November 10, 2020 - For effectiveness, hypertension-related health outcomes (eg, cardiovascular events, end-stage kidney … Overall, risks of experiencing any adverse event and risks of specific adverse events were similar between … Pharmacological Treatments Combined With Lifestyle Interventions
No differences in adverse events were … events between pharmacological treatments (β-blocker, calcium channel blockers, ACE inhibitors, or ARBs … events between pharmacological treatment (propranolol + chlorothalidone) plus lifestyle interventions
June 16, 2016 - Do generally asymptomatic adults * with PAD or an abnormal ABI † have the same risk of global CVD events … function (e.g., 6-minute walking test, lower extremity strength)
Change in ABI
KQ 3: Adverse … outcomes related to ABI test (diagnostic inaccuracy) or harms of subsequent testing
KQ 5: Serious adverse … events (e.g., death, serious adverse drug reaction) or unexpected medical attention (e.g., emergency
June 04, 2012 - cardiovascular events. … None of the studies reviewed was designed to detect adverse effects of interventions to promote a healthful … The adverse effects of these counseling interventions were also reviewed. … Potential Harms of Counseling Interventions
No healthful diet counseling trials reported specific adverse … events.
June 04, 2012 - cardiovascular events. … None of the studies reviewed was designed to detect adverse effects of interventions to promote a healthful … The adverse effects of these counseling interventions were also reviewed. … Potential Harms of Counseling Interventions
No healthful diet counseling trials reported specific adverse … events.
December 15, 2007 - events from the test, the accuracy and potential for adverse events of any subsequent confirmatory diagnostic … benefits and harms can be challenging— benefits are often quantified in terms of lives extended or illness events … For example, the benefits of prophylactic aspirin therapy among men include fewer coronary heart events … The first of these curved arrows ends at an oval labeled "Adverse effects of screening." … The second arrow ends at an oval labeled "Adverse effects of CEA."
March 24, 2014 - undergo screening for vitamin D deficiency may be identified as being vitamin D deficient or experience adverse … the pathway for those who are vitamin D deficient is receiving treatment for vitamin D deficiency and adverse … What are the adverse effects of treatment of vitamin D deficiency with vitamin D supplementation? … Are there differences in adverse effects between patient subgroups (as defined by risk factors for vitamin … events (e.g., gastrointestinal issues)
KQs 1, 3:
Improved functioning (except as enumerated
March 24, 2014 - undergo screening for vitamin D deficiency may be identified as being vitamin D deficient or experience adverse … the pathway for those who are vitamin D deficient is receiving treatment for vitamin D deficiency and adverse … What are the adverse effects of treatment of vitamin D deficiency with vitamin D supplementation? … Are there differences in adverse effects between patient subgroups (as defined by risk factors for vitamin … events (e.g., gastrointestinal issues)
KQs 1, 3:
Improved functioning (except as enumerated
October 01, 2015 - None of the drugs were
associated with major cardiovascular adverse events. … Adverse Events
One review reported minor adverse events related
to ear acupuncture, ear acupressure, … Although more serious
adverse events occurred in the nicotine e-cigarette
group (27 events [19.7%]) than … Adverse Events
None of the reviews on behavioral interventions
among pregnant women reported adverse … Adverse events
associated with nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) for smoking ces-
April 30, 2024 - Adverse events related to the supplemental MRI screening reported in the trial included 5 classified … as serious adverse events (2 vasovagal reactions and 3 allergic reactions to the contrast agent) and … Twenty-seven participants (0.6% of the MRI group) reported a serious adverse event within 30 days of … events: 1 RCT (n = 99,634) reported the same number of adverse events for both screening tests (DBT/ … events: RCT reported 8 adverse events (5 serious) during or immediately after MRI—vasovagal reactions
July 08, 2002 - that clinicians discuss chemoprevention with women at high risk for breast cancer and at low risk for adverse … The USPSTF found good evidence that tamoxifen and raloxifene increase the risk for thromboembolic events … Considerations
Clinicians should consider both the risk for breast cancer and the risk for adverse … Risk for adverse effects. … Women are at lower risk for adverse effects from chemoprevention if they are younger; have no predisposition
July 08, 2002 - that clinicians discuss chemoprevention with women at high risk for breast cancer and at low risk for adverse … The USPSTF found good evidence that tamoxifen and raloxifene increase the risk for thromboembolic events … Risk for adverse effects. … Women are at lower risk for adverse effects from chemoprevention if they are younger; have no predisposition … to thromboembolic events such as stroke, pulmonary embolism, or deep venous thrombosis; or do not have
October 08, 2020 - What are the adverse effects of COPD treatments in this population? … disease-specific mortality, and COPD-related morbidity; HRQoL at ≥6 months followup
KQ 3: Serious adverse … events requiring unexpected or unwanted medical attention and/or resulting in death (e.g., requiring
October 08, 2020 - What are the adverse effects of COPD treatments in this population? … disease-specific mortality, and COPD-related morbidity; HRQoL at ≥6 months followup
KQ 3: Serious adverse … events requiring unexpected or unwanted medical attention and/or resulting in death (e.g., requiring
July 26, 2022 - The data on
health outcomes (KQ1) and adverse events (KQ4) did not allow
for quantitative pooling because … of adverse events
(n = 12 452). … Thirteen trials reported adverse events or serious
adverse events of any kind,29-31,33,41,48,51,56,62,82,114,132,136 … although
7 of these trials only stated that no adverse events were reported
or that no adverse events … and 25.4% to 71% of control group participants), and
none reported rates of any adverse events to be
December 15, 2012 - This figure illustrates the events that children ages 0 to 5 years may experience during a clinician … This could cause them to have adverse effects. … These interventions may cause adverse effects. … These interventions may cause adverse effects.
December 15, 2012 - This figure illustrates the events that children ages 0 to 5 years may experience during a clinician … This could cause them to have adverse effects. … These interventions may cause adverse effects. … These interventions may cause adverse effects.
April 05, 2016 - Adverse effects were generally mild (eg, dry mouth and cough). … event or serious adverse events were mixed but generally showed few differences between treated and … events. … events in both groups; 1 study reported higher rates of any adverse event in the tiotropium group compared … Possible protection by inhaled budesonide against ischaemic cardiac events in mild COPD.
April 11, 2024 - What are the adverse effects of: 3a) risk assessment, 3b) genetic counseling, 3c) genetic testing, and … What are the potential adverse effects of interventions to reduce risk for BRCA1/2 -related cancer in … 3b: Inaccurate risk assessment; inappropriate testing; false-positive and false-negative results; adverse … , and social implications KQ 3c: Inappropriate testing; false-positive and false-negative results; adverse … overdiagnosis, overtreatment, nonadherence); risk-reducing medications (thromboembolic and cardiovascular events
November 15, 2022 - men and 6% for women. 1 Severe OSA is associated with increased all-cause mortality. 2 , 3 Other adverse … In general, mild OSA is defined as 5 to 15 events per hour, moderate OSA as 16 to 30 events per hour, … alternative therapy to positive airway pressure for patients with OSA who prefer them or for those with adverse … to the increase in prevalence of obesity. 1 , 2 Obstructive sleep apnea is associated with multiple adverse … , mucosal erosions, and jaw or temporomandibular joint pain or discomfort. 15 , 16 In general, the adverse
January 15, 2015 - between intermediate outcomes ‡ in childhood and adolescence and future incidence of adult MI and stroke events … results, psychosocial effects, overdiagnosis)
KQ 7: All harms from lipid-lowering medications (e.g., adverse … events, long-term safety, overtreatment)
KQs 1, 5, 8:
Metabolic syndrome
Hypothyroidism … thickness, calcium score, pathological findings)
KQ 7: All harms from:
Medications (e.g., adverse … events, long-term safety, overtreatment)
Lifestyle modifications (e.g., nutritional, psychosocial)