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    January 01, 2016 - HCUP (07/26/2016) 3 Evaluation of E Codes E Codes Used to Identify Injury-Related Events First … misadventure at time of procedure)  E930-E949 (drugs, medicinal, and biological substances causes adverse
    April 01, 2012 - These are referred to as complications or adverse events.
    September 27, 2024 - SMM is associated with a host of adverse maternal and infant health outcomes and increased healthcare … Directly measured costs of severe maternal morbidity events during delivery admission compared with
  4. 2013-01 (pdf file)
    January 01, 2013 - This ensures that these events are not double counted. … This ensures that these events are not double counted. … This ensures that these events are not double counted. … This ensures that these events are not double counted. … This ensures that these events are not double counted.
    January 01, 2006 - conditions) and those that first occur during the hospital stay (i.e., complications or in-hospital adverseevents) is essential in hospital administrative data. … care, post-operative hemorrhage or hematoma), the percent of cases that remained as potential safety events … How Often Are Potential “Patient Safety Events” Present on Admission?
  6. 2015-06 (pdf file)
    January 01, 2015 - conditions) from those that first occur during the hospital stay (complications or in-hospital adverseevents). … This indicator improves the utility of administrative data for identifying patient safety events, improves … AHRQ QIs use the POA indicator in its algorithms for identifying certain patient safety events and … Fokkema et al. concluded that given the uncertain timing of POA events and its apparent underestimation
    December 01, 2016 - Identification of opioid-related stays and visits is based on all- listed diagnoses and includes events … related narcotics • E935.0–E935.2: Heroin, methadone, other opiates and related narcotics causing adverse … effects in therapeutic use • E940.1: Opiate antagonists causing adverse effects in therapeutic use
    June 01, 2017 - Identification of opioid-related stays and visits is based on all-listed diagnoses and includes events … and related narcotics E935.0-E935.2: Heroin, methadone, other opiates and related narcotics causing adverse … effects in therapeutic use E940.1: Opiate antagonists causing adverse effects in therapeutic use
    May 01, 2015 - possibility of classifying more than one situation or event, only the single cause of injury, poisoning, or adverse
    December 01, 2016 - Identification of opioid- related stays and visits is based on all-listed diagnoses and includes events … related narcotics • E935.0–E935.2: Heroin, methadone, other opiates and related narcotics causing adverse … effects in therapeutic use • E940.1: Opiate antagonists causing adverse effects in therapeutic use
    April 09, 2010 - E Codes: Struck by; against 4,293,976 3.51 2615: E Codes: Suffocation 47,099 0.04 2616: E Codes: Adverse … effects of medical care 880,625 0.72 2617: E Codes: Adverse effects of medical drugs 1,561,007 1.28
    January 01, 2007 - E Codes: Struck by; against 4,242,645 3.47 2615: E Codes: Suffocation 46,115 0.04 2616: E Codes: Adverse … effects of medical care 887,124 0.73 2617: E Codes: Adverse effects of medical drugs 1,506,366 1.23
    January 01, 2008 - E Codes: Struck by; against 4,245,825 3.40 2615: E Codes: Suffocation 48,532 0.04 2616: E Codes: Adverse … effects of medical care 1,002,493 0.80 2617: E Codes: Adverse effects of medical drugs 1,754,859 1.40
    January 01, 2008 - 2614: E Codes: Struck by; against 962,782 3.38 2615: E Codes: Suffocation 10,910 0.04 2616: E Codes: Adverse … effects of medical care 229,040 0.81 2617: E Codes: Adverse effects of medical drugs 404,642 1.42
    April 09, 2010 - 2614: E Codes: Struck by; against 930,069 3.49 2615: E Codes: Suffocation 10,093 0.04 2616: E Codes: Adverse … effects of medical care 192,919 0.72 2617: E Codes: Adverse effects of medical drugs 342,739 1.29
    January 01, 2007 - 2614: E Codes: Struck by; against 933,537 3.46 2615: E Codes: Suffocation 10,045 0.04 2616: E Codes: Adverse … effects of medical care 197,051 0.73 2617: E Codes: Adverse effects of medical drugs 335,415 1.24
    April 08, 2010 - 2614: E Codes: Struck by; against 933834 3.63 2615: E Codes: Suffocation 12128 0.05 2616: E Codes: Adverse … effects of medical care 168153 0.65 2617: E Codes: Adverse effects of medical drugs 316341 1.23 2618
    January 01, 2006 - 2614: E Codes: Struck by; against 937330 3.61 2615: E Codes: Suffocation 12125 0.05 2616: E Codes: Adverse … effects of medical care 162897 0.63 2617: E Codes: Adverse effects of medical drugs 320267 1.23 2618
    September 01, 2008 - possibility of classifying more than one situation or event, only the single cause of injury, poisoning, or adverse
    January 01, 2021 - in a particular year is viewed as a random sample that resulted from a specific set of random events … drawn from an underlying superpopulation of similar random events that might have occurred … records Restricted release of age in years Restricted release of medical misadventure or adverse … At least one Partner prohibits the release of medical misadventure or adverse reaction cause

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