May 15, 2014 - What are the adverse effects of screening for COPD using prebronchodilator spirometry? … What are the adverse effects of screening for COPD, including the impact of targeted preventive services … What are the adverse effects of COPD treatment in this population? … events requiring unexpected or unwanted medical attention and/or resulting in death (e.g., requiring … hospitalization); adverse events reported by ≥5% of the study population; false reassurance for screen-negative
May 27, 2014 - , but risk for serious adverse events did not differ. … events, serious adverse events, or overall adverse events]]. … events, serious adverse events, or overall adverse events]]. … but not with increased risk for serious adverse events. … events compared with lamivudine 54 , 55 , consistent with the high prevalence of adverse events with
May 27, 2014 - , but risk for serious adverse events did not differ. … events, serious adverse events, or overall adverse events]]. … events, serious adverse events, or overall adverse events]]. … but not with increased risk for serious adverse events. … events compared with lamivudine 54 , 55 , consistent with the high prevalence of adverse events with
January 12, 2023 - Symptomatic acute or chronic vitamin D or calcium toxicity, incident symptomatic nephrolithiasis, and serious adverse … events. … KQ 2: Incident cancer or cardiovascular disease or events; asymptomatic renal outcomes (soft-tissue … calcification, nephrocalcinosis, artery calcification, hypercalcemia, hypercalciuria); and nonserious adverse … events.
December 18, 2014 - the figure depicts whether interventions to promote and support breastfeeding are associated with any adverse … events (KQ3). … Are there adverse events associated with interventions to promote and support breastfeeding? … KQ 2: Breastfeeding initiation, duration, or exclusivity, as defined within each study
KQ 3: Adverse … events associated with breastfeeding intervention (e.g., feeling criticized by interventionist, guilt
April 06, 2023 - Symptomatic acute or chronic vitamin D or calcium toxicity, incident symptomatic nephrolithiasis, and serious adverse … events. … KQ 2: Incident cancer or cardiovascular disease or events; asymptomatic renal outcomes (soft-tissue … calcification, nephrocalcinosis, artery calcification, hypercalcemia, hypercalciuria); and nonserious adverse … events.
March 02, 2020 - and withdrawal due to adverse effects … event was 73.3%.1
Rates of serious adverse events (1.9%) and withdrawal due to ad-
verse events (0.4% … reported for older interferon-
containing therapies.1 The most common adverse events were fa-
tigue, … Five trials reported no withdraw-
als due to adverse events; 1 trial reported a serious adverse event … fa-
tigue (7 trials), and 3% to 28% for gastrointestinal adverse events
(nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea
May 14, 2015 - promote a healthful diet, increased physical activity, and reduced sedentary time is associated with any adverse … events (KQ 4). … What adverse events are associated with primary care behavioral counseling interventions to improve diet … control group is instructed not to exercise
KQ 1: Health outcomes (i.e., CVD events … Behavioral outcomes (i.e., physical activity, dietary intake or patterns, sedentary behavior)
KQ 4: Adverse
May 14, 2015 - promote a healthful diet, increased physical activity, and reduced sedentary time is associated with any adverse … events (KQ 4). … What adverse events are associated with primary care behavioral counseling interventions to improve diet … control group is instructed not to exercise
KQ 1: Health outcomes (i.e., CVD events … Behavioral outcomes (i.e., physical activity, dietary intake or patterns, sedentary behavior)
KQ 4: Adverse
July 10, 2023 - All adverse events were grade
1 except in 1 patient with grade 2 symptoms. … events (7% vs 7%) or
study drug discontinuation due to adverse events (1% vs 2%).54
Table 2. … vs 1%), kidney adverse events leading to discontinuation
(0.07% vs 0.3%), or fracture (2% vs 2%). … events or grade 3 or higher adverse events
(Table 2; eTables 1-4 in the Supplement).6,7 There were … adverse events, or STIs.
June 18, 2024 - events, serious adverse events, self-esteem, body
satisfaction, or disordered eating
Outcomes reported … events: insufficient
Any adverse events:
low for increased
Largest trial providing most of the … events: insufficient
Any adverse events:
high for increased
Multinational study, including sites … underpowered
to detect
No information on harms of
long-term use
Serious adverse
events: insufficient … events: insufficient
Any adverse events:
low for increased
Larger study conducted in the US,
April 12, 2022 - (either as perpetrators or as victims), adverse life events, early exposure to stress, maltreatment, … Adverse childhood experiences influence the likelihood of suffering from mental health conditions such … events and serious adverse events compared with placebo; the differences were not statistically significant … , likely because of a small number of events due to poor reporting. … There were no significant differences in adverse events reported. 1
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June 11, 2019 - , 78 weeks) reported rates of neuropsychiatric adverse events among participants taking efavirenz; 29.6% … adverse events, 3.3% (95% CI, 2.2%-4.3%) had depression, and 0.6% (95% CI, 0.2%-1.1%) had suicidal ideation … . 46 However, an analysis of the Data Collection on Adverse Events of Anti-HIV Drugs (D:A:D) study, … Comparative safety and neuropsychiatric adverse events associated with efavirenz use in first-line antiretroviral … Events of Anti-HIV Drugs study.
September 01, 2021 - Asymptomatic pregnant persons who are at high risk for preeclampsia and have no prior adverse events … years or
older, personal history factors (eg, low birth weight or small for gestational age, previous adverse
June 15, 2008 - Systematic review and meta-analysis of adverse events of low-dose aspirin and clopidogrel in randomized … Systematic review and meta-analysis of clinically relevant adverse events from HMG CoA reductase inhibitor … Statin-related adverse events: a meta-analysis. Clin Ther 2006;28:26-35. … KQ5: adverse effects of treatment
24 studies. … β-Blockers: increase in withdrawals secondary to adverse events vs. placebo; NSD in total deaths.
April 28, 2020 - Adverse events were not well reported in trials of behavioral interventions, but no serious adverse events … events in these trials were uncommon; study withdrawals due to adverse events were not reported or were … not different between study drug and placebo; and adverse events experienced by those in the placebo … In the NRT trial, no serious adverse events were reported. 46 NRT was associated with increased risk … adverse events.
June 04, 2024 - Multifactorial Interventions
Adverse events were sparsely reported for multifactorial interven-
tions … Seventeen trials18, 43, 44, 48, 50, 51, 53, 56-58, 61-64, 70, 72, 74 reported
any adverse events occurring … during the exercise intervention ses-
sions, ranging from 0%18,51,53,63,64 to 58%.56 These adverse events … and 1
trial62 reporting less than 1% serious adverse events related to the
exercise intervention (2/ … events as
18% in the intervention group and 12% in the control group; how-
ever only 1 adverse event
October 01, 2012 - , but it might also result in harms, including
such adverse medication effects as gastrointestinal bleeding … Potential Harms of Detection
Adverse events directly associated with resting ECG
are extremely rare … Adverse events associ-
ated with exercise ECG may include the triggering of a
cardiovascular event, musculoskeletal … The overall risk for a serious adverse
event (one that requires hospitalization or causes sudden
death … The
most important harm is exposure to potential adverse ef-
fects of invasive tests.
December 15, 2020 - Pooled analyses found no significant differences in the risk of serious adverse events (4 trials; RR, … 0.92 [95% CI, 0.45-1.85]), any adverse event (5 trials; RR, 1.01 [95% CI, 0.90-1.11]), renal adverse … events (3 trials; RR, 1.27 [95% CI, 0.31-3.55]), or study withdrawal due to adverse events (3 trials … No significant differences in risk of serious adverse events or withdrawal due to adverse events were … receiving placebo or no treatment, and that some adverse events resolve after discontinuing therapy.
June 20, 2023 - This trial was among postpartum patients, and no adverse events were reported in the intervention and … Harm outcomes included any adverse events, dropout due to adverse events, serious adverse events, suicide … There was also an increased risk of serious adverse events with SSRI use compared with placebo (OR, 1.39 … The absolute risk of serious adverse events was low, and evidence for specific serious adverse events … events (75.7% with lithium, 69% with placebo; P value not reported) and of serious adverse events