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    March 01, 2011 - Adverse events were not well reported in trials of behavioral in- terventions, but no serious adverseevents in these trials were uncom- mon; study withdrawals due to adverse events were not reported or … In the NRT trial, no serious adverse events were reported.46 NRT was associated with increased risk … of headache, cough, abnormal dreams, muscle pain, and patch-related adverse events vs placebo (P < .05 … adverse events.
    April 01, 2013 - long-term adverse effects. … events, uterine ab- normalities, cataracts, and other adverse effects. … events, than women younger than 50 years. … events and �4% for nonprotocol specified events). … ±SE)‡ Events Reduced or Increased (95% CI), n* RR (95% CI) Trials, n† Placebo Rate (±SE)‡ Events
    March 15, 2009 - events. … we calculated pooled absolute RDs for suicide-related adverse events (SREs) using data for a subset … Treatment-emergent adverse events from selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors by age group: Children … Suicidal adverse events in pediatric randomized, controlled clinical trials of antidepressant drugs are … To incorporate more conservative estimates of adverse events into the review, we included results from
    July 02, 2020 - What are the adverse effects of COPD treatments in this population? … disease-specific mortality, and COPD-related morbidity; health-related quality of life KQ 3: Serious adverseevents requiring unexpected or unwanted medical attention and/or resulting in death (e.g., requiring
    December 15, 2020 - receiving placebo or no treatment, and that some adverse events resolve after discontinuing therapy. … Pooled analyses found no sig- nificant differences in the risk of serious adverse events (4 trials; RR … , 0.92 [95% CI, 0.45-1.85]), any adverse event (5 trials; RR, 1.01 [95% CI, 0.90-1.11]), renal adverseevents (3 trials; RR, 1.27 [95% CI, 0.31-3.55]), or study withdrawal due to adverse events (3 trials … No significant differences in risk of serious adverse events or withdrawal due to adverse events were
    September 22, 2020 - The goal of screening for vitamin D deficiency would be to identify and treat it before associated adverse … The USPSTF found 36 studies that reported adverse events and harms from treatment with vitamin D (with … The absolute incidence of adverse events varied widely across studies; however, the incidence of total … adverse events, such as gastrointestinal symptoms, fatigue, musculoskeletal symptoms, and headaches, … and serious adverse events was generally similar between treatment and control groups.
    January 01, 2013 - Harms included withdrawals due to adverse events, serious adverse events, neutropenia, anemia, psychological … adverse events, influenza-like symptoms, and rash. … There were no differences in risk for withdrawal due to adverse events, serious adverse events, or other … adverse events. … events, with- drawal due to adverse events, neutropenia, depression, fa- tigue, headache, chills/rigors
    October 01, 2018 - events (1.9%) and withdrawal due to adverse events (0.4%). … due to adverse events, headache, or fatigue. … to adverse events (RR, 0.06 [95% CI, 0.01 to 0.29]; I2 = 0%; ARD, −9% [95% CI, −14% to −3%]) vs the … ) (eFigure 5 in the Supplement) and withdrawal due to adverse events (44 studies, n = 8060; 0.4% [95% … rates for specific adverse events ranged from 2.4% (anemia) to 18.7% (headache) (eTables 12 and 13 in
    November 24, 2020 - Adverse events were rare, with generally no group differences in serious adverse events, any adverseevents, hospitalizations, musculoskeletal injuries, or withdrawals due to adverse events. … events or no serious adverse events, 55 , 87 , 97 , 118 , 148 , 152 , 247 and other trials reported … 1 or more of the following: serious adverse events, any adverse events, hospitalizations, musculoskeletal … significant differences in any study for serious adverse events, any adverse events, hospitalizations
    July 01, 2017 - Adverse events/states.
    May 29, 2012 - The primary outcome was CHD, and the primary adverse event outcome was invasive breast cancer. … The data and safety monitoring boards stopped both trials early because of increased adverse effects … disease, fractures, mortality, uterine bleeding, and other adverse effects. … The WHI trials 2 , 3 and WISDOM 62 were discontinued prematurely because of adverse events. … The figure shows that women could experience improved health outcomes or adverse effects.
    May 01, 2021 - 13% for men and 6% for women.1 Severe OSA is associated with increased all-cause mortality.2,3 Other adverse … Other adverse health outcomes associated with untreated OSA include cardiovascular disease and cerebrovascular … In general, mild OSA is defined as 5 to 15 events per hour, moderate OSA as 16 to 30 events per hour, … or for those with adverse effects associated with positive airway pressure.15,16 Surgical interventions … Adverse health outcomes associated with untreated OSA include cardiovascular disease and cerebrovascular
    July 01, 2013 - events; however, many of these events are transient or self-limited, and ef- fective alternatives can … events, including meta- bolic disturbances associated with an increased risk for car- diovascular events … However, the early treatment group in the HPTN 052 study had ART-related adverse events more frequently … The 2005 USPSTF review included results from the large, ongoing DAD (Data Collection on Adverse Events … Common adverse effects of antiretroviral therapy for HIV disease.
    September 03, 2019 - Medications to reduce risk of breast cancer are effective for women at increased risk but also cause adverse … However, these medications are also associ- ated with adverse effects,3 and candidates for risk-reducing … All adverse outcomes at all reported follow-up times were considered in an effort to capture potential … short- and long-term adverse effects. … For outcomes of major adverse events, analyses were stratified by active vs posttreatment peri- ods,
    August 24, 2017 - These women may experience adverse effects as they are determined to have either no increased risk or … Women with an increased risk are referred for genetic testing, during which they may experience adverse … Women who undergo interventions may experience adverse effects. … What are the adverse effects of risk-reducing interventions for BRCA-related cancer? … overdiagnosis, overtreatment, nonadherence); risk-reducing medications (thromboembolic and cardiovascular events
    June 01, 2022 - or stress, bullying, maltreatment, adverse life events, and a difficult relationship with parents. … Adverse childhood experiences in- fluence the likelihood of experiencing mental health conditions such … events and serious adverse events compared with placebo; the dif- ferences were not statistically significant … , likely because of a small number of events due to poor reporting. … There were no significant differences in adverse events reported.1,2 Response to Public Comment A draft
    September 20, 2022 - Pharmacologic interventions may result in adverse events, while psychological interventions are likely … events. … Evidence demonstrated an increase in nonserious harms (defined as any adverse events and withdrawals … due to adverse events). … Serious adverse events were rare and data were insufficient to determine whether pharmacotherapy increased
    June 18, 2014 - However, trials found no difference in the risk for serious adverse events or the number of participants … In addition, most antiviral adverse events are self-limited with discontinuation of therapy. … events (12 trials; RR, 0.8 [CI, 0.6 to 1.1]; I 2 = 0%) or any adverse event (7 trials; RR, 0.96 [CI … Studies did show an increased risk for withdrawal due to adverse events (9 trials; RR, 4.0 [CI, 1.4 to … events (RR, 2.1 [CI, 1.0 to 4.5]; I 2 = 0%), withdrawals due to adverse events (RR, 7.6 [CI, 1.1 to
    June 18, 2014 - However, trials found no difference in the risk for serious adverse events or the number of participants … In addition, most antiviral adverse events are self-limited with discontinuation of therapy. … events (12 trials; RR, 0.8 [CI, 0.6 to 1.1]; I 2 = 0%) or any adverse event (7 trials; RR, 0.96 [CI … Studies did show an increased risk for withdrawal due to adverse events (9 trials; RR, 4.0 [CI, 1.4 to … events (RR, 2.1 [CI, 1.0 to 4.5]; I 2 = 0%), withdrawals due to adverse events (RR, 7.6 [CI, 1.1 to
    September 13, 2022 - In 1 study, gastrointestinal adverse events were more commonly reported by those taking metformin than … Gastrointestinal adverse events, infections, and muscle aches and pains were less common among youths … adverse events, and lactic acidosis (Table 3). … Gastrointestinal Adverse Events Gastrointestinal adverse events were common in both studies. … Other Adverse Events Both studies reported other adverse events; types of events re- ported (and definitions

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