May 26, 2016 - TEP Reviewer
Methods The criterion for eligible long-term studies of adverse events (> 1 year) … comparison group, there is really no way to know
whether the increasing rates of adverse events are … We changed the
wording to ‘adverse events’ to clarify that we
do not know if they can be attributed … cardiovascular
adverse effects.. … events.
July 19, 2013 - events for patients with HAP, which may result in lower health care costs. … Rates of antibiotic-related adverse events? … Rates of antibiotic-related adverse events? … Question 3
Does the evidence for morbidity, mortality, antibiotic-related adverse events, clinical … events, case-control studies and retrospective cohorts will also be included
Nonsystematic reviews
November 01, 2011 - We believe “Adverse events” to be an accurate
description of the information contained in the
Table … Note that given the
lack of any follow-up information from the majority
of studies, other adverse events … We have also expanded the description of
adverse events in the main text. … The
examples provide indeed constitute adverse
events that occurred during the image acquisition
process … False negatives are
not considered as adverse events associated with
March 01, 2012 - events (primarily cough). … ACE
inhibitor or
due to adverse
High (ACE
inhibitor vs. … events. … In addition,
adverse events (including, but not limited to, weight gain, impaired renal function, angioedema … These studies reported
additional data on blood pressure lowering, adverse events, and cough, but with
February 04, 2014 - Evidence was insufficient to draw relative
conclusions on survival or tumor control; adverse events … events. … Other tools used to assess
adverse events include the Subjective, Objective, Management, Analytic (SOMA … Outcomes:
KQ 1, 3 & 4:
Final outcomes: QoL and adverse events including; radiation induced toxicities … Also,
adverse events such as radiation-associated xerostomia and salivary dysfunction, dysphagia,
May 01, 2012 - However, adverse
events, especially irritability and moodiness, can lead to discontinuation, and use … Few serious adverse events were noted. … Fewer
individuals discontinue psychostimulants and ATX than guanfacine XR due to adverse events. … We have identified key clinical and adverse events outcomes
as reported in the draft review, which is … Among individuals ages 6 years or older with ADHD, what are the adverse events and
noncompliance rates
February 19, 2010 - Outcomes: The outcomes are broken up into adverse events (e.g., failure to deploy the device or
remove … Adverse events, harms and safety issues reported
Question 3:
What are the variables associated with … The outcomes
are broken up into adverse events, intermediate outcomes, and final health outcomes. … The
adverse events of note include failure of the device to employ, breakage or fracture, perforation … outcomes
Barthel Index
Patients with
April 02, 2015 - Adverse events:
What adverse effects are related to n-3 FA intake or biomarker concentrations (in studies … What adverse events are reported specifically among people with CVD or diabetes (in studies of CVD outcomes … Exclude n-3 FA dose ≥6 g/day (except for adverse events)
Exclude weight loss interventions
Comparators … outcomes, adverse events)
Prospective cohort (single group) studies, where groups are compared based … or/1-23
Cardiovascular diseases, risk factors, adverse events
April 02, 2015 - Adverse events:
• What adverse effects are related to n-3 FA intake or biomarker concentrations
( … • What adverse events are reported specifically among people with CVD or
diabetes (in studies of CVD … • Exclude n-3 FA dose ≥6 g/day (except for adverse events)
Source: www.effectivehealthcare.ahrq.gov … (clinical outcomes, adverse
• Prospective cohort (single group) studies, where groups are … events
26. atherosclero$.mp.
December 02, 2009 - Abstract
Bayesian data mining methods have been used to evaluate drug safety signals from adverse … Rofecoxib use was associated with acute cerebrovascular events (Empirical Bayes Geometric Mean ratio
January 20, 2015 - The risks and adverse events of the drugs are well-understood and include symptomatic hypotension, myalgia … What adverse events and complications have been associated with aggressive medical therapy or renal artery … , including flash pulmonary edema (including hospitalization)
Other cardiovascular events (cardiac, … cerebrovascular, peripheral vascular)
Adverse events (eg, post-procedure in-hospital or 30-day deaths … , peri- and post-procedure events, drug reactions)
≥6 months (except adverse events) (≥12
June 10, 2013 - stratify the findings of the previous review, as well as any newly included studies on efficacy and adverse … or symptoms
Cerebrovascular events
Peripheral vascular events or symptoms
Cardiovascular death … Mortality, all cause
Bone health, clinical outcomes
Falls or muscle strength
Adverse … mortality
Cancer and cancer-specific mortality
Renal outcomes
Soft tissue calcification
(Other) adverse … For upper limit (adverse event [AE]) outcomes, we will include any adverse effects of high intake in
November 04, 2013 - commonly perform meta-analyses of sensitivity and specificity to summarize medical test performance, or of adverse … or harmful events.
February 19, 2014 - imaging modalities and biopsies
Outcome(s): Morbidity, mortality, hospitalizations, occurrence of adverse … events, and
quality of life
Key Questions Key Question #1: What is the comparative effectiveness … The associated costs and adverse
clinical outcomes are of particular concern due to the size of the
April 11, 2011 - , and heart failure as well as increased morbidity associated with nonfatal
cardiovascular disease events … , mortality, patient
satisfaction, quality of life, and adverse events related to antihypertensive agents … o Adverse events related to treatment with antihypertensive agents (e.g.,
hypotensive episodes or orthostatic … Abbreviations: AE = adverse events; BP = blood pressure; CVD = cardiovascular disease; KQ =
key question … , patient
satisfaction, quality of life, and adverse events related to hypertension treatment).
June 01, 2014 - However, experts noted that patients would likely be concerned about potential adverse
events. … The researchers also reported that the most common adverse
events “included headache (35%), nausea … (31%), and abdominal pain (25%); 7 patients withdrew
because of adverse events (gastrointestinal disorders … events observed; one expert representing a research perspective stated that although
teduglutide “ … events.”28
Disruption to health care infrastructure and staffing are less likely, the experts thought
August 05, 2010 - events associated with this therapy.** Given the lack of efficacy, effectiveness, and safety data, as … While we agree there might be benefits to investigating serious and rare adverse events in an hypothesis … Further, data will be extracted as number of patients with an event (as opposed to number of events) … to ensure only one event is recorded per patient, in the case the same patient experiences multiple events … For rare outcomes, only studies with events recorded will be included in combined estimates.
January 31, 2013 - cardiovascular events, functional capacity, and quality of life. … What are the significant safety concerns associated with each treatment strategy
(e.g., adverse drug … What are the significant safety concerns associated with each treatment strategy
(e.g., adverse drug … What are the significant safety concerns associated with each treatment strategy
(e.g., adverse drug … The safety outcomes
will be framed to help identify adverse events, including adverse drug reactions
February 11, 2014 - diabetes mellitus due to gestational diabetes mellitus (Chen et al. 2014 CIS-T&M), and comparing risks of adverse … events between tricyclic antidepressants treatment arms in clinical trials (Chen et al. 2013 SBR).
December 01, 2014 - However, experts
noted that patients would likely be concerned about potential adverse events. … The researchers also reported that the most common adverse
events “included headache (35%), nausea … (31%), and abdominal pain (25%); 7 patients withdrew
because of adverse events (gastrointestinal disorders … events observed; one expert representing a research perspective stated that although
teduglutide “ … events.”36
Disruption to health care infrastructure and staffing are less likely, the experts thought