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    June 06, 2017 - FIT, resulting in more false-positive results, more diagnostic colonoscopies, and more associated adverse … The rate of serious adverse events from colorectal cancer screening increases with age.1 Thus, the … colorectal cancer compared with FIT alone.13 The harms of stool-based testing primarily result from adverse … If sedation is usedduring colonoscopy, cardiopul­ monary adverse events may rarely occur; the precise … appear tobe related topolypectomy, and the risk of experiencing an adverse event increases with age
  2. JAMA JATS (pdf file)
    September 18, 2018 - found few events in any group (2 trials [n = 6210]). … events between intervention and control groups. … Serious adverse events were uncommon and similar between groups.1 Adverse event rates were high in both … intervention and placebo groups by 12 months, with 80% to 96% of participants experiencing an adverse … The higher rate of adverse events in the medication groups resulted in higher dropout rates than in the
    May 01, 2021 - On average, men experience CVD events earlier in life compared with women. … Clinicians should recognize that pre- dictions of 10-year CVD events using the Pooled Cohort Equations … analyses of trial data, statin therapy was not associated with increased risk of study withdrawal due to adverseevents or serious adverse events.13,31 Although observational studies have reported an asso- ciation … Rosuvastatin to prevent vascular events in men and women with elevated C-reactive protein.
    August 06, 2015 - KQ 4: Reduced rates (or frequency) of subclinical HSV-2 viral shedding KQ 6: Treatment-related adverseevents (e.g., adverse drug reactions related to antiviral medications); psychosocial harms related to
    May 15, 2013 - What adverse effects are associated with primary care behavioral counseling interventions to prevent … target populations (e.g., decrease in substance abuse/misuse among current drug users) KQ 4: Adverseevents Paradoxical increase in STI incidence or risky sexual behaviors or decrease in protective
    August 06, 2015 - KQ 4: Reduced rates (or frequency) of subclinical HSV-2 viral shedding KQ 6: Treatment-related adverseevents (e.g., adverse drug reactions related to antiviral medications); psychosocial harms related to
    May 15, 2013 - What are the adverse effects of primary care–relevant behavioral counseling interventions for healthy … outcomes (physical activity, dietary intake or patterns), self-reported or objectively measured KQ 4: Adverse … requiring medical attention (e.g., nutritional deficiencies, musculoskeletal injuries, cardiovascular events
    June 20, 2017 - events in the intervention group, 26 , 47 , 49 and 2 additional trials (published in the same article … ) reported that there were no serious adverse events. 44 Five trials similarly found no group differences … Adverse effects were also frequently reported by those receiving placebo. … The analytic framework also depicts the possible adverse events occurring after screening (KQ2) or treatment … effects, 5 reported no adverse or serious adverse effects associated with the interventions.
    June 20, 2017 - events in the intervention group, 26 , 47 , 49 and 2 additional trials (published in the same article … ) reported that there were no serious adverse events. 44 Five trials similarly found no group differences … Adverse effects were also frequently reported by those receiving placebo. … The analytic framework also depicts the possible adverse events occurring after screening (KQ2) or treatment … effects, 5 reported no adverse or serious adverse effects associated with the interventions.
    February 15, 2013 - Although the odds of participant dropout due to drug-related adverse events was increased 2-fold with … Cox and colleagues 38 concluded that adverse event reporting in studies of fixed versus concomitant … medication formulations was inconsistent and that causality of adverse effects could not be determined … For the question addressing adverse events and harms, we included observational studies (cohort studies … For the final analysis, we included 75 RCTs and 24 observational studies addressing adverse effects (
    February 15, 2013 - Although the odds of participant dropout due to drug-related adverse events was increased 2-fold with … Cox and colleagues 38 concluded that adverse event reporting in studies of fixed versus concomitant … medication formulations was inconsistent and that causality of adverse effects could not be determined … For the question addressing adverse events and harms, we included observational studies (cohort studies … For the final analysis, we included 75 RCTs and 24 observational studies addressing adverse effects (
    September 03, 2013 - level, and smoking cessation), cardiovascular or lower-extremity–related health outcomes, and serious adverseevents (for example, death, serious adverse drug reactions, or unexpected medical attention). … to CAD events. … and an NRI of 0.068 for total CVD events. … Hard Events Total Events Hard Events Rotterdam * Kavousi et al
    September 01, 2013 - and smoking cessa- tion), cardiovascular or lower-extremity–related health out- comes, and serious adverseevents (for example, death, serious adverse drug reactions, or unexpected medical attention). … addition to CAD events. … and an NRI of 0.068 for total CVD events. … Hard Events Total Events Hard Events Rotterdam* Kavousi et al, 2012 (33) 5933 69.1 10-y risk for CAD
    September 03, 2013 - level, and smoking cessation), cardiovascular or lower-extremity–related health outcomes, and serious adverseevents (for example, death, serious adverse drug reactions, or unexpected medical attention). … to CAD events. … and an NRI of 0.068 for total CVD events. … Hard Events Total Events Hard Events Rotterdam * Kavousi et al
    March 08, 2004 - events. … Good Common adverse events with interferon-based therapy are self-limited influenza-like symptoms, … Withdrawals due to adverse events occurred in 14%-22% of patients on pegylated interferon plus ribavirin … adverse events from liver biopsy, and effects of diagnosing chronic HCV infection on quality of life … events in treatment-naive samples.
    May 15, 2009 - Harms include testing and follow-up for false-positive test results and adverse effects from penicillin … , code; Current Procedural Terminology code; or procedural code for anaphylactic shock, unspecified adverseEvents after exposure were compared with each patient's baseline period 183 d before index date of study … attributed to oral route, preselection if penicillin allergy was identified, mislabeling as allergic events … Mentions risks of misdiagnosis, including adverse penicillin reaction, stigma, and social consequences
    October 01, 2009 - Potential adverse effects of using these risk factors include false-positive test results and labeling … such as coro- nary angiography), and side effects of aggressive risk factor management (such as the adverse … Prediction of coronary events with electron beam computed tomography. … Homocysteine lowering and cardiovascular events after acute myocardial infarction. … Rosuvastatin to prevent vascular events in men and women with elevated C-reactive protein.
    April 01, 2016 - If adverse bleeding event, discontinue aspirin Screen and treat for hypertension and lipid disorders … If CVD event, initiate secondary CVD prevention, including aspirin, if eligible If adverse bleeding … . �� Defined by the net of benefit and harm events or this equation: (nonfatal CVD events + CVD deaths … Rationale for a trial of low-dose aspirin for the primary prevention of major adverse cardiovascular … events and vascular dementia in the elderly: Aspirin in Reducing Events in the Elderly (ASPREE).
    September 01, 2013 - In addition to morbidity directly caused by PAD, pa- tients with PAD have an increased risk for CVD events … One randomized trial found that aspirin did not reduce CVD events in patients with a low ABI (2). … associated with treatment include use of unnecessary medications (or higher doses) and their result- ing adverse … Internal Medicine Volume 159 • Number 5 and receive additional treatments with resulting adverse … Another limitation is that the ABI Collaboration re- classification is based on total CAD events (CAD
    July 01, 2005 - KQ3 examined adverse effects of screening for overweight. … events reported. … Arrow 6: What are the adverse effects of interventions? … Arrow 5: Arrow 6: What are the adverse effects of interventions? … Arrow 5: Arrow 6: What are the adverse effects of interventions?

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