January 01, 2012 - Develop Your Health Online: Guiding eSearches using the focus groups’ and
interviewees’ advice as well … Limitations
This study is a pilot test that relied on the advice and consumer expertise of community … of sites visited
2-3 15 41.7 18 60.0 0.41
3-4 15 41.7 9 30.0
How much help by following internet advice … one in three adults in the U.S. say they or someone they know has been
helped by following medical advice … Internet users
reported that they start at a general search engine when researching health and medical advice
June 01, 2006 - Medication Safety
Patient Role
• One out of 4 patients do not follow physician advice,
primarily due
July 19, 2021 - bibliography, and the National Resource Center is grateful to all of those who provided their time and advice
January 01, 2012 - This ophthalmologist provided
advice for improving system usability, including incorporating Web-based
January 01, 2011 - The project will result in a theory-
based educational program developed with the cooperation and advice
May 27, 2009 - Pharm: anything about pharmacists including if their advice ever changed a
patient’s opinion about
June 01, 2009 - Most
users access the help function in their word processing program when they want advice on how
to … This issue of ignoring the advice of the CDS has been shown for a variety of types of CDS
including … Another related issue is who enters the data and who receives the CDS advice. … Frequent inaccurate alerts
can lead the clinicians to ignore all of the CDS advice. … , the advice
is not foolproof.
June 01, 2009 - Most
users access the help function in their word processing program when they want advice on how
to … This issue of ignoring the advice of the CDS has been shown for a variety of types of CDS
including … Another related issue is who enters the data and who receives the CDS advice. … Frequent inaccurate alerts
can lead the clinicians to ignore all of the CDS advice. … , the advice
is not foolproof.
January 01, 2005 - Type of Health IT Functions
CDSSs included in the review "had to provide patient-specific advice
January 01, 2012 - the system, and provided emotional support to patients while being careful not to suggest clinical advice
May 29, 2018 - Somewhat Agree
Somewhat Disagree
Strongly Disagree
I often disagree with the advice
January 01, 2011 - than 350,000 adults to determine: 1) the proportion of overweight or obese patients who are receiving
January 01, 2011 - ensuring
that the peer navigators provide emotional support while being careful not to offer clinical advice
January 01, 2023 - The Memphis community started with legal advice but felt strongly some of the privacy issues boiled down
January 24, 2010 - virus is it and how long will they have symptoms
Pathogen-specific, more testing
January 01, 2012 - The project resulted in a theory-based educational
program developed with cooperation and advice from
January 01, 2023 - capability with the health care team via the PHR; access to a nurse care manager and dietician for advice
January 01, 2023 - participants reported that their decision to breastfeed was influenced by the health benefits for the baby and advice
January 01, 2023 - interactive, animated character, to offer patients with limited health literacy or health education advice
July 01, 2010 - Oxygenation assessment
• Influenza vaccination
• Pneumococcal vaccination
• Adult smoking cessation advice … angiotensin receptor blocker (ARB) for left
ventricular systolic dysfunction
• Adult smoking cessation advice