September 01, 2008 - possibility of classifying more than one situation or event, only the single cause of injury, poisoning, or adverse
February 01, 2024 - population in a particular year is
viewed as a random sample that resulted from a specific set of random events … drawn from
an underlying superpopulation of similar random events that might have occurred. … of records
o Restricted release of age in years
o Restricted release of medical misadventure or adverse … • At least one Partner prohibits the release of medical misadventure or adverse
reaction cause
November 01, 2024 - population in a particular year is
viewed as a random sample that resulted from a specific set of random events … drawn from
an underlying superpopulation of similar random events that might have occurred. … of records
o Restricted release of age in years
o Restricted release of medical misadventure or adverse … • At least one Partner prohibits the release of medical misadventure or adverse
reaction cause
February 01, 2018 - Identification of opioid-related stays and ED visits is based on
all-listed diagnoses and includes events … landing.jsp
• E935.0–E935.2: Heroin, methadone, other opiates and related narcotics causing adverse … effects
in therapeutic use
• E940.1: Opiate antagonists causing adverse effects in therapeutic use
September 01, 2022 - population in a particular year is
viewed as a random sample that resulted from a specific set of random events … drawn from
an underlying superpopulation of similar random events that might have occurred. … of records
o Restricted release of age in years
o Restricted release of medical misadventure or adverse … • At least one Partner prohibits the release of medical misadventure or adverse
reaction cause
September 01, 2021 - population in a particular year is
viewed as a random sample that resulted from a specific set of random events … drawn from
an underlying superpopulation of similar random events that might have occurred. … of records
o Restricted release of age in years
o Restricted release of medical misadventure or adverse … • At least one Partner prohibits the release of medical misadventure or adverse
reaction cause
January 01, 2013 - E Codes: Struck by; against 3,180,729 2.36
2615: E Codes: Suffocation 44,378 0.03
2616: E Codes: Adverse … effects of medical care 1,089,043 0.81
2617: E Codes: Adverse effects of medical drugs 1,625,452 1.21
November 03, 2014 - E Codes: Struck by; against 4,058,626 3.10
2615: E Codes: Suffocation 51,770 0.04
2616: E Codes: Adverse … effects of medical care 1,135,174 0.87
2617: E Codes: Adverse effects of medical drugs 1,860,539 1.42
January 01, 2010 - E Codes: Struck by; against 4,206,024 3.26
2615: E Codes: Suffocation 50,378 0.04
2616: E Codes: Adverse … effects of medical care 1,145,991 0.89
2617: E Codes: Adverse effects of medical drugs 1,829,173 1.42
January 01, 2009 - E Codes: Struck by; against 4,225,301 3.28
2615: E Codes: Suffocation 54,107 0.04
2616: E Codes: Adverse … effects of medical care 1,002,894 0.78
2617: E Codes: Adverse effects of medical drugs 1,801,328 1.40
January 01, 2012 - E Codes: Struck by; against 3,418,633 2.54
2615: E Codes: Suffocation 41,185 0.03
2616: E Codes: Adverse … effects of medical care 1,003,673 0.75
2617: E Codes: Adverse effects of medical drugs 1,589,550 1.18
January 01, 2011 - E Codes: Struck by; against 4,084,953 3.12
2615: E Codes: Suffocation 52,362 0.04
2616: E Codes: Adverse … effects of medical care 1,164,274 0.89
2617: E Codes: Adverse effects of medical drugs 1,900,942 1.45
January 01, 2020 - Abstinence Syndrome (NAS)
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Events … injury surveillance, trends in emergency department use, correlations between ED use and environmental events … Patient Safety Indicators (PSIs) focus on potentially avoidable complications and adverse events. … www.hcup-us.ahrq.gov/reports.jsp
HCUP Fast Stats: www.hcup-us.ahrq.gov/faststats/landing.jsp
HCUP News and Events
January 01, 2013 - 2614: E Codes: Struck by; against 683,373 2.31
2615: E Codes: Suffocation 9,432 0.03
2616: E Codes: Adverse … effects of medical care 236,799 0.80
2617: E Codes: Adverse effects of medical drugs 358,394 1.21
January 01, 2014 - E Codes: Struck by; against 3,113,748 2.26
2615: E Codes: Suffocation 44,108 0.03
2616: E Codes: Adverse … effects of medical care 1,130,923 0.82
2617: E Codes: Adverse effects of medical drugs 1,527,099 1.11
November 03, 2014 - 2614: E Codes: Struck by; against 888,626 3.09
2615: E Codes: Suffocation 11,242 0.04
2616: E Codes: Adverse … effects of medical care 249,164 0.87
2617: E Codes: Adverse effects of medical drugs 408,288 1.42
January 01, 2009 - 2614: E Codes: Struck by; against 943,646 3.27
2615: E Codes: Suffocation 12,035 0.04
2616: E Codes: Adverse … effects of medical care 226,980 0.79
2617: E Codes: Adverse effects of medical drugs 404,737 1.40
January 01, 2012 - 2614: E Codes: Struck by; against 780,923 2.51
2615: E Codes: Suffocation 9,447 0.03
2616: E Codes: Adverse … effects of medical care 231,777 0.75
2617: E Codes: Adverse effects of medical drugs 365,091 1.17
January 01, 2011 - 2614: E Codes: Struck by; against 912,582 3.10
2615: E Codes: Suffocation 11,598 0.04
2616: E Codes: Adverse … effects of medical care 260,832 0.89
2617: E Codes: Adverse effects of medical drugs 427,286 1.45
January 01, 2010 - 2614: E Codes: Struck by; against 926,271 3.24
2615: E Codes: Suffocation 10,929 0.04
2616: E Codes: Adverse … effects of medical care 252,775 0.88
2617: E Codes: Adverse effects of medical drugs 407,260 1.42