharged against medical advice by patient age, 1997-2011 * Data … stays discharged against medical advice by primary payer between 1997 and 2011.
    January 01, 2007 - 12%; home healthcare: 9%; in-hospital deaths: 2%; another short-term hospital: 2%; against medical advice … discharge to another short-term hospital, each with 0.8 million discharges, or discharge against medical advice … hospital: -1%; routine: 9%; all discharges: 14%; long-term care and other facilities: 32%; against medical advice … The number of patients who left the hospital against medical advice, although small, rose by 39 percent
  5. Section1 (pdf file)
    January 01, 2008 - and Medicaid stays accounted for nearly half (48 percent) of all stays discharged against medical advice … Home Health Care 10% Another Short- term Hospital 2% In-hospital Deaths 2% Against Medical Advice …  The number of patients who left the hospital against medical advice, although small, rose by 40 …  Nineteen percent of all discharges against medical advice were uninsured, while only 5 percent of …  Similarly, Medicaid covered 29 percent of discharges against medical advice, but only 18 percent
    August 01, 2019 - Planned Acute Care Hospital Inpatient Readmission (Effective 10/1/13) 7 Left Against Medical Advice … or Discontinued Care 7 Against Medical Advice (AMA) 20 Expired 20 Died 40 Expired … Home Health Care (HHC) 8 Home IV Provider 50 Hospice-Home 7 Against Medical Advice … (AMA) 7 Against Medical Advice (AMA) 20 Died in Hospital 20 Died 40 Died at … Intermediate Care Facility (ICF), and another type of facility 6 Home Health Care (HHC) 7 Against medical advice
    August 01, 2015 - Planned Acute Care Hospital Inpatient Readmission (Effective 10/1/13) 7 Left Against Medical Advice … or Discontinued Care 7 Against Medical Advice (AMA) 20 Expired 20 Died 40 Expired … Home Health Care (HHC) 8 Home IV Provider 50 Hospice-Home 7 Against Medical Advice … (AMA) 7 Against Medical Advice (AMA) 20 Died in Hospital 20 Died 40 Died at … Intermediate Care Facility (ICF), and another type of facility 6 Home Health Care (HHC) 7 Against medical advice
    January 01, 2007 - Short-term Hospital 3 2 2 2 In-hospital Deaths 4 1 1 1 Against Medical Advice
    January 01, 2005 - hospital 849,500 2 18,748 In-hospital deaths 818,800 2 19,864 Against medical advice
  10. Section1 (pdf file)
    January 01, 2007 - The number of patients who left the hospital against medical advice, although small, rose by 39 percent … Other Facilities Home Health Care In-hospital Deaths Another Short-term Hospital Against Medical Advice … discharge to another short-term hospital, each with 0.8 million discharges, or discharge against medical advice … States, 2007 14 55% 39% 32% 14% 9% -1% -10% -20 0 20 40 60 Home Health Care Against Medical Advice …  The number of patients who left the hospital against medical advice, although small, rose by 39
    January 01, 2008 - Note: Other includes diagnoses to home healthcare, against medical advice, destination unknown, and died
    January 01, 2008 - , swing bed, and another type of facility such as a nursing home), home healthcare, against medical advice … Other includes the following: discharged to home healthcare; discharged against medical advice (AMA); … patients are discharged home, some are transferred to another acute care facility, leave against medical advice
    May 01, 2006 - r stays billed to Medicaid. 3.5 percent of uninsured al stays resulted in dis- against medical advice … About 3.5 percent of uninsured hospital stays ended in discharge against medical advice, which was nearly … intermediate care, and another type of facility, such as a nursing home), home health care, against medical advice … 2.2 4.9 0.5 5.2 0.8 0 2 4 6 8 10 Discharged to home health care Discharged against medical advice
  14. Section5 (pdf file)
    January 01, 2007 - Three percent of uninsured discharges occurred against medical advice, compared to less than 1 percent … Three percent of uninsured discharges occurred against medical advice, compared to less than 1 percent … P e rc e n t D is tr ib u ti o n Discharges Against Medical Advice by Payer, 2007 Uninsured …  Uninsured stays accounted for 22 percent of discharges against medical advice, but just six … Those billed to Medicaid accounted for 27 percent of discharges against medical advice; they represented
    February 01, 2018 - News Brief #78 Hospitalizations in which Patients Leave the Hospital against Medical Advice
    January 01, 2007 - The number of patients who left the hospital against medical advice, although small, rose by 39 percent … Patients discharged against medical advice were more likely to be uninsured. … Three percent of uninsured discharges occurred against medical advice, compared to less than 1 percent
  17. Section5 12 (pdf file)
    January 01, 2008 - . ** Includes discharges to home health care, against medical advice, destination unknown, and died in … record. * Based on all-listed CCS diagnoses. ** Includes discharges to home health care, against medical advice
    January 01, 2007 - Patients discharged against medical advice were more likely to be uninsured. … Three percent of uninsured discharges occurred against medical advice, compared to less than 1 percent
  19. Slide 1 (pdf file)
    October 27, 2016 - Evaluate the results of automated code mapping from ICD- 9-CM to ICD-10-CM/PCS ▪ Provide input and advice … Assign the following ICD-10-PCS code: • 01NB0ZZ Release lumbar nerve, open approach – Previous “advice … was based on the ICD-10-PCS’ Index entry “Laminectomy”… Coding Clinic revisited this advice and determined
    December 09, 2010 - $4,000* $4,100 Aggregate costs $78,500,000 $86,400,000 $1,872,900,000 Discharge against medical advice … Discharge against medical advice was more common among stays with pre-existing diabetes complicating … $210,972,000 $1,045,400,000 $14,804,800,000 Discharge to home 80.4%* 74.8% 79.5% Discharge against medical advice … Discharge against medical advice was uncommon among all deliveries, but was slightly more frequent among … intermediate care, and another type of facility such as a nursing home), home health care, against medical advice

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