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    January 19, 2021 - None of the drugs were associated with serious adverse events. … events, including major cardiovascular adverse events or serious neuropsychiatric events, as compared … events NRT was associated with a higher rate of any cardiovascular adverse events, largely driven … events, particularly cardiovascular- or neuropsychiatric-specific adverse events Adverse events typically … events NA Very few reviews assessed adverse events related to behavioral interventions Moderate
    October 01, 2015 - The USPSTF also evaluated adverse events reported at any time point. … Adverse events related to other forms of behavioral in- terventions were not reported. … events (RR, 1.24 [CI, 0.85 to 1.81]) or major cardiovascular adverse events (RR, 1.44 [CI, 0.73 to 2.83 … events related to product use or any difference in the frequency of adverse events (8). … Adverse events associated with nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) for smoking ces- sation.
    September 26, 2024 - the comparative performance and agreement between PREVENT (Predicting Risk of cardiovascular disease EVENTs … predicting mortality only or heart failure only Outcomes KQs 1, 4: Cardiovascular disease events … , agreement between observed and predicted risks), and decision curve analysis KQs 3, 5: Serious adverse … attention (e.g., major bleeding, development of diabetes), exposure to radiation, and adverse psychological … proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9; PREVENT = Predicting Risk of cardiovascular disease EVENTS
    March 02, 2020 - event data, the pooled rate of any adverse event was 73.3%. 1 Rates of serious adverse events (1.9% … ) and withdrawal due to adverse events (0.4%) were low compared with rates reported for interferon-containing … regimens. 1 Pooled rates of specific adverse events ranged from 2.4% for anemia to 18.4% for headache … Five trials reported no withdrawals due to adverse events; 1 trial reported a serious adverse event ( … fatigue (7 trials), and 3% to 28% for gastrointestinal adverse events (nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea
    September 03, 2015 - factor assessment or treatment based on nontraditional risk factor assessment are associated with any adverseevents (KQ3 and KQ5). … risk factors—followed by treatment specific to risk level—lead to reduced incidence of cardiovascular events … c-statistic), and calibration (e.g., agreement between observed and predicted risks) KQs 3, 5: Serious adverseevents from risk factor assessment or aggressive risk factor modification resulting in unexpected or
    May 01, 2021 - Adverse childhood experiences may result from a com- plex interaction of familial, peer, or societal … These adverse childhood experiences may be blatant or subtle (eg, microaggressions) but are potentially … Pharmacologic interventions may result in adverse events, while psychological interventions are likely … These trials also showed lower rates of withdrawal due to adverse events and serious adverse events in … , psychiatric adverse events, and withdrawals due to adverse events; however, these events were rare
    May 02, 2014 - The population includes adults ages 21 to 39 years without prior CVD events. … The population includes adults age 40 years and older without prior CVD events. … as identified in the literature) KQs 1, 4, 5: Outcomes not listed as included KQ 2: Adverse … outcomes not associated with screening KQ 3: Outcomes not listed as included KQ 6: Other adverse … outcomes (e.g., lipid levels or measures of atherosclerosis, such as intima media thickness) KQ 2: Adverse
    May 02, 2014 - The population includes adults ages 21 to 39 years without prior CVD events. … The population includes adults age 40 years and older without prior CVD events. … as identified in the literature) KQs 1, 4, 5: Outcomes not listed as included KQ 2: Adverse … outcomes not associated with screening KQ 3: Outcomes not listed as included KQ 6: Other adverse … outcomes (e.g., lipid levels or measures of atherosclerosis, such as intima media thickness) KQ 2: Adverse
    April 07, 2020 - Maternal adverse events from treatment were infrequent and minor (eg, candidiasis) but were slightly … Maternal adverse events from treatment appear to be infrequent and minor, but the evidence about harms … during pregnancy (KQ4), 8 (n = 7758) reported on maternal adverse events. … Adverse events from intravaginal clindamycin were infrequent and mild (eg, vaginal itching). … Third, for benefits of treatment (KQ4) and adverse maternal events (KQ5), studies varied with respect
    May 24, 2022 - or other serious adverse events, although no statistically significant differences were reported. 24 … vitamin E or placebo, and no differences in risk of withdrawal due to adverse events or specific adverse … but did not indicate increased risk of serious adverse events or withdrawal due to adverse events. … events, cardiovascular events, or serious ocular adverse events Three trials found that serious ocular … events or withdrawal due to adverse events Consistent Precise for the AREDS formulation but imprecise
    October 11, 2022 - , and adverse events. … Differences in suicide-related outcomes and adverse events for pharmacotherapy when compared with placebo … ideation) and other adverse events. … One study 53-55 reported on adverse events, serious adverse events, and other harms during the 12- to … events and serious adverse events, precise effects unclear owing to inconsistent study reporting Collaborative
    December 15, 2003 - events were similar in drug and placebo arms. 84 , 86-88 Adverse events were reported in 7.4 percent … (0.8 percent), pulmonary symptoms (6.2 percent), and miscellaneous events (4.8 percent). 104 In 38 … events and appreciable cost. … event: 20/265 Due to GI symptoms: 13/265 Serious adverse events: 13/265 Placebo: Dropout … : 105/266 Due to adverse event: 11/266 Due to GI symptoms: 6/266 Serious adverse events:
    July 20, 2017 - Women may experience adverse effects due to these medications. … mortality; other beneficial outcomes (e.g., reduced fractures caused by certain medications) KQs 3, 4: Adverse … effects (including but not limited to: thromboembolic events, cardiovascular events, metabolic disorders … , musculoskeletal symptoms, mental health, genitourinary outcomes, adverse breast outcomes, other malignancies … , ophthalmologic disorders, gastrointestinal/hepatobiliary disorders, other adverse events affecting
    September 21, 2015 - None of the drugs were associated with major cardiovascular adverse events. … Adverse Events One review reported minor adverse events related to ear acupuncture, ear acupressure, … Although more serious adverse events occurred in the nicotine e-cigarette group (27 events [19.7%]) than … Adverse Events None of the reviews on behavioral interventions among pregnant women reported adverse … Consistent     KQ3: adverse events Behavioral 1 No serious AEs reported.
    September 21, 2015 - None of the drugs were associated with major cardiovascular adverse events. … Adverse Events One review reported minor adverse events related to ear acupuncture, ear acupressure … Although more serious adverse events occurred in the nicotine e-cigarette group (27 events [19.7%]) than … Adverse Events None of the reviews on behavioral interventions among pregnant women reported adverseAdverse events associated with nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) for smoking cessation.
    January 19, 2021 - None of the drugs were associated with serious adverse events. … events, including major cardiovascular adverse events or serious neuropsychiatric events, as compared … events NRT was associated with a higher rate of any cardiovascular adverse events, largely driven by … events, particularly cardiovascular- or neuropsychiatric-specific adverse events Adverse events typically … events NA Very few reviews assessed adverse events related to behavioral interventions Moderate evidence
    April 01, 2003 - Treatment of elevated blood pressure in adults can reduce cardiovascular events. … The adverse effects of screening or treatment for hypertension. … Adverse Effects of Screening for Hypertension We identified 10 cohort studies examining the adverseAdverse Effects of Treatment of Hypertension Serious or life-threatening adverse drug reactions have … Prevention of an adverse impact in those at high risk. Am J Med 1982;73(2):165-70. 63.
    November 01, 2013 - Short-term pharmacologic treatments generally seemed to be well-tolerated, with no serious adverse events … Commonly reported adverse events associated with hy- pertension medications included headache, cardiac … events and serious adverse events between active intervention and placebo groups. … effects, and had limited power to identify rare adverse events (1). … Evidence on adverse events associated with interventions that combine medication and lifestyle modi-
    October 12, 2012 - disease or individual characteristics that affect the likelihood of a specific therapy-associated adverse … the risk for fractures in postmenopausal women, there is an accompanying increased risk for serious adverseevents, such as stroke, invasive breast cancer, dementia, gallbladder disease, deep venous thrombosis
    November 15, 2012 - Harms included withdrawals due to adverse events, serious adverse events, neutropenia, anemia, psychological … adverse events, influenza-like symptoms, and rash. … There were no differences in risk for withdrawal due to adverse events, serious adverse events, or other … adverse events. … events, withdrawal due to adverse events, neutropenia, depression, fatigue, headache, chills/rigors,

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