June 26, 2018 - The USPSTF found that the risk of serious adverse events, upper gastrointestinal events, or cardiovascular … Clinicians should educate patients on how to minimize the adverse effects of drug therapies, such as … events (RR, 0.98 [95% CI, 0.92-1.04]; 17 studies; n = 11,745), or upper gastrointestinal events (RR, … events, and upper gastrointestinal events. … Pooled analyses showed no increased risk of discontinuation due to adverse events (RR, 1.12 [95% CI,
April 13, 2021 - The goal of screening for vitamin D deficiency would be to identify and treat it before associated adverse … The USPSTF found 36 studies that reported adverse events and harms from treatment with vitamin D (with … The absolute incidence of adverse events varied widely across studies; however, the incidence of total … adverse events, such as gastrointestinal symptoms, fatigue, musculoskeletal symptoms, and headaches, … and serious adverse events was generally similar between treatment and control groups.
April 13, 2021 - The goal of screening for vitamin D deficiency would be
to identify and treat it before associated adverse … The USPSTF found 36 studies
that reported adverse events and harms from treatment with vita-
min D (with … The absolute incidence of adverse events varied widely across
studies; however, the incidence of total … adverse events, such as
gastrointestinal symptoms, fatigue, musculoskeletal symptoms,
and headaches, … and serious adverse events was generally similar
between treatment and control groups.
March 31, 2016 - or pharmacotherapy interventions for weight loss or weight loss maintenance are associated with any adverse … What are the adverse effects of primary care–relevant behavioral and/or pharmacotherapy weight loss and … sleep apnea)
Proportion of individuals taking medication for an obesity-related condition
KQ 3: Adverse … effects
Psychological adverse events related to counseling or medication
KQ 1:
Functioning … trials, including cluster randomized trials
Large cohort or case-control studies reporting serious adverse
December 17, 2024 - There were no significant differences in adverse events or serious adverse events in participants randomized … minority of trials reported these outcomes, and ascertainment methods and details provided related to adverse … or serious adverse events varied among trials. 10
Eleven trials reported on the incidence of participants … Two trials compared calcium alone with placebo, but the sample sizes were small and events were rare,
November 01, 2008 - Total serious adverse events
required hospital admission (for example, perforation, ma-
jor bleeding, … Duration of follow-up and methods for determining
adverse events varied. … No significant statistical
heterogeneity in pooling estimates
of serious adverse events. … Duration of follow-up and methods for determining
adverse events varied. … No significant statistical
heterogeneity in pooling estimates
of serious adverse events.
May 02, 2023 - There was also a greater risk of treatment discontinuation because of adverse events reported with isoniazid … (RR, 1.50 [95% CI, 1.18-1.89]) and a greater risk of gastrointestinal adverse events (RR, 1.33 [95% … Recent trials also reported on discontinuation due to adverse events. … There was a statistically nonsignificant increase in discontinuation due to adverse events in a meta-analysis … Adverse events with 4 months of rifampin therapy or 9 months of isoniazid therapy for latent tuberculosis
July 10, 2018 - calibration, discrimination, or risk reclassification), and serious adverse events. … Harms included any serious adverse event requiring unexpected or unwanted medical attention resulting … events from CAC score measurement such as psychological outcomes, adverse cardiovascular events, and … 2 years (3.0% vs 2.4%, P = 0.01); however, it did not find evidence of increases in other serious adverse … diabetes but not in other serious adverse events
There were 3.0% cases of diabetes in the rosuvastatin
September 01, 2012 - cardiovascular
events. … None of the studies reviewed was designed to detect
adverse effects of interventions to promote a healthful … The adverse effects of
these counseling interventions were also reviewed. … events. … Because the USPSTF determined that there
were few if any adverse effects of these counseling interven
September 01, 2012 - cardiovascular
events. … None of the studies reviewed was designed to detect
adverse effects of interventions to promote a healthful … The adverse effects of
these counseling interventions were also reviewed. … events. … Because the USPSTF determined that there
were few if any adverse effects of these counseling interven
September 01, 2012 - cardiovascular
events. … None of the studies reviewed was designed to detect
adverse effects of interventions to promote a healthful … The adverse effects of
these counseling interventions were also reviewed. … events. … Because the USPSTF determined that there
were few if any adverse effects of these counseling interven
February 01, 2010 - Adverse effects included elevated
heart rate, elevated blood pressure,
and adverse gastrointestinal effects … Serious adverse
events were reported for 2.7% of the
patients who were taking sibutra-
mine and �1% of … Adverse
events occurred in 3% of the patients
who received orlistat compared with
2% of the patients … They also commonly experi-
enced mild-to-moderate adverse
gastrointestinal effects, with 20% to
30% reporting … Incidence and risk factors for
perioperative adverse respiratory events in
children who are obese.
September 01, 2013 - However, antiviral therapy is given for a
defined duration, serious adverse events are uncommon,
and … adverse events are self-limited and typically resolve af-
ter treatment is discontinued. … These adverse events are self-limited and typically re-
solve after the discontinuation of treatment … Although treatment-related adverse effects were com-
mon, the few serious adverse events reported in … With
regard to harms, the use of liver biopsy is decreasing and
the few serious adverse events reported
June 20, 2023 - None of the RCTs or existing systematic reviews of psychological treatment reported on adverse events … events and withdrawals due to adverse events if they were taking medication (vs placebo) (eTable 17 … Serious adverse events were rare, and data were insufficient to determine whether the risk of serious … events. … events and withdrawals due to adverse events
Serious adverse events were rare; case-control studies
December 08, 2003 - Adverse effects. … tests and treatments and the adverse events associated with
these additional interventions. … A positive result also labels the person as being at increased risk,
which may itself have adverse … Potential adverse effects of screening for ACAD with EBCT include increased false-
positive test results … Finally, better
information about the adverse effects of screening is required if researchers are to
March 05, 2015 - Additionally, the figure depicts that there are adverse events that could result from the pelvic examination … What are the adverse effects of screening with the pelvic examination?
November 13, 2016 - Studies of individuals with prior cardiovascular events were excluded. … Although statins in middle-aged and older adults appear to be relatively safe and short-term adverse … events generally resolve with discontinuation of therapy, long-term adverse effects of statins started … Long-term intraindividual cholesterol variability: natural course and adverse impact on morbidity and … function tests or creatine phosphokinase levels, and others as identified in the literature)
KQ 6: Other adverse
November 13, 2016 - Studies of individuals with prior cardiovascular events were excluded. … Although statins in middle-aged and older adults appear to be relatively safe and short-term adverse … events generally resolve with discontinuation of therapy, long-term adverse effects of statins started … Long-term intraindividual cholesterol variability: natural course and adverse impact on morbidity and … function tests or creatine phosphokinase levels, and others as identified in the literature)
KQ 6: Other adverse
June 20, 2023 - events, even if they have proven benefits. … events. … Evidence demonstrated an increase in nonserious harms (defined as any adverse events and withdrawals … due to adverse events). … Serious adverse events were rare and data were insufficient to determine whether pharmacotherapy increased
January 24, 2017 - In addition to mortality, other adverse health outcomes associated with untreated OSA include cardiovascular … mortality independently, beyond the contributions of age, BMI, and other confounding factors. 1 Other adverse … Overall, 2% to 47% of trial participants reported any adverse effects from treatment with CPAP, including … been found to be associated with an increased risk of all-cause and cardiovascular mortality. 1 Other adverse … performance; and decreased quality of life. 1 However, it is unclear what role OSA plays in causing these adverse