August 12, 2005 - Lobach
System for Evidence-Based Advice by Simultaneous Transmission or an Intelligent Agent
October 12, 2023 - QUESTION: What advice do you have for teams using user-centered design methods in a
medical school context
January 01, 2021 - Do you have enough
support and advice to make a choice? … Yes, N (%)
225 (88.2) 185 (84.9) 173 (86.5)
Do you have enough support and
advice to make a choice
February 27, 2024 - The advice I would give for people that are just starting out is to be realistic about the
August 06, 2013 - ▪ Layer 4: patient constraints
– Consider seasonality of services: do not recommend sun exposure
advice … )
▪ Self-reported adherence (being able to follow
the doctor’s advice) was high and was not
January 01, 2024 - information for local resource providers who address common social needs (e.g., transportation, financial advice
September 25, 2006 - is not intended to constitute accounting, tax, legal, investment, consulting
or other professional advice … organization of member firms around the world devoted to excellence in
providing professional services and advice
January 01, 2014 - surveys indicate that dental providers are increasingly screening for tobacco use and
offering brief advice … We did not find significant changes across any of the guideline
recommended care components (e.g., advice … Racial/ethnic disparities in report of physician
provided smoking cessation advice: analysis of the
January 01, 2015 - discharge, (b) support for
informal caregivers via structured feedback about the patient’s status and advice … received automated
assessment and behavior change calls, and their CPs received structured feedback and
February 01, 2011 - The EVS crosschecks these
indications with the guidelines and formulary, providing advice on the best … developing a Web portal for the EVS and has been negotiating with vendors of HIS to
have an EVS expert-advice … medication errors
can be prevented, through the elimination of illegible handwriting, better
dosage advice … pharmacies will be able
to streamline their work, allowing them to spend more time providing
clinical advice … immature (e.g., slow response at pharmacies)
Failure to provide adequate implementation
support (advice
March 08, 2006 - The Memphis community started with legal advice but felt strongly some of the privacy issues boiled down
June 01, 2008 - they may
not be allowed to override it but in most cases they have a choice of listening to the
advice … Another key factor that predicted success was providing advice at the time and location
of decision … insurmountable, and in fact the reference on this last slide with the five rights
gives very specific advice
January 01, 2010 - actors portrayed people who have
problems with their medications and were interested in the medication advice … actors portrayed people who have problems with their
medications and were interested in the medication advice
January 01, 2012 - Good medical care relies not only on an individual comprehending the need to seek
appropriate medical advice … furnish essential details on which a
diagnosis is based, and understanding that he/she has to follow the advice
February 14, 2011 - use of EHR impact patient outcomes for hypertension, diabetes and preventive care
(tobacco use and advice … The patient must
All patients aged 18 and older at the start of
Percentage Of have received the advice
September 01, 2012 - Where possible, advice is
provided about how to apply these recommendations
for consumer health, especially … www.blogforacure.com
Online community for cancer survivors to post questions, share
stories and personal advice
September 01, 2012 - Where possible, advice is
provided about how to apply these recommendations
for consumer health, especially … www.blogforacure.com
Online community for cancer survivors to post questions, share
stories and personal advice
January 01, 2007 - Physicians can quickly supplement their
advice to patients with the wealth of patient education material … Lab Results _____________
Scheduling _____________
Medical Advice __________
Billing _____
February 07, 2017 - That gives
our computing systems the potential to help us with advice that might be very useful for
March 08, 2006 - The Memphis
community started with legal advice but felt strongly some of the privacy issues boiled