January 01, 2009 - workup could be completed by PCPs and from referrals that never resulted in an
appointment with PCP advice
September 01, 2008 - Predict Success
of CDS*
CDS Systems integrated into physician workflow
CDS Systems provide advice
January 01, 2011 - The control group received an initial evaluation, a report about
their blood pressure, and advice … physician assistants with physician backup for patients
who do not respond to the initial surveillance and advice … Review of data and advice on risk management could then be
offered by individual patient centered practices
October 02, 2014 - Follow up for older participants:
What advice would you give younger people with SCD to help with
July 23, 2012 - Viewers appreciate the health
care professionals’ advice about their diseases and medications
January 12, 2007 - In addition, this test also provides advice about news as alerting. … So as you can see in
the first order it will ask to collect the system give advice on information … And for the second medication, did the system
give advice on allergies to medications? … So in the feedback we will be
very interested in specific advice the system gave for each order. … Is
the system capable of providing advice about the cost and duplicate nature
of the interventions
January 01, 2014 - allow them to focus on providing useful expectant
symptom management (what helps and what doesn’t) advice … this information all presented in one easily accessible
place with clear instructions -- actionable advice … pathogen; its seasonality & current epidemic curve; typical signs & symptoms; ‘what can I do today’
March 01, 2024 - Applications ................................... 24
Privacy Policy, Terms of Service, and Medical Advice … Privacy Policy, Terms of Service, and Medical Advice Disclaimer
• Medical Advice Disclaimer: [Example … for informational and reference purposes only and should not be
used as a substitute for medical advice
December 06, 2011 - includes several components
– Focus on GLIDES tools that can be re-used (GEM,
– Advice
June 01, 2006 - representing all the
organizations that
are considered to
be in the MSeHA –
several sought
January 01, 2015 - Fewer
than 30% of patients report receiving advice regarding physical activity. … Among those who do receive advice,
only 38% report receiving help formulating an activity plan.(9) While … Physician advice and support for physical
activity: results from a national survey.
January 01, 2018 - Despite this high spending, these patients often receive inadequate care, including conflicting medical
advice … Context
Patients with multiple chronic conditions receive more conflicting medical advice, and experience … These patients receive more conflicting medical advice, and experience worse quality of life,
more physical
September 14, 2016 - , radiology reports)
Communicating with
nmlkj nmlkj mk nmlj nmknlj k lj
Obtaining advice
October 27, 2009 - review of studies (2000–2003)
of computers in medical decision making
• EHR had to offer “online advice … Examples of Job Duties
• Patient navigator—cycle time
• Work-up nurse—tobacco cessation advice
• Care
January 01, 2009 - designed as a telephone triage system, assisting nurses to provide a telephone based information and advice
January 01, 2023 - And will physicians follow clinical advice when provided? … Durieux P et al. 2008 "Computerized advice on drug dosage to improve prescribing practice." …
determines "whether there is evidence that computerized advice on drug dosage is beneficial" and finds …
examines "whether feedback and treatment advice for depression presented to primary care physicians
January 01, 2023 - And will physicians follow clinical advice when provided?
August 29, 2016 - Weighs 60 kg
Allergy to morphine
Normal creatinine and observes and records the type of CDS-generated advice … an associated order for monitoring to meet the
standard of care
Nuisance Medication order triggers advice
July 12, 2011 - Participant Feedback
• Real-time feedback = MOBILITY
• Visual capability
• Expanded feedback/advice … RN
case managers) asses and advice patients in their home settings about self-
management of chronic
January 01, 2013 - This tied in to the
system’s advice about taking medications as prescribed and at the right time. … participants stated that they did not need to
have a “reminder” still they admitted that the system’s advice … the Coronary Artery Disease
The TLC system also included an additional module that provided advice … system by adding additional health topics or tidbits such as brief but useful health information,
e.g., advice … such as improved health status, the study participants realized intuitively
that health promotion advice