August 16, 2021 - Randomized trial; outcomes were compliance with glucose measurement timing recommendations and insulin dose advice
March 12, 2005 - of Care and Patient Safety Outcome: The proportions of patients receiving three processes of care (advice
May 22, 2009 - It's a phone number
that you can call to get advice on
how to quit smoking or cut down
on how much
January 01, 2023 - not the general public, and is not intended nor should be used as a substitute for specific medical advice
April 01, 1996 - current or past medical and family history and specific aspects of examination.Ó The program offers advice
December 01, 2011 - , DSS
– Measuring quality: HQMF + more
– “Intermediate” KR: eRecommendations
• KM: Practical advice … Patient Safety Task
• Second edition (2012): Sponsored by AHRQ
• Goal: Provide practical advice
January 01, 2023 - A technical expert panel (TEP) provided methodological advice and content expertise to the review team
December 01, 1995 - Description: Electronic medical record system that provides real-time advice regarding the content of
October 16, 2014 -
g. who can count on you to give them good
advice about a crisis? …
h. who really wants your advice? … yourself or
your problems
l. who understands your problems
m. to give you good advice … about a crisis
n. whose advice you really want
January 01, 2013 - Parent Responses on Questions Related to Vaccine Decision
Making and Trust/Confidence in Provider’s Advice … ’s advice on their
child’s nutrition, physical examination and behavior and development. … However, parents
who refused vaccines reported a lower level of trust in their pediatrician’s advice … more likely (95% CI, 2.16 – 29.72) to express a low level
of trust in their pediatrician’s vaccine advice … Regarding vaccine advice, parents generally felt that they had enough time to
discuss vaccination with
January 01, 2023 - In practice B patients were randomized to receive dosing advice either through DSS or through the local
January 01, 2023 - Perform, Recommend / Discuss Treatment Options, Look Up, Order, Communicate, Print / Give Patient (advice
January 01, 2015 - My focus
on advice-seeking network ties, which are considered pathways for work-related help (28), … strength of
the tie to each person named by asking individuals, “How often do you ask this person for
advice … The social network responses
were used to construct an ego “advice” network for each individual which … focal
individual (i.e., “ego”), the individuals nominated by ego as someone he/she turned to for advice … (i.e., “outgoing ties”), and individuals who nominated ego as someone they turned to for advice
July 02, 2015 - Balance of how time is spent in health visit
Counseling to change Health Risk Behaviors
• Too much advice … • Advice on empty ears
• Not tailored to patient/parent priorities
• Key health risks of harm to patient
October 07, 2014 - Prompt: What advice or input would you like to share with the … Prompt: What advice or input would you like to share with the
January 01, 2023 - clinical guidelines and policy statements to the design, development, and deployment of machine-executable advice
January 01, 2023 - services and reaching out to colleagues and other healthcare organizations with similar EHR systems for advice
January 01, 2012 - BP measurements are reviewed weekly by a provider and MTM advice is provided online.
January 01, 2004 - 'more efficient referrals,' 'quicker access to lab results', 'being able to ask for a consultant's advice
January 01, 2023 - patients via automated calls post-discharge, (2) structured feedback about the patient’s status and advice