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    January 24, 2023 - These thresholds, however, have not been validated as predictors for cardiovascular disease events and … There were no significant differences in Tanner staging or hormonal adverse events between statin and … years of followup in individuals taking statins compared with control groups. 1 Studies reporting adverse … intervention trial did not mention harms and the three supplement trials in FH reported that there were no adverse … Childhood cardiovascular risk factors and adult cardiovascular events.
    October 11, 2022 - , and adverse events. … Differences in suicide-related outcomes and adverse events for pharmacotherapy when compared with placebo … The TADS trial reported a higher but not statistically sig- nificant difference in adverse events for … One study53-55 reported on adverse events, serious adverse events, and other harms during the 12- to … Similar numbers of adverse events, including attendance at minor injury units, walk-in centers, and
    December 01, 2007 - events from the test, the accuracy and potential for adverse events of any subsequent confirmatory diagnostic … to screen (the number of people who would need to be screened for some defined period to prevent 1 adverse … to harm (the number of people who would need to be treated or screened for a defined time to cause 1 adverse … benefits and harms can be challenging—benefits are often quantified in terms of lives extended or illness events … For example, the benefits of prophylactic aspirin therapy among men include fewer coronary heart events
    April 05, 2016 - Adverse effects were generally mild (eg, dry mouth and cough). … event or serious adverse events were mixed but generally showed few differences between treated and … events. … events in both groups; 1 study re- ported higher rates of any adverse event in the tiotropium group … Possible protection by inhaled budesonide against ischaemic cardiac events in mild COPD.
    May 13, 2014 - Risk factors for suicide attempt include presence of a mental health disorder; serious adverse childhood … events; family history of suicide; prejudice or discrimination associated with being lesbian, gay, bisexual
    October 15, 2008 - Duration of follow-up and methods for determining adverse events varied. … No significant statistical heterogeneity in pooling estimates of serious adverse events. … Duration of follow-up and methods for determining adverse events varied. … No significant statistical heterogeneity in pooling estimates of serious adverse events. … findings considered separate from serious adverse events CCT = controlled clinical trial; CRC
    May 10, 2022 - events. … 2 What are the adverse effects of COPD treatments in this population? … events. … 588) Initiation of a LAMA or LABA is associated with an increase in risk of serious cardiovascular events … None of the included trials that reported adverse effects found significant harms.
    July 15, 2007 - Adverse effects from lipid-lowering medications and low-fat diets, including potential long-term harms … Adverse effects from lipid-lowering medications and low-fat diets, including potential long-term harms … early identification and lipid-lowering intervention in certain populations of adults can prevent CHD events … however, no studies address the effect of treatment on childhood or adult health outcomes (e.g., CHD events … The adverse effects of long-term use of lipid-lowering agents (e.g., >20 years) have not been studied
    December 15, 2013 - Women using tamoxifen and raloxifene had more thromboembolic events than women using placebo (tamoxifen … Coronary heart disease events and stroke were not increased in placebo-controlled trials, although women … Few studies described adverse effects. … In trials, tamoxifen and raloxifene increased thromboembolic events and tamoxifen increased endometrial … Effects of raloxifene on cardiovascular events and breast cancer in postmenopausal women.
    October 01, 2022 - history of depression, prior episodes of depression, childhood abuse or neglect, exposure to traumatic events … or stress, bullying, maltreatment, adverse life events, and a difficult relationship with parents.
    January 01, 2013 - disease or individual characteristics that affect the likelihood of a specific therapy-associated adverse … or indi- vidual characteristics that affect the likelihood of having a specific therapy-associated adverse … of any type prevented per 10 000 person-years), there is an accompanying increased risk for serious adverse … Other Cancer The USPSTF found insufficient evidence to determine whether hormone therapy has an adverse … The magnitude of adverse consequences associated with postmenopausal hor- mone therapy is moderate; the
    July 02, 2002 - that clinicians discuss chemoprevention with women at high risk for breast cancer and at low risk for adverse … The USPSTF found good evidence that tamoxifen and raloxifene increase the risk for thromboembolic events … Clinical Considerations • Clinicians should consider both the risk for breast cancer and the risk for adverse … Risk for adverse effects. … Women are at lower risk for adverse effects from chemoprevention if they are younger; have no predisposition
    July 18, 2023 - There were no significant differences in Tanner staging or hormonal adverse events between statin and … of follow-up in individuals taking statins compared with control groups. 1 , 17 Studies reporting adverse … intervention trial did not mention harms, and the 3 supplement trials for FH reported that there were no adverse … Dyslipidemia In studies including individuals with FH or multifactorial dyslipidemia, gastrointestinal adverse … Childhood cardiovascular risk factors and adult cardiovascular events.
    December 10, 2011 - Adverse Events Associated With Vitamin D With or Without Calcium The Women's Health Initiative trial … events and were not adequately powered to detect adverse events. … However, these adverse events may or may not be associated with the vitamin D or calcium supplements. … Vitamin D with or without calcium supplementation vs. placebo Adverse events All 63 RCTs included … events and were not adequately powered to detect adverse events. 1 RCT in postmenopausal women
    May 24, 2022 - There were no significant differences in risk of serious adverse events (RR, 1.14 [95% CI, 0.60-1.99] … ; I 2 = 32%; 3 trials; n = 3140), withdrawal due to adverse events (RR, 2.40 [95% CI, 0.71-19.32]; … I 2 = 0%; 5 trials; n = 648), or any adverse event (RR, 1.56 [95% CI, 0.59-4.03]; I2 = 82%; 2 trials … events (primarily itching, irritation, tearing, dryness, or taste issues) vs placebo in 1 trial of various … and serious adverse events.
    January 01, 2015 - scores (22), decreased Short Form-36 Health Survey vitality scores (37), and 2 with- drawals due to adverseevents (39). … Aged >70 Years Events in Treated vs. … Two other trials (100 and 60 patients) reported 0 (28) or 2 (30, 31) withdrawals due to adverse events … adults and found no difference in withdrawals due to side effects; all other trials reported ad hoc adverse
    June 26, 2018 - The USPSTF found that the risk of serious adverse events, upper gastrointestinal events, or cardiovascular … Clinicians should educate patients on how to minimize the adverse effects of drug therapies, such as … events (RR, 0.98 [95% CI, 0.92-1.04]; 17 studies; n = 11,745), or upper gastrointestinal events (RR, … events, and upper gastrointestinal events. … Pooled analyses showed no increased risk of discontinuation due to adverse events (RR, 1.12 [95% CI,
    December 05, 2017 - individual characteristics that affect the likelihood of experiencing a specific therapy-associated adverse … women at increased risk of breast cancer who do not have contraindications and are at low risk of adverse
    November 01, 2008 - Total serious adverse events required hospital admission (for example, perforation, ma- jor bleeding, … Duration of follow-up and methods for determining adverse events varied. … No significant statistical heterogeneity in pooling estimates of serious adverse events. … Duration of follow-up and methods for determining adverse events varied. … No significant statistical heterogeneity in pooling estimates of serious adverse events.
    June 20, 2023 - None of the RCTs or existing systematic reviews of psychological treatment reported on adverse eventsevents and withdrawals due to adverse events if they were taking medication (vs placebo) (eTable 17 … Serious adverse events were rare, and data were insufficient to determine whether the risk of serious … events. … events and withdrawals due to adverse events Serious adverse events were rare; case-control studies

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