June 01, 2018 - These measures generally represent rates of adverse events or deaths.
January 12, 2021 - Any patient using LtOT, regardless of dose, has a risk of adverse events, including overdose;
July 05, 2023 - Diagnostic Excellence, Mea-
sure Dx: A Resource To Identify, Analyze, and Learn From
Diagnostic Safety Events … If incentives are too
detailed, prescriptive, or misaligned, they may have adverse
effects on clinician
November 01, 2019 - respiratory), obstetric
shock, pulmonary embolism, amniotic embolism, eclampsia, septicemia, cardiac events … Additional studies suggest
that on the continuum of care to adverse pregnancy outcomes, there are a … Inadequate physician supervision is an important cause of adverse events around
October 01, 2019 - respiratory), obstetric shock, pulmonary
embolism, amniotic embolism, eclampsia, septicemia, cardiac events … Additional studies suggest that on
the continuum of care to adverse pregnancy outcomes, there are a … Inadequate physician supervision is an important cause
of adverse events around delivery.
May 01, 2018 - respiratory), obstetric shock, pulmonary
embolism, amniotic embolism, eclampsia, septicemia, cardiac events … Additional
studies suggest that on the continuum of care to adverse pregnancy outcomes, there are a … Inadequate physician supervision is an important cause of adverse events around delivery.
September 01, 2019 - respiratory), obstetric
shock, pulmonary embolism, amniotic embolism, eclampsia, septicemia, cardiac events … Additional studies suggest
that on the continuum of care to adverse pregnancy outcomes, there are a … Inadequate physician supervision is an important cause of adverse events around
August 01, 2018 - Declines in Hospital-Acquired Conditions from 2014 to 2016
Declines in Hospital-Acquired Conditions from 2014 to 2016 (PDF, 6.9 MB)
Source: AHRQ National Scorecard on Rates of Hospital-Acquired Conditions .
April 01, 2018 - achieve its intended (positive) impact without additionally causing (negative) unintended effects or adverse … Prevailing conditions and events occurring in the external environment that could affect the implementation
January 01, 2025 - The
association between emergency department crowding and adverse cardiovascular
outcomes in patients
February 01, 2005 - Behind the Scenes: Patient Safety in the Operating Room and Central Materiel Service During Deployments
Behind the Scenes: Patient Safety in
the Operating Room and Central
Materiel Service During Deployments
Elizabeth A. P. Vane, Edward Drost, Daryl Elder, Yvonne Heib
The United States Army per…
January 28, 2011 - to longer-term benefits including:1
• Better health outcomes for patients
• Reduced errors and adverse … events
• Increased patient loyalty
• Reduced risk of malpractice
• Increased employee satisfaction … The
object is to promote learning
from these types of events
with the goal of identifying
opportunities … When patients and
families serve as advisors, there may be events or circumstances that prevent them … Many hospitals use a process called root-cause analysis to illuminate the
events and decisions that
February 02, 2010 - Study Rationale
Communication failures continue to be the most frequently cited “root cause” of adverse … events
reported to The Joint Commission (personal communication, Margaret VanAmringe, February 2, … accurately
and consistently portray the clinical role and also respond appropriately to unexpected turns of events
October 22, 2019 - time was explicitly
represented by a clock and simulation steps had to account for the number of time events … states, the model computes a set of
T discrete times based on the total number of times when change events … probability that
medical practitioners will hear the alarms, respond to them appropriately, and thus avoid adverse
January 01, 2024 - time was explicitly
represented by a clock and simulation steps had to account for the number of time events … states, the model computes a set of
T discrete times based on the total number of times when change events … probability that
medical practitioners will hear the alarms, respond to them appropriately, and thus avoid adverse
January 01, 2024 - Study Rationale
Communication failures continue to be the most frequently cited “root cause” of adverse … events
reported to The Joint Commission (personal communication, Margaret VanAmringe, February 2, … accurately
and consistently portray the clinical role and also respond appropriately to unexpected turns of events
April 01, 2018 - Intake information collected: antibiotics taken, previous anesthesia experiences, allergies, recent events
July 01, 2024 - these errors contribute to
approximately 10 percent of patient deaths and 6-17 percent of hospital adverse … events.4
The National Academy of Medicine (NAM) defines diagnostic errors as the failure to establish … Serious misdiagnosis-related harms in malpractice claims: the “Big
Three”–vascular events, infections
January 01, 2017 - findings, the authors could not conclude that protective mechanical ventilation prevents some of the adverse … There was no evidence that protective mechanical ventilation prevents some of the adverse effects of
July 01, 2017 - These measures generally represent rates of adverse events or deaths.