May 01, 2018 - While we defined decision analytic models
broadly— any health care evaluation model that accounts for events … described as state transition models, such that the cancer process is conceptualized as
a series of events … Taking into
account the adverse effect on quality of life (due to 247 additional negative biopsies and
January 11, 2016 - Östergötland, Kopparberg, and MMST I) provided outcomes for women aged 70 to 74 years, and the numbers of events … ‡ Morbidity includes physical adverse effects of treatment, quality-of-life measures, and other measures
September 05, 2017 - patching for 3 hours daily, or patching for 6 hours daily reported that no patients experienced an adverse
September 05, 2017 - patching for 3 hours
daily, or patching for 6 hours daily reported that no patients expe
rienced an adverse