
Total Results: 353 records

Showing results for "advice".

    January 01, 2008 - Durieux P et al. 2008 "Computerized advice on drug dosage to improve prescribing practice." … Computerized advice on drug dosage to improve prescribing practice. … "Initial doses tended to be higher with computerized advice". … In addition, computerized advice doesn't reduce the number of dosage adjustments." … The goal was to identify "all comparative studies of computer advice on drug dosage."
    January 01, 2002 - [Link] Abstract "OBJECTIVE: To examine whether feedback and treatment advice for depression presented … PCPs were randomly assigned to 1 of 3 levels of exposure to EMR feedback of guideline-based treatment advice … by PCP assignment despite exposure to repeated reminders of the depression diagnosis and treatment advice … Objective "To examine whether feedback and treatment advice for depression presented to primary care … initiation of treatment is necessary, unless the EMR is programmed to expose physicians to treatment advice
    May 15, 2008 - A National Web Conference on the Importance of Evaluation in Health IT Implementation: Practical Advice
    Videoconferencing: practical advice on implementation Videoconferencing provides a useful tool … Publication Month:  Feb Volume:  6 Issue:  1 Page Number:  2-4 Link:  Videoconferencing: practical advice
    January 01, 2008 - The expert system only offers advice whether a GP should be seen, not in which way (by consultation in … [It shows] the important triage-questions the assistant needs to ask and offer[s] triage advice based … (1) The assistant gives advice during the call. … " (2) The GP gives telephone advice without an office consultation or a home visit in the same shift … with the expert system] is handled by the assistant, less patients are offered [telephone advice
    March 07, 2021 - I trust my Kaiser provider’s advice on my child’s nutrition. b. … I trust my Kaiser provider’s advice on my child’s physical examination. c. … I trust my Kaiser provider’s advice on my child’s behavior and development. d. … I trust my Kaiser provider’s advice on my child’s vaccinations. e. … I trust my alternative medicine provider’s advice on my child’s nutrition. b.
    March 01, 2006 - One intervention was patient-specific clinical guideline advice delivered to the primary care provider … Also, patient-specific advice, as opposed to general advice, was provided.
    January 01, 2000 - Thirty-seven per cent of referrals to PH included requests from general practitioners for on-line medical advice … General practitioners sought an outpatient visit for 130 of their patients, and advice only for another … On-line advice was nonetheless given in 108 cases, and only 88 patient visits were arranged. … The cost difference between giving on-line medical advice for the 108 cases and a visit to the outpatient
    January 01, 2001 - informed of their patients' diagnoses, and randomized to 1 of 3 methods of exposure to guideline-based advice … In usual care, providers received no advice or reminders. … The provider could click to access an intranet site with detailed advice on treating depression. … Most messages concluded with a suggestion that the clinician [click to] obtain further treatment advice
    January 01, 2023 - Preliminary results in one case suggest that telemedicine provided various benefits: (1) the patient received advice … Workflow-Related Findings "Preliminary results in one case suggest that ... the patient received advice
    April 10, 2021 - Bmj Publication Date:  Apr 10 Volume:  318 Issue:  7189 Pages:  984-90 HIT Description:  Computer advice … Intervention:  Computer support systems providing advice about appropriate drug dosages to healthcare
    January 01, 2005 - advised course of action were significantly more likely to succeed than systems that allowed the system advice … location of decision making were substantially more likely to succeed than systems that did not provide advice … example, automatically providing decision support eliminates the need for clinicians to seek out the advice … provided to clinicians automatically, whereas none succeeded when clinicians were required to seek out the advice
    July 01, 2002 - Purpose of Study:  Study whether feedback and treatment advice for depression presented to primary care … Intervention:  The study groups consisted of 3 levels of exposure to EMR feedback of guideline-based treatment advice
    January 01, 2004 - RESULTS: Forty three per cent of participants required a clinic appointment, 45% were managed by email advice … patients to be dealt with within 3 days of referral, enables 57 percent of those referred to be given advice
    May 15, 2008 - A National Web Conference on the Importance of Evaluation in Health IT Implementation: Practical Advice … National Web Conference on the Importance of Evaluation in Health IT Implementation: Practical Advice
    January 01, 2013 - diabetes, 22 the potential for Internet technology to improve the delivery of preventive medicine advice … with standard coaching (COI--‐S) or with modulated coaching (COI--‐M)] to an approach that provides advice … Lessons complemented by tailored coaching advice via electronic messaging structured online maintenance … Lessons complemented by tailored coaching advice via electronic messaging Pedometer Fat & calorie … This document provides practical advice for lifestyle counselors who are aiming to adapt their counseling
    January 01, 2001 - "A facility to print customized self-management plans and advice sheets for individual patients" was … recommendations and reminders were popular with the users and were deemed to provide relevant clinical advice
    July 12, 2021 - facilitate healthcare quality information collection, management, analysis, and reporting, the concepts and advice
    January 01, 2013 - Physician advice to lose weight is no magic bullet, but evidence suggests that such advice and referral … to lose weight, compared to those who did not receive advice[41]. … Documentation of advice to lose weight, n (%) 2,385 (15.5%) 24,583 (25.4%) 26,968 (24.1%) 4. … Documentation of advice to lose weight -0.144 0.062 0.021 -0.266 -0.022 4. … Trends in professional advice to lose weight among obese adults, 1994 to 2000.
    January 01, 2003 - Basic clinical decision support provides computerized advice regarding drug doses, routes, and frequencies … The ordering physician may view such advice and then proceed with a conventional handwritten medication

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